‘Economic’ Section of 5,000-Year-Old Settlement with а Dozen Kilns Found in Central Bulgarian Valley
A nearly 5,000-year-old prehistoric settlement, or, rather, its “economic” and production section, with close to a dozen kilns has been discovered by archaeologists in the Karlovo Valley in Central Bulgaria.

5th Century BC Ancient Greek Shrine Discovered in First Ever Excavations on Tiny St. Peter Island off Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast near Sozopol
An Antiquity shrine from the 5th century BC, the time of the Ancient Greek colonization of Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast, has been discovered during the first ever archaeological excavations on the tiny St. Petar / St. Peter Island off the…

Zealandia, Giant Landmass under New Zealand, Could Be Planet Earth’s 8th Continent
Zealandia, an enormous landmass in the Southwest Pacific Ocean whose highest mountains are the islands of New Zealand and New Caledonia, could be recognized as the Earth’s 8th continent.

Lost Continent from Gondwana, Mauritia, Lurking in Indian Ocean underneath Mauritius, Scientists Find
The existence of “Mauritia”, a “lost continent” from the Gondwana in the Indian Ocean underneath the island of Mauritius, has been established by researchers from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.