Dabene Gold Treasure – Dabene, Karlovo, Bulgaria
The Dabene Gold Treasure is a vast Early Bronze Age treasure dating back to the second half of the 3rd millennium BC, more specifically to the period between 2,450 BC and 2,100 BC.

Bulgaria’s Karlovo Municipality to Turn 6th Century BC Ancient Thracian City with Royal Residence into Cultural Tourism Site
An Ancient Thracian city from the 6th-5th century BC containing the royal residence of a Thracian king, whose ruins are located near the town of Vasil Levski in Central Bulgaria, is to be restored and opened for visitors by Karlovo…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Seek ‘Monument of Culture’ Status for ‘Lead Mosque’ After First Phase of Rescue Excavations
The commission supervising the archaeological excavations of the 15th century Lead Mosque (Kurshum Dzhamiya) in Karlovo, a historical monument from the period of Ottoman Yoke (1396-1878/1912) when Bulgaria was part of the Ottoman Empire, has requested that the site be…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Discover Thracian Shrine from Odrysian Kingdom underneath ‘Lead Mosque’ in Karlovo
A large Ancient Thracian shrine (which may turn out to be a necropolis) has been discovered in the town of Karlovo by the Bulgarian archaeologists excavating the 15th century Lead Mosque (Kurshum Dzhamiya), a historical monument from the period of…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Unearth Turkish Cemetery in 15th Century Ottoman Mosque in Karlovo
A Turkish cemetery, i.e. a Muslim necropolis, from the 18th-19th century has been unearthed by Bulgarian archaeologists after the municipal authorities in the central town of Karlovo initiated the archaeological excavations in the Lead Mosque (Kurshum Dzhamiya), a 15th century…

Bulgaria’s Ancient Thracian Tombs ‘More Unique’ Than Egyptian Pyramids, Culture Minister Deems
Bulgaria’s Ancient Thracian tombs are “more unique” than the Egyptian pyramids but are unfortunately unknown to the global public, says the Bulgarian Minister of Culture Vezhdi Rashidov, who is a famous sculptor but a controversial political figure.