Construction Workers Busting Ruins of Ancient Thracian and Roman City Serdica in Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia, Report Says
Construction workers rehabilitating part of the downtown of the Bulgarian capital Sofia seem to be damaging the ruins of the Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Serdica, a newspaper report alarms.

Durostorum – Drastar Archaeological Preserve in Bulgaria’s Silistra Remains Victim of Neglect Despite New Discoveries, Critics Say
The fate of the Archaeological and Architectural Preserve “Durostorum – Drastar” in the Bulgarian Danube city of Silistra will continue to fall prey of institutional neglect in spite of the latest archaeological discoveries, including the previously unknown outer wall of…

Construction Workers Stumble Upon Late Antiquity Roman Building in Bulgaria’s Sapareva Banya
Construction workers have come across the remains of an Ancient Roman building from the Late Antiquity on a private property in the southwestern Bulgarian town of Sapareva Banya.

Archaeologists Find Huge Prehistoric Homes Burned Deliberately by Dwellers at Early Neolithic City in Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
Huge two-storey houses which were deliberately set on fire by their inhabitants have been unearthed at the 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic site excavated by Bulgarian archaeologists near the town of Mursalevo, Kocherinovo Municipality, in Southwest Bulgaria.
Archaeologists Fail to Find Necropolis in Rescue Excavation of Late Medieval Grave in Bulgaria’s Yambol
Despite some expectations no necropolis has been unearthed in the rescue excavations of a grave from the Late Middle Ages which was found by accident by construction works 3 months ago in the downtown of the city of Yambol in…
Archaeologists Discover Late Neolithic Graves in Prehistoric Settlement in Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
Several graves from the Late Neolithic period have been discovered by the archaeologists conducting the rescue excavations of the 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic city near Mursalevo in Southwest Bulgaria.

Archaeologists Discover Main Aqueduct of Ancient Odessos during Rescue Excavations in Bulgaria’s Varna
Bulgarian archaeologists have discovered the main aqueduct which brought water into the Ancient Thracian, Greek, and Roman city of Odessos (Odessus), the predecessor of today’s Black Sea city of Varna, during the Late Antiquity period.

Construction Workers Stumble Upon Ancient Roman Wall in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
Construction workers laying water supply and sewage pipes in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv have stumbled upon an Ancient Roman wall, possibly the western wall of the Forum of ancient Philipopolis, and have even managed to damage it.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find 3rd Skeleton in Ancient Thracian Child Sacrifice Pit, Enlist Scottish Osteoarchaeologist for Research
The skeleton of a third child sacrificed by Ancient Thracians has been discovered by Bulgarian archaeologists in the same ritual pit at the prehistoric site near Bulgaria’s Mursalevo where last week they found the remains of two Thracian child skeletons.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Ancient Thracian Child Sacrifice during Excavations of Early Neolithic City at Mursalevo
Archaeologists conduct the rescue excavations at the the 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic city at Mursalevo in Southwest Bulgaria, which also contains ritual pits from the time of Ancient Thrace, have discovered the remains of two children sacrificed by the Ancient Thracians.
Archaeologists Resume Rescue Excavations of 8,000-Year-Old Prehistoric Settlement near Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
A team of Bulgarian archaeologists has resumed the rescue excavations of the unique Early Neolithic settlement near the southwestern town of Mursalevo, Kocherinovo Municipality, which they discovered in April-May 2015 as they were carrying out rescue digs along the route…

Ancient Roman Villa Discovered during Stadium Construction in Bulgaria’s Sozopol
An Ancient Roman residential building has been discovered in the Bulgarian Black Sea resort town of Sozopol during the construction of the parking lot of a new stadium.
Construction Workers Come Across Medieval Graves near Archaeology Museum in Bulgaria’s Yambol
Two graves from the Late Middle Ages have been uncovered by construction workers employed on the rehabilitation of the downtown of the southeastern Bulgarian city of Yambol.

Roman Tomb Forgotten by Archaeologists (Re)discovered by Workers in Bulgaria’s Varna
An Ancient Roman tomb located in the very downtown of the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Varna has been discovered by accident during construction works by workers rehabilitating the water pipes and sewers of the central city square.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Freeze Rescue Excavations of Newly Found Early Neolithic Settlement near Mursalevo
The team of Bulgarian archaeologists conducting rescue digs at the Early Neolithic settlement near Mursalevo, which they found in May 2014, has frozen its excavations along the route of the Struma Highway for the winter period.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Discover Early Neolithic Settlement in Highway Construction Rescue Excavations
A unique Early Neothlithic settlement dating to about 5,800 BC has been discovered by a team of Bulgarian archaeologists led by Prof. Vasil Nikolov, who are conducting rescue excavations near the town of Mursalevo, Kocherinovo Municipality, in Southwest Bulgaria, along…