10 Stunning Facts about the Archaeology and History Riches of Bulgaria
We at ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com have been on a mission for a while now to acquaint readers around the world the incredible archaeological, historical, and cultural heritage of Bulgaria (as well as other, global topics) in a journalistic fashion that is both…

Ancient Panacea Theriac Meddled ‘Successfully’ in One of the Last Wars of the Bulgarian and Byzantine Empires in 1323
Theriac is a legendary heal-all from the Antiquity and the Middle Ages, whose panacea effects seem doubtful, including because it was often forged, but which nonetheless made a supposedly “successful” appearance in 1323, in one of the last episodes of…

Hoard of Byzantine Gold Coins Showcased Where Found, in Ancient Spa Resort Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis in Bulgaria’s Black Sea City Burgas
A small hoard of Byzantine gold coins, which was discovered back in 2012 during the excavations of the ancient spa resort Aquae Calidae (called Thermopolis in the Middle Ages) in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Burgas, have now been showcased…