Top 50: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in Calendar Year 2018
Following are the 50 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the calendar year of 2018.

Top 20: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in December 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the month of December 2018.

New Board Game Pits Archaeologists against Treasure Hunters in Archaeological Sites All across Bulgaria
A new board entitled “Archaeologists vs. Treasure Hunters”, which pits the two groups against one another on a map featuring some of Bulgaria’s most remarkable archaeological sites, has been developed and released by a group of archaeologists.

2,500-Year-Old ‘Metallurgical Plant’ at Ancient Copper Mine Discovered near Bulgaria’s Black Sea Town Sozopol
An ancient metallurgical plant from the 6th century BC located at an Antiquity copper mine has been discovered by archaeologists during rescue excavations near the Black Sea town of Sozopol in Southeast Bulgaria, the successor of the Ancient Greek colony…

3,200-Year-Old Cyclopean Masonry Fortress Found in South Bulgaria, Shows Ancient Thrace Was Part of Mycenaean Civilization
An ancient fortress which is 3,000 – 3,200 years old and was built with the so called Cyclopean masonry has been found by archaeologists in Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains, near the town of Zlatograd and the border with Greece, and is…

Bulgaria’s Aquae Calidae, ‘Most Visited Spa Resort in Eastern Europe in Past 2,000 Years’, to Mark 10 Years of Archaeological Excavations
The ancient spa resort Aquae Calidae (called Thermopolis in the Middle Ages) in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Burgas – described as “Eastern Europe’s most visited spa resort in the past 2,000 years – marks this summer the 10th anniversary…

2,500-Year-Old Sunken Ancient Greek Ship Used to Sail to Crimea Discovered in Ukraine’s Black Sea Waters
An approximately 2,500-year-old sunken Ancient Greek ship, likely the oldest known in the Northern Black Sea, and used by the Ancient Greeks to sail to the Crimean Peninsula, has been discovered by underwater archaeologists in the Black Sea near Ukraine’s…

Inscription Granting Roman Man ‘Front Row Seat Right’, Main Façade of Antiquity Odeon Discovered in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A fragment from a statue of a prominent Ancient Roman citizen who had been granted “proedria”, i.e. the right of occupying the front row of seats next to the orchestra at the dramatic performances, has been discovered during the excavations…

Archaeologists Find Gild Mosaic Cubes in Agathopolis on Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast, Prove It Was Older than Known
Two small gold-coated mosaic cubes, also known as tesserae, from the Early Christian period are the most interesting find from the 2018 summer excavations in the ancient Black Sea town of Agathopolis near today’s Bulgarian town of Ahtopol, according to…

Archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov: Destruction of Europe’s Chalcolithic Civilization Shows the Stronger Triumps over the Smarter in World History (Interview Part 2)
Ventsislav (“Ventsi”) Gergov is a Bulgarian archaeologist. He was born in Iskar, Pleven District, in 1946. He majored in archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, and joined the team of the Pleven Regional Museum of History…

Archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov: Chalcolithic Civilization from 7,000 Years Ago Was the Height of Southeast Europe, Bulgaria (Interview, Part 1)
Ventsislav (“Ventsi”) Gergov is a Bulgarian archaeologist. He was born in Iskar, Pleven District, in 1946. He majored in archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, and joined the team of the Pleven Regional Museum of History…

Second Tortoise Shell Found in Roman Tomb in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv, Deemed Linked with God Hermes, Ancient Afterlife Beliefs
The shell of a second tortoise have been found inside the Ancient Roman tomb, which has recently been discovered on the campus of the Medical University in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, after the original tortoise discovery baffled the…

ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com Reaches 5,000 Fans on Facebook
On Saturday, May 12, 2018, ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com has reached the milestone of 5,000 fans on Facebook!

First Ever Traces of Roman Military Presence in Poland Discovered by Archaeologists in Kujawy Region
The first ever evidence of the presence of the Ancient Roman military, i.e. the Roman Empire, on the territory of today’s Poland has been discovered by archaeologists in the Kujawy (Kuyavia) Region the in central part of the country.

Archaeologists Find 1st Century AD Roman Triumphal Arch from Ancient Philipopolis in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
The two foundations of what appears to have been a huge triumphal arch built by the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD in the ancient city of Philipopolis (Trimontium) has been discovered by archaeologists carrying out rescue excavations in…

Museum of Sofia History Shows Latest Finds from Bulgaria’s Capital in 4th Annual ‘Archaeology of Sofia Region’ Exhibition
The Museum of Sofia History, a municipal cultural institute of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, also formally known as the Sofia Regional Museum of History, has unveiled its 4th annual exhibition presenting the latest archaeological from the city and its urban…

Ancient Thrace Was Gradually Taken Over by Ancient Greek, Greco-Roman Sports Culture, Reveals New Exhibition at Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology
Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia has unveiled a new large-scale exhibition presenting “Sports in Ancient Thrace” with a wide-range of archaeological artifacts dating from the Iron Age to the Late Antiquity.

Visitors Flocking to See Bulgaria’s Exhibition of Ancient Thracian Gold from Zlatinitsa – Malomirovo Treasure in Poland’s Capital Warsaw
A “long line of visitors” formed for the opening of an exhibition of part of the 4th century BC Zlatinitsa – Malomirovo Treasure, one of Bulgaria’s numerous stunning treasures from Ancient Thrace, opened by Bulgaria and Poland in the Royal…

ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com Publishes Its 1,000th News Article
On Tuesday, May 1, 2018, ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com has published its news article No. 1,000! Our 1,000th news article happens to be one about an intriguing recent discovery made by Bulgarian archaeologists, not unlike so many more of our other articles: 303…

Bulgaria Opens Exhibition of Ancient Thracian Gold from Zlatinitsa – Malomirovo Treasure in Royal Lazienki Museum in Poland’s Capital Warsaw
An exhibition of part of the 4th century BC Zlatinitsa – Malomirovo Treasure, one of Bulgaria’s numerous stunning treasures from Ancient Thrace, has been opened by Bulgaria and Poland in the Royal Lazienki Museum in the Polish capital Warsaw.

303 AD Inscription Dedicated to Emperor Diocletian over Tetrarchy in Roman Empire Discovered by Archaeologists in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
An ancient inscription glorifying Roman Emperor Diocletian (r. 284 – 305 AD) after he introduced the so called Tetrarchy system of government in the Roman Empire has been discovered by archaeologists during rescue excavations in the southern Bulgarian city of…

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in April 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of April 2018. The Top 20 stories are ranked by number of reads, from the highest to the lowest. Not all of them were written…

Bulgaria to Show Thracian Gold Treasure from Zlatinitsa – Malomirovo in ‘Insignia of Power’ Exhibition in Lazienki Museum in Poland
Part of one of Bulgaria’s numerous stunning treasures from Ancient Thrace, the 4th century BC Zlatinitsa – Malomirovo Treasure, is going to be showcased in an exhibition entitled “Insignia of Power” in the Royal Lazienki Museum in Poland’s capital Warsaw.

Archaeologists Discover Residence of Early Christian Bishop of Ancient Roman City Pautalia in Bulgaria’s Kyustendil
Archaeologists in the city of Kyustendil in Western Bulgaria have unearthed a Late Antiquity / Late Roman building which is believed to have been the residence of the Early Christian bishop of the large Ancient Roman city of Pautalia.

Museum of Sofia History to Open Its 4th Annual ‘Archaeology of Sofia Region’ Exhibition with Latest Finds from Bulgaria’s Capital
The Museum of Sofia History, a municipal cultural institute of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, also formally known as the Sofia Regional Museum of History, is set to open its 4th annual exhibition showcasing the latest archaeological discoveries in the city…

8 Marvelous Artifacts from Exotic Places Discovered by Archaeologists in Bulgaria Recently and How They Got There
Some of the most stunning archaeological finds are artifacts which were discovered at a certain location but originated in distant, and, to put it that way, exotic places, having somehow made their way thousands of kilometers or miles away in…

Puzzling Burial with Tortoise Shell Discovered in Ancient Roman Tomb on Medical University Campus in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A perplexing ancient burial in which a tortoise was laid right next to the head of the buried person has been found by archaeologists inside the Ancient Roman tomb, which has recently been discovered by accident on the campus of…

Archeologists Find Rare 12th Century Lusterware Pottery from Medieval Egypt in Building with Rich Murals, Reveal Medieval Streets in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A very rare piece of lusterware, a type of pottery, made in medieval Egypt in the 12th – 13th century AD, has been discovered in a medieval building richly decorated with colorful murals during rescue excavations in the southern Bulgarian…

Ancient Roman Tomb Discovered by Accident in Medical University in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
An Ancient Roman tomb from the 1st – 3rd century AD has been discovered by accident in the campus of the Medical University in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv.

Official Catalog of 2017 Bulgarian Archaeology Exhibition Released by Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology
Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia has released the official print catalog for 11th annual “Bulgarian Archaeology” exhibition which has showcased for the first time some of the most intriguing artifacts discovered across the country during the…

Archaeologists Find Traces of 251 AD Invasion of Roman Empire by Goths during Digs at Antiquity Odeon in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
Archaeologists have unearthed part of an unknown Roman Era public building in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv which bears traces from the Invasion of the Roman Empire by the Goths in 250-251 AD when the Goths went as far…

Latest Finds from Nebet Tepe Fortress in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv: Roman Fortress Tower, Bronze Horse Harness Appliques, 2,000-Year-Old Wheat Barrel
A number of intriguing archaeological structures and artifacts have been found during the 2017 excavations of the Ancient Thracian and Ancient Roman Nebet Tepe Fortress in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, including a previously unknown Roman fortress tower, a…

Latest Discoveries in Nebet Tepe Fortress Cast Doubt on Status of Bulgaria’s Plovdiv as Oldest City in Europe
The latest excavations of the Ancient Thracian and Ancient Roman Nebet Tepe Fortress in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv have revealed issues with earlier archaeological research casting doubt on whether Plovdiv indeed was the oldest city in Europe, while…

Archaeologist Indignant over Damage Done by Tourists, Locals to Ancient, Medieval Nebet Tepe Fortress in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
Lead archaeologist Sofiya Hristeva has called for ending the unlimited access of tourists and locals to the Ancient Thracian and Ancient Roman Nebet Tepe Fortress in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv because of the damages caused constantly to the…

Hoard of Byzantine Gold Coins Showcased Where Found, in Ancient Spa Resort Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis in Bulgaria’s Black Sea City Burgas
A small hoard of Byzantine gold coins, which was discovered back in 2012 during the excavations of the ancient spa resort Aquae Calidae (called Thermopolis in the Middle Ages) in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Burgas, have now been showcased…