Previously Unseen Ancient Thracian Weapons Showcased in Special Exhibition in Bulgaria’s Danube City of Ruse
Previously unseen Ancient Thracian weapons from the 1st millennium BC discovered in Thracian settlements and burial mounds in Northeast Bulgaria have been showcased for the first time in a special exhibition at the Regional Museum of History in the Danube…

13th Century Woman Buried in Bulgaria’s Rahovets Fortress Had 12,000-Year-Old Gene Mutation of Europe’s Last Hunter-Gatherers
A 13th century woman, whose grave was discovered in 2017 in the Antiquity and medieval Rahovets Fortress in Central North Bulgaria, has turned to carry a 12,000-year-old gene mutation from Europe’s last nomads, hunter-gatherers who wandered through the continent as…

Archaeologists Find 3,000-Year-Old Likely Thracian Child Burial in Bulgaria’s Rahovets Fortress
A 3,000-year-old child burial, most likely Ancient Thracian, has been discovered at the Antiquity and medieval fortress of Rahovets near Gorna Oryahovitsa in Central North Bulgaria, providing more evidence the site had been inhabited earlier than originally thought.

Archaeologists Find Medieval Marketplace of Rahovets Fortress near Bulgaria’s Gorna Oryahovitsa
A medieval square which hosted the marketplace of the Rahovets Fortress near the town of Gorna Oryahovitsa in Central North Bulgaria has been discovered during its 2016 summer archaeological excavations.

Bulgaria’s Gorna Oryahovitsa Starts 2016 Excavations of Ancient, Medieval Fortress Rahovets
An archaeological team has started the 2016 summer excavations of the ancient and medieval fortress Rahovets located near the town of Gorna Oryahovitsa and the city of Veliko Tarnovo in Central North Bulgaria.

History Museum in Bulgaria’s Pleven Shows Ivanski Gold Treasure – Full Set of Ancient Thracian Horse Rein Decorations
The Regional Museum of History in the northern Bulgarian city of Pleven is showing to its visitors the Ivanski Gold Treasure – a highly sophisticated golden Ancient Thracian horse rein decoration.

Medieval Rahovets Fortress in Central Bulgaria Was Also Thracian Rock Shrine, Archaeological Excavations Reveal
The ancient and medieval settlement and fortress Rahovets located near the northern Bulgarian town of Gorna Oryahovitsa, and the city of Veliko Tarnovo was also used as a rock shrine by the Ancient Thracians, according to archaeologist Iliyan Petrakiev from…