Bulgaria’s National Museum of History, Boyana Church Welcomed 20,000 More Tourists in 2016
Almost 300,000 tourists visited Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia and the sites that it manages, including the world-famous Boyana Church, in 2016.

Ottoman Era ‘Turban’ Gravestone Discovered during Renovation of 16th Century Arch Bridge in Bulgaria’s Svilengrad
An Ottoman Era gravestone has been stumbled upon in the southern Bulgarian town of Svilengrad during the renovation of a famous 16th century arch bridge with Norway/EEA money.

Gabrovo Marks 182nd Anniversary since First Industrial Production in Bulgaria (and Ottoman Empire) with Special Exhibition
An exhibition dedicated to the 182nd anniversary since the opening of the first industrial production in Bulgaria, and, for that matter, in the Ottoman Empire of which the country was part at the time has been showcased in the city…

Bulgaria Celebrates 108th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria has celebrated the 108th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was made on September 22, 1908. The Team of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com wishes happy Independence Day (September 22) to its Bulgarian and Bulgaria-loving readers from around the…

Bulgaria’s Yambol Celebrates 1st Anniversary since Restoration of 16th Century Ottoman Bedestan (Covered Market)
The city of Yambol in Southeast Bulgaria has marked the first anniversary since the rehabilitation and opening of its 16th century bedestan (bezistan; bedesten), a covered market from the period of the Ottoman Empire, which has been turned into a…

14th Century Bishop’s Bone Crosier to Be Displayed at Restored Trapesitsa Fortress in Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo
A very rare find, a bone crosier, i.e. a staff, of a Bulgarian bishop from the 14th century is to be displayed in the museum exhibition of the soon to be opened newly restored Trapesitsa Fortress in the city of…

Bulgaria Celebrates 131th Anniversary since National Unification of Principality of Bulgaria and ‘Eastern Rumelia’
Bulgaria has celebrated the 131th anniversary since the Unification of what is today North and South Bulgaria, back then the Principality of Bulgaria, a vassal of Ottoman Turkey, and Eastern Roumelia, an autonomous region of Ottoman Turkey, which was declared…

Ivanovo Rock-Hewn Churches, Cherven Fortress Top List of Most Popular Cultural Landmarks in Bulgaria’s Ruse District in First Half of 2016
The Ivanovo Rock–Hewn Churches and the medieval fortress Cherven, which was a very rich and important city in the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396/1422), are at the top of the list of the most popular archaeological, historical, and cultural landmarks in…

Archaeologists Show Early Ottoman Coins Carried by Turkish Soldier during Late 14th Century Attack on Bulgaria’s Targovishte
Six early Ottoman silver coins which were discovered together with the skeleton of a Turkish soldier killed in an attack of the Bulgarian fortress Kosovo (ancient Missionis / Krum’s Fortress), today’s city of Targovishte, have been showcased by archaeologists.

Archaeologists to Study Unexplored Fortress Walls of Ancient Missionis near Bulgaria’s Targovishte
The 2016 summer excavations of the Early Byzantine and medieval Bulgarian city of Missionis located near Targovishte in Northeast Bulgaria, which was known as Krum’s Fortress and Kosovo in the Middle Ages, are going to provide for the further study…

Archaeologists Start First Ever Excavations of Buzovo Kale Fortress near Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A team of archaeologists has started the first ever excavations of the Early Byzantine, and medieval Bulgarian fortress of Buzovo Kale near the towns of Buzovgrad and Kazanlak in Central Bulgaria.

Bulgaria Marks 165 Years since 1st Celebration of Day of Bulgarian (Cyrillic) Alphabet and Culture (Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius)
While celebrating one of its national holidays, May 24, the Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, i.e. the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet (more widely known internationally as the Cyrillic) and Bulgarian Culture, Bulgaria has also marked the 165…

164 More Old Bulgarian (Slavonic) Manuscripts Uploaded to Specialized Digital Library of Sofia University
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (“St. Clement of Ohrid”) has announced the expansion of its specialized digital library of manuscripts in Old Bulgarian, also known as Slavonic or Church Slavonic, through the “digitization” and uploading of a total of 164…

Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology to Show 2,500-Year-Old Toiletries Box, Medieval Treasure in New Exhibit on “Female Beauty over the Centuries”
A 2,500-year-old Ancient Thracian toiletries box consisting of a gold-coated silver shell will be one of the artifacts on display in the new exhibition of Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia entitled “A Mirror of Time: Female…

10th-Century Church ‘St. George’ in Bulgaria’s Kyustendil Presented in New Brochure in English by Regional Museum of History
The Regional Museum of History in the western Bulgarian city of Kyustendil has published a new information brochure on the 10th century church “St. George”, one of Bulgaria’s best preserved and most famous medieval monuments.

‘Christian Art from Bulgaria’ Exhibit Unveiled in Austria’s Klosterneuburg Monastery by National Museum of Archaeology in Sofia
The famous Klosterneuburg Monastery in Austria has hosted an exhibition entitled “Gloss of the East: Christian Art from Bulgaria” displaying artifacts from the collection of the National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia.

Bulgaria’s Parliament Showcases Originals of Four Bulgarian Constitutions, Honors First Exarch in Special ‘Constitution Day’ Exhibit
A special exhibition at Bulgaria’s Parliament has been organized to honor April 16, Bulgaria’s Constitution Day, and to the 200th anniversary since the birth of Exarch Anthim I, the first head of the Bulgarian Exarchate, i.e. the autocephalous Bulgarian Orthodox…

Bulgaria’s Karlovo Municipality to Turn 6th Century BC Ancient Thracian City with Royal Residence into Cultural Tourism Site
An Ancient Thracian city from the 6th-5th century BC containing the royal residence of a Thracian king, whose ruins are located near the town of Vasil Levski in Central Bulgaria, is to be restored and opened for visitors by Karlovo…

Unknown Self-Portrait of Most Famous Bulgarian Icon, Mural Painter Discovered on Hidden Church Fresco in Bulgaria’s Ledenik
A previously unknown self-portrait of Zahari (Zahariy) Zograf (1810-1853), the most famous icon painter from Bulgaria’s National Revival Period (18th-19th century) has been found on a fresco in a church in the town of Ledenik, Veliko Tarnovo District.

17th Century Silver Treasure Hidden during Bulgarian Catholics’ Uprising against Ottoman Empire Discovered in Northwest Bulgaria
A treasure consisting of silver adornments which was most probably buried in the fall of 1688 during the so called Chiprovtsi Uprising, the largest rebellion of Bulgarian Catholics against the Ottoman Empire, has been found near the city of Montana…

Bulgaria Celebrates 138th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria has celebrated the 138th anniversary since its National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

Treasure Hunters Destroy Ancient Roman Bridge near Bulgaria’s Drangovo in Search of Legendary Gold Treasure
An old arch bridge located in the picturesque Rhodope Mountains in Southern Bulgaria, which was built by the Ancient Romans back at the time of the Roman Empire, has been shattered by ruthless modern-day Bulgarian or Greek treasure hunters who…

History Museum in Bulgaria’s Ruse, Roman Fortress Sexaginta Prista, Medieval City Cherven Saw 20% More Visitors in 2015
The arcihaeological, historical, and cultural monuments in Bulgaria’s Danube city of Ruse, including the Ancient Roman fortress Sexaginta Prista and the large medieval Bulgarian city and fortress of Cherven, saw almost 20% more visitors in 2015 compared with 2016.

Bulgaria’s National Museum of History, Boyana Church Saw 280,000 Visitors in 2015
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia and the several archaeological, cultural, and historical monuments that it manages saw almost 278,949 visitors in 2015, the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture has announced.

Bulgaria’s First Christmas Tree Dates Back to 1879, a Year after Its National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria’s first ever Christmas tree to appear in a private home dates back to 1879, just a year after it was liberated from the Ottoman Turkish Empire, whereas the first featuring of a Christmas tree in a celebration at a…

Renowned Historians Seek Major Changes in History Textbooks, Say Bulgaria Was Established in 165 AD
A number of renowned Bulgarian historians have come together in a rare initiative asking the Bulgarian Ministry of Education for major corrections in history textbooks based on recent findings, including the fact that Bulgaria was established in 165 AD, not…

Museum in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak Gets Long-Awaited Government Permit to Excavate Medieval Fortress Buzovo Kale
The team of the “Iskra” (“Spark”) History Museum in the central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak has been granted a permit to carry out rescue excavations of the Early Byzantine, and medieval Bulgarian fortress of Buzovo Kale near the town of…

Record Number of Participants to Join Reenactment of 1444 Christian Crusade Battle against Ottomans near Bulgaria’s Varna 571 Years Later
A record number of reenactors are going to participate in the 2015 historical reenactment of the 1444 Battle of Varna in Eastern Bulgaria which ended the second Crusade of the King of Poland and Hungary Vladislav (Wladyslaw) III Jagello, also…

Bulgaria’s Best Preserved Medieval Castle, Baba Vida Fortress in Danube City Vidin, Left without Maintenance Funding
The Baba Vida Castle in Bulgaria’s Danube city of Vidin, which is the best preserved fortress from the period of the medieval Bulgarian Empire, has been left without maintenance funding for the past six months, a local archaeologist has alarmed.

Bulgaria to Erect Monument of Polish King Vladislav (Wladyslaw) III Varnenchik Who Died Fighting the Ottomans in 1444 Battle of Varna
The Bulgarian Black Sea city of Varna is going to erect a monument of Vladislav (Wladyslaw) III Jagello, also known as Varnenchik, King of Poland and Hungary, who staged two campaigns against the Ottoman Empire (a few decades after it…

Archaeologists Make Last Discoveries As They Excavate in Full Medieval Monastery at Urvich Fortress near Bulgaria’s Sofia
Archaeological structures and artifacts from the 14th-17th century AD have been discovered during the last days of the excavations of the late medieval monastery St. Iliya (St. Elijah) at the Urvich Fortress near the Bulgarian capital Sofia.

2 Men Arrested for Treasure Hunting at Late Antiquity and Medieval Fortress near Bulgaria’s Chuypetlovo
Bulgarian police have arrested two men for illegal treasure hunting at a Late Antiquity and medieval fortress known as Gradishte near the town of Chuypetlovo, Pernik Municipality, located to the southwest of the Bulgarian capital Sofia.

Archaeologists Show 3D Model of 14th Century Residential Quarter of Trapesitsa Fortress in Capital of Second Bulgarian Empire Tarnovgrad (Veliko Tarnovo)
A 3D model of a residential quarter from the 14th century AD in the Trapesitsa Hill Fortress, one of two main fortified historic hills in the medieval city of Tarnovgrad, today’s Veliko Tarnovo, in Central Northern Bulgaria, the capital of…

Treasure Hunters Rush in Search of Legendary Gold Loaded Carriage at Burun Kale Fortress near Bulgaria’s Shirokovo
The search for a medieval carriage loaded with gold treasures which is said to be hidden somewhere around the Late Antiquity fortress Burun Kale near the town of Shirokovo in Northeast Bulgaria is the latest craze among Bulgarian treasure hunters.

Archaeologists Find 10th Century AD Heart-Shaped Belt Decoration in Medieval Fortress Urvich near Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia
A belt decoration shaped like a heart dating back to the 10th century AD is among the latest finds from the renewed 2015 archaeological excavations at the medieval fortress Urvich near Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. The “heart” belt decoration is said…