Unknown Roman Quarter in Outskirts of Ancient Philipopolis Discovered by Accident in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A previously unknown but wholly preserved Ancient Roman residential quarter has been discovered by accident in the city of Plovdiv in Southern Bulgaria, after the illegal demolition of a beautiful early 20th century house – leading to rescue archaeological excavations.

Unknown Ancient Roman Thermae Discovered by Accident in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A previously unknown building of Ancient Roman thermae (public baths) has been discovered during the construction of a residential building in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, the successor of ancient Philipopolis.

Yailata Archaeological Preserve on Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast Finally Rescued from Construction Investors
The Yailata Archaeological Preserve on Bulgaria’s Northern Black Sea coast, which features historical monuments dating back to the period from the 5th millennium BC to the 11th century AD, has been rescued from construction investors as an illegally built structure…