Fine Marbles in 14 Different Colors from Constantine the Great’s Danube Bridge Opening in 328 AD Found in Roman City Ulpia Oescus in North Bulgaria
Archaeologists have discovered a total of 14 different kinds of highly sophisticated colorful marbles used in lavish wall decorations of a grand hall in the huge Roman city of Ulpia Oescus in North Bulgaria, and believe they most likely had…

Rare 5th Century AD Late Roman Marble Table Discovered in Petrich Kale Fortress near Bulgaria’s Varna
Archaeologists have discovered a beautiful white marble table from the 4th – 5th century AD, i.e. the Late Roman and Early Byzantine period, during excavations in one of the towers of the Petrich Kale Fortress near the Black Sea city…

‘Sad’ Story of Roman Veteran Who Served 44 Years in Military Revealed by Tombstone from Almus in Bulgaria’s Danube Town Lom
A tombstone inscription in Latin revealing the “sad” life story of a Roman military veteran who served a total of 44 years in the Roman military, an untypically long period, has been discovered during the excavations of the Ancient Roman…

Scandal Erupts as Roman Mosaics Get Trampled On in Villa Armira Mansion near Bulgaria’s Ivaylovgrad
A wedding ceremony involving guests trampling upon invaluable and protected Ancient Roman floor mosaics in Villa Armira, a famous 1st century AD mansion of a Thracian – Roman aristocratic family, near Ivaylovgrad in Southern Bulgaria, has caused a public outrage.

Sealed 16th Century Ottoman Looting Tunnel for Draft Animals Found inside Tower Tomb beneath Bulgaria’s Largest Thracian Burial Mound
A huge tunnel for looting that fit large draft animals and was dug up in the 16th century, during the reign of Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1521 – 1566) has been discovered by archaeologists inside the 3rd century…

3rd Century AD Marble Child Head, Ancient Chamber Pot Discovered in Roman City Novae near Bulgaria’s Svishtov
A marble from a small child statue from the 3rd century AD and an ancient chamber pots are some of the most interesting finds from the first days of the 2019 archaeological excavations of the Ancient Roman military camp and…

Blond Roman Woman’s Statue Head Found in Ancient Heraclea Sintica in Southwest Bulgaria, Hints at Building Ritual
The marble Ancient Roman statue head of a blond Roman woman has been found by the archaeologists excavating the Ancient Greek, Thracian, and Roman city of Heraclea Sintica near Petrich in Southwest Bulgaria, with the discovery hinting at what may…

3rd Century BC Decree Found on Black Sea Island Proves Ties between Ancient Greek Cities Apollonia Pontica in Bulgaria, Heraclea Pontica in Turkey
A rare ancient document, a decree of the assembly of the Ancient Greek colony of Apollonia Pontica, today’s Sozopol in Southeast Bulgaria, has been discovered during excavations on the Black Sea island of St. Ivan (St. John), providing a first-hand…

Statue Head of Roman Emperor Aurelian, Unknown Colonnade Found in Ancient Rome’s Danube Colony Ulpia Oscus in North Bulgaria
The head of a statue which dates back to the 3rd century AD and is believed to be of Roman Emperor Aurelian (r. 250 – 275 AD) has been discovered by archaeologists in Ulpia Oescus, a colony of Ancient Rome,…

Latest Finds from Nebet Tepe Fortress in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv: Roman Fortress Tower, Bronze Horse Harness Appliques, 2,000-Year-Old Wheat Barrel
A number of intriguing archaeological structures and artifacts have been found during the 2017 excavations of the Ancient Thracian and Ancient Roman Nebet Tepe Fortress in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, including a previously unknown Roman fortress tower, a…

Latest Discoveries in Nebet Tepe Fortress Cast Doubt on Status of Bulgaria’s Plovdiv as Oldest City in Europe
The latest excavations of the Ancient Thracian and Ancient Roman Nebet Tepe Fortress in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv have revealed issues with earlier archaeological research casting doubt on whether Plovdiv indeed was the oldest city in Europe, while…

Archaeologists Find Statue of Egyptian Goddess Isis, Satyr’s Head at Roman Villa, Nymphaeum in Bulgaria’s Kasnakovo
A 2nd century AD marble statue of the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, who was also worshipped in the wider Greco-Roman world, and a marble head of a satyr, a male companion of ancient wine god Dionysus, have been discovered by…

Ottoman Era ‘Turban’ Gravestone Discovered during Renovation of 16th Century Arch Bridge in Bulgaria’s Svilengrad
An Ottoman Era gravestone has been stumbled upon in the southern Bulgarian town of Svilengrad during the renovation of a famous 16th century arch bridge with Norway/EEA money.

Bulgarian, Turkish Man Sentenced in Shumen for Trafficking Roman Artifacts from Middle East
A Bulgarian and a Turkish citizen have confessed their guilt in the smuggling of dozens of Ancient Roman artifacts, and possibly a Sumerian slab, after their arrest in a police operation almost two years ago generated international interest.

Bulgaria’s Tervel Showcases Finds from Newly Discovered Early Christian Basilica in Byzantine City Palmate
The finds from one of Bulgaria’s very intriguing archaeological discoveries in 2016, an Early Christian basilica found in the previously unexplored ancient city of Palmate, have been showcased in a new exhibition of the History Museum in the northeastern town…

Archaeologists Find Votive Tablets of ‘Thracian Horseman’ Deity in Ancient Roman City Abritus
Two votive tablets with images of the Thracian Horseman, also known as Heros, the alleged supreme deity of the Ancient Thracians, have been found during the 2016 summer archaeological excavations of the Ancient Roman and Byzantine city of Abritus near…

Archaeologists Discover Necropolis in Ancient, Medieval Fortress Nebet Tepe in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A necropolis and a large amount of marble fragments, among numerous other finds, have been discovered by the archaeologists excavating Nebet Tepe, the prehistoric, ancient, and medieval settlement and fortress, to which the city of Plovdiv owes the title of…

4 Newly Found Busts of Ancient Roman Emperors, Empresses Acquired by Bulgaria’s National Museum of History
A total of four newly discovered busts of Ancient Roman emperors and empresses have made their way to Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia, which has swiftly showcased them in a new exhibition.

Bulgaria’s Plovdiv to Restore Marble Seats during Reconstruction of Antiquity Odeon
The city of Plovdiv in Southern Bulgaria has started the long-overdue restoration of its Antiquity Odeon, an Ancient Greek and Roman public space for musical and theatrical performances and competitions. The reconstruction has started with the all-out demolition of the wooden…

Two Family Tomb Sarcophagi from Roman City Augusta Traiana Found during Construction in Bulgaria’s Stara Zagora
Two huge funeral sarcophagi used as family tombs from the Ancient Roman city of Augusta Traiana, part of the Augusta Traiana – Vereia Archaeological Preserve, have been discovered by accident during construction works in the southern Bulgarian city of Stara Zagora.

Archaeologist Finds Marble Head from Ancient Roman Female Statue during Rescue Digs in Bulgaria’s Stara Zagora
A marble head from an Ancient Roman statue of a woman has been discovered during rescue excavations of ruins of the Roman city of Augusta Traiana in the southern Bulgarian city of Stara Zagora.

Bridge Construction Inscription of Roman Emperor Trajan Discovered at Ad Radices Road Station near Bulgaria’s Troyan
A fragment from an Ancient Roman inscription which may be connected with the construction of a bridge during the reign of Emperor Trajan (r. 98-117) has been discovered in the area of what once was a Roman road station near…

Bulgarian Archaeologist Concludes Roman Artifacts Seized from Smugglers Authentic, Originated in Asia Minor and the Middle East
The 19 statues and slabs which were seized from several treasure hunters and antique traffickers, including a citizen of Turkey, by the Bulgarian police in the northeastern city of Shumen back in March 2015 are fine examples of Ancient Roman art…

Late Antiquity Fortress on St. Athanasius Cape in Bulgaria’s Byala Boasts Lots of Tourists, Further Excavations
The partly restored Late Antiquity and Early Byzantine fortress on the Cape of St. Athanasius in Bulgaria’s Black Sea resort town of Byala is emerging as a popular destination for cultural tourism, according to Byala Mayor Anastas Trendafilov.
Bulgaria’s National History Museum Urges Excavation, Restoration of Great Basilica in Early Medieval Capital Pliska
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History has issued a statement urging and promoting the further archaeological excavations and restoration of the 9th century Great Basilica in Pliska, today a small northeastern town, which was the mighty capital of the First Bulgarian…

Late Medieval Jewish Necropolis in Bulgaria’s Karnobat to Become Cultural Tourism Destination
A Jewish necropolis from the Late Middle Ages, which is located near the eastern Bulgarian town of Karnobat and contains the earliest known graves of Sephardi Jews in the Balkans, is set to be restored and turned into a cultural…
Bulgarian Archaeologist Finds 5000-Year-Old Relief from Ancient Mesopotamia among Artifacts Seized from Treasure Hunters
A 5000-year-old stone relief from Ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia has been identified by Bulgarian archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov among the impressive artifacts confiscated recently from treasure hunters and antique traffickers by the police in the northeastern Bulgarian city of Shumen.
Bulgarian Police Seize Ancient Roman Archaeology Artifacts, Slab with Sumerian Motifs from Treasure Hunters
Police in the District of Shumen in Northeast Bulgaria have raided the homes of several local treasure hunters rescuing priceless archaeology artifacts, including 9000 coins, dozens of Ancient Roman statues, and a stone slab with possibly Ancient Sumerian motifs, which…
Bulgarian Archaeologist Shows Off 1500-Year-Old Bronze Lamp to Get Govt Funding for Excavations of Late Antiquity Fortress
A unique 6th century bronze lamp has been shown by an archaeologist from the Bulgarian Black Sea town of Byala to a ruling party MP as an argument for securing government funding for further excavations of a Late Antiquity Byzantine…
Bulgarian Archaeologists Display Stunning Ancient Finds Snatched from Treasure Hunters, Traffickers
The Regional Museum of History in the northeastern Bulgarian city of Shumen has put together an exhibition of stunning archaeological artifacts rescued from the hands of treasure hunters and antique traffickers from the Shumen District.

Archaeologist Finds 2 Marble Roman Statues during Excavations of Ancient Forum in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
Two marble Ancient Roman statues – male and female – have been discovered during the excavations of part of the Ancient Forum in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, which is also known as Europe’s oldest city.