Archaeologists Find Out Who Was Last Ancient Thracian Odrysian King before Roman Conquest
The name of the last ruler of the Ancient Thracian Odrysian Kingdom, probably the most powerful kingdom of Ancient Thrace, has been established by archaeologists and revealed during the 1st International Conference on “Roman and Late Antique Thrace” (RaLATh) organized…

‘Bulgarian Science’ Forum Tackles Translation of Newly Found Ancient Thracian Inscription from Aquae Calidae
The recently discovered Ancient Thracian inscription (in Greek) mentioning three of the last kings of the Odrysian Kindgom, the most powerful Thracian state, which has been found during the excavations of the Aquae Calidae – Thermpolis Archaeological Preserve in Bulgaria’s…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Inscription at Aquae Calidae Revolutionizing Knowledge about Last Years of History of Ancient Thrace
An ancient inscription providing valuable information about the history of Ancient Thrace in its last years before its conquest by the Roman Empire has been discovered by the archaeologists excavating the city of Aquae Calidae (the Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis…

Bulgaria’s Razgrad Boasts Growth of Cultural Tourism with Newly Restored Ancient Roman City Abritus
The northeastern Bulgarian city of Razgrad is seeing a rising number of tourists who visit the ruins of the Ancient Roman city Abritus, originally a Ancient Thracian settlement and later a medieval Bulgarian fortress, which has been partly restored with…