Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia to Hold First Ever Antiquity Festival Named after Constantine’s Quote ‘Serdica Is My Rome’
The city of Sofia, which is celebrating its 140th anniversary as capital of Bulgaria in 2019, is going to hold its first ever Antiquity Festival dedicated to the heritage of its Ancient Roman predecessor, Serdica, which was known as Sredets…

Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia Finally Opens Second Part of ‘Sofia Largo’ Restoration of Ancient Serdica
For its official holiday, September 17, the Day of St. Sophia and her three daughters, Saints Faith, Love, and Charity, Bulgaria’s capital Sofia has finally opened the second part of the restored ruins of the Ancient Roman city of Serdica…

Museum of Sofia History Shows Latest Finds from Bulgaria’s Capital in 4th Annual ‘Archaeology of Sofia Region’ Exhibition
The Museum of Sofia History, a municipal cultural institute of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, also formally known as the Sofia Regional Museum of History, has unveiled its 4th annual exhibition presenting the latest archaeological from the city and its urban…

Museum of Sofia History to Open Its 4th Annual ‘Archaeology of Sofia Region’ Exhibition with Latest Finds from Bulgaria’s Capital
The Museum of Sofia History, a municipal cultural institute of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, also formally known as the Sofia Regional Museum of History, is set to open its 4th annual exhibition showcasing the latest archaeological discoveries in the city…

Official Catalog of 2017 Bulgarian Archaeology Exhibition Released by Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology
Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia has released the official print catalog for 11th annual “Bulgarian Archaeology” exhibition which has showcased for the first time some of the most intriguing artifacts discovered across the country during the…

Archaeologists Discover Bronze Dionysus, Eros, Cupid Statuettes from Ancient Serdica in Downtown of Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia
Several bronze statuettes depicting ancient deities Dionysus, Eros, and Cupid are among the most intriguing artifacts discovered during the 2017 archaeological excavations of the Ancient Roman city of Serdica in the downtown of today’s Bulgarian capital Sofia.

2017 ‘Bulgarian Archaeology’ Exhibition Opened at Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia
Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia has opened formally its 11th annual “Bulgarian Archaeology” exhibition which showcases for the first time some of the most intriguing artifacts discovered across the country during the 2017 archaeological season.

Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology to Showcase Top Finds from 2017 in Major Annual Exhibition
Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia is set to open in February its 11th annual “Bulgarian Archaeology” exhibition which is to showcase some of the most exciting items discovered during the 2017 archaeological season.

Archaeologists Discover First Ever Prehistoric Remains in Downtown of Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia, No Thracian Traces
For the very first time archaeologists have found prehistoric traces of human life in the very downtown of Bulgaria’s capital Sofia – 7,000-year-old Chalcolithic (Aeneolithic, Copper Age) pottery – which comes close to the age of the Slatina Neolithic Settlement…

Archaeologists May Have Found Mint of Ancient Roman City Serdica in Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia
Archaeologists hypothesize they may have discovered the 3rd-4th century AD coin mint of the Ancient Roman city of Serdica, the predecessor of today’s Bulgarian capital Sofia, as a result of ongoing digs in Sofia’s very downtown.

Museum of Sofia History in Bulgaria’s Capital Attracted 60,000 Visitors in 2016
The Sofia Regional Museum of History, more widely known as the Museum of Sofia History, in the Bulgarian capital, welcomed a total of 60,000 visitors in 2016.

Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia Opens Much Criticized Open-Air Museum of Ancient Roman City Serdica
Bulgaria’s Cabinet and Sofia Municipality have opened the long-delayed open-air museum of the Ancient Roman city of Serdica, popularly known as the Sofia Largo project, which has been much criticized over the past 7-8 months because of the quality of…

Museum of Sofia History Opens 2nd Annual ‘Archaeology of Sofia Region’ Exhibition in Bulgarian Capital
The Museum of Sofia History, a municipal cultural institute of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, has opened its 2nd annual exhibition dedicated to the latest archaeological discoveries in the city and its wider urban region.

Mysterious Ancient ‘Padlock’ Found in Excavations of Ancient Serdica in Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia
A mysterious ancient artifact which resembles a padlock but nonetheless continues to perplex the archaeologists has been discovered during the recent excavations of the Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Serdica in the very downtown of the Bulgarian capital Sofia.

Latest Archaeological Discoveries in Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia Tangle Up Search for Roman Forum of Ancient Serdica
The archaeologists carrying out excavations in the downtown of the Bulgarian capital Sofia have made new discoveries that have complicated their search for the Roman Forum of the ancient city of Serdica.

Archaeologists Discover Treasure of Silver Roman Coins during Excavations of Ancient Serdica in Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia
A treasure of 2,976 silver Roman coins from the 1st-2nd century AD has been discovered by archaeologists during the excavations of the ruins of the Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Serdica in the downtown of the Bulgarian capital Sofia.

Archaeologists Discover Massive Roman Building from Ancient Serdica in Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia
A massive Roman building which might be either ancient thermae (public baths), or the legendary palace of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (r. 306-337 AD), has been discovered by the archaeologists excavating the ruins of the Ancient Thracian and Roman…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Seeking Constantine the Great Statue, Roman Building from Ancient Serdica in Downtown Sofia
A statue of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (r. 306-337 AD), a massive Roman building, and Roman inscriptions are some of the finds that the Bulgarian archaeologists might come across in the recently started excavations of the St. Nedelya Square…