The newly discovered clay treasure pot from Bulgaria’s Kaliakra Fortress is full of 14th century Tatar plunder. Photos: National Museum of History
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of September 2018.
The Top 20 stories are ranked by number of reads, from the highest to the lowest. Not all of these articles were written in the month of September 2018 as archive stories also figure prominently among the top ones rather often.
#1. Decline of Bulgarian, Byzantine Empires before Ottoman Conquest Revealed by Tatar Plunder Treasure Pot from Black Sea Fortress Kaliakra
#2. Statue Head of Roman Emperor Aurelian, Unknown Colonnade Found in Ancient Rome’s Danube Colony Ulpia Oscus in North Bulgaria
#3. Smallest Ancient Thracian Brick Tomb Found near Bulgaria’s Rozovo, Thoroughly Looted by Treasure Hunters
#4. Gladiator Fight Relief Discovered in Ancient Roman City of Nicopolis ad Istrum near Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo
#5. 14th Century ‘Poor People’s Quarter’ Discovered in Ancient, Medieval Rock City Perperikon in Southern Bulgaria
#6. 6 Amazing Artifacts with Ancient Greek Mythology Scenes Discovered in Bulgaria
#7. Archaeologists Find Thracian, Byzantine Settlements, Medieval Monastery on Bulgaria’s St. Thomas Island in Black Sea
#8. First Ever Gold Coin Found in Bulgaria’s Lyutitsa Fortress, of Byzantine (Nicaean) Emperor John III Ducas Vatatzes
#9. Archaeologists Discover Perfectly Preserved 2000-Year-Old Roman Ship, 20 Other Shipwrecks in Black Sea Off Bulgaria’s Coast
#10. Altar of Destiny Goddess Tyche with Demosthenes Epigram Inscription Found in Ancient Roman City Nicopolis ad Istrum in Bulgaria
#11. Roman Magistrate’s Statue from ca. 100 AD Found by Archaeologists in Ancient City Heraclea Sintica in Southwest Bulgaria
#12. Archaeologists Identify Battlefield of 251 AD Roman-Goth Battle of Abritus near Bulgaria’s Dryanovets
#13. Treasure Hunters Found 5th Century BC Thracian King’s Burial worth USD 60 Million Back in 2002, Report Says
#14. Decagonal Roman Fortress Tower from Ancient Bononia Unearthed in Bulgaria’s Danube City Vidin
#15. ‘Unusually Tall’ Skeleton, Severed Arm Found in 4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Burial Mound near Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast
#16. 13th Century Woman Buried in Bulgaria’s Rahovets Fortress Had 12,000-Year-Old Gene Mutation of Europe’s Last Hunter-Gatherers
#17. Archaeologists Find 7,500-Year-Old Cult Complex, ‘Europe’s Largest Stone Building’ in Island Prehistoric Settlement in Bulgaria’s Durankulak Lake
#18. Bulgaria’s Razlog Unveils Restoration of 2nd Century BC Reliefs from Ancient Thracian Sun Shrine
#19. Archaeologists Discover 4,000-Year-Old Port from Ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia near Iraq’s Nasiriyah
#20. Bulgaria Celebrates 110th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Empire
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