Viking Hoard of Anglo-Saxon Coins ‘Rewriting’ England’s History Stolen by Treasure Hunters in Herefordshire
Two UK treasure hunters, or metal detectorists, have been found guilty of stealing a massive coin hoard worth some GBP 3 million, consisting of 9th century AD Anglo-Saxon coins seemingly hidden by a Viking, and carrying new information about the…

3 Treasure Hunters Nabbed in North Bulgaria, 2 in South Bulgaria in Random Police Checks
A total of 5 treasure hunters have been arrested in two different regions of Bulgaria during random police checks.

3 Treasure Hunters Get Suspended Sentences for Raiding Archaeological Sites in Southwest Bulgaria
Three treasure hunters from Southwest Bulgaria have received minor suspended sentences for raiding archaeological sites in the region back in 2016.

3 Species of Treasure Hunters Are Destroying Archaeology in Bulgaria’s ‘Plunder Paradise’ worth up to USD 1 Billion a Year, New Book Reveals
Three “species” of treasure hunters dubbed “diggers”, “yuppies” and “super experts”, whose a total number is in the low six figures, are destroying the world archaeology and history heritage found in Bulgaria in a criminal industry worth up to 1…

New Board Game Pits Archaeologists against Treasure Hunters in Archaeological Sites All across Bulgaria
A new board entitled “Archaeologists vs. Treasure Hunters”, which pits the two groups against one another on a map featuring some of Bulgaria’s most remarkable archaeological sites, has been developed and released by a group of archaeologists.

Archaeologists Discover Italian Red Pottery, First Doric Capital in Looted Ancient Roman City Ratiaria in Northwest Bulgaria
Red pottery (terra sigillata) imported from the Italian Peninsula and for the first time a Doric capital have been discovered by archaeologists during the brief and underfunded 2016 excavations of the Ancient Roman city of Ratiaria in Northwest Bulgaria, an…

Authorities Seek to Reassure Archaeologists of Policing of Utterly Looted Ancient Roman City Ratiaria
Local authorities and the police in the Vidin District in Northwest Bulgaria have sought to reassure of their policing efforts the archaeologists working on the excavation of the huge Ancient Roman city of Ratiaria, an archaeological site which has been…

Museum Workers Urge Special Permits for Metal Detectors to Combat Bulgaria’s Rampant Treasure Hunting
Special permits for the ownership and usage of metal detectors must be introduced in Bulgaria as a measure designed to crack down on the rampant treasure hunting destroying thousands of archaeological, historical, and cultural monuments, museum workers have urged.

5 Treasure Hunters Arrested While ‘Trenching’ Late Antiquity Settlement with Tractor near Bulgaria’s Petarnitsa
A group of five treasure hunters has been arrested on the spot while plowing a field where a Late Antiquity and early medieval settlement was located near the town of Petarnitsa, Pleven District, in Northern Bulgaria, in order to extract archaeological…

Police Bust Treasure Hunters with 400 Archaeological Artifacts from Ancient Roman City Ulpia Oescus in Northern Bulgaria
A total 387 archaeological artifacts have been seized from two men residing near the Ancient Roman city of Ulpia Oescus by the police in Pleven District in Northern Bulgaria.

Bulgarian, Greek Treasure Hunting Gang Busted by Border Police
A gang of Bulgarian and Greek treasure hunters has been arrested near the town of Huhla, Ivaylovgrad Municipality, in Southern Bulgaria.

Bulgarian Police Seize Almost 1,000 Archaeological Artifacts from Treasure Hunters
A total of 946 archaeological artifacts have been seized from treasure hunters by the Bulgarian police in the northeastern Silistra District.