Sofia University Presented with Holy Relics of St. Kliment Ohridski, Alleged Author of Bulgarian (Cyrillic) Alphabet
A piece of the holy relics of St. Kliment Ohridski (St. Clement of Ohrid) (840 – ca. 916), the disciple of St. Cyril and St. Methodius who allegedly invented the Bulgarian (Cyrillic) alphabet, has been presented to Sofia University (which…

Restorers Reuse Surviving Original Materials to Rebuild Great Basilica in Capital of First Bulgarian Empire Pliska
The archaeological restoration of the 9th century AD Great Basilica in Pliska, the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018 AD) between 680 and 893 AD, is being carried out by using surviving original materials, Bulgaria’s National Museum of History…

Bulgaria Begins Archaeological Restoration of 9th Century AD Great Basilica in Capital of First Bulgarian Empire Pliska
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History has begun the archaeological restoration of the 9th century Great Basilica in Pliska, the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018 AD) between 680 and 893 AD.

Archaeologists Unearth Medieval Homes from 3 Archaeological Layers in Capital of First Bulgarian Empire Pliska
Medieval homes from three archaeological layers covering the period from the middle of the 9th century AD until the second half of the 11th century AD have been unearthed during the 2015 summer excavations in Pliska, the capital of the…

Archaeologists Find 10th Century AD Heart-Shaped Belt Decoration in Medieval Fortress Urvich near Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia
A belt decoration shaped like a heart dating back to the 10th century AD is among the latest finds from the renewed 2015 archaeological excavations at the medieval fortress Urvich near Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. The “heart” belt decoration is said…

Bulgaria’s Dobrich to Restore, Promote ‘Glorious Rock’ Fortress in Joint Cultural Tourism Project with Romania’s Constanta
The Slavnata Kanara (Glorious Rock) Fortress near the towns of Debrene and Prilep in Northeast Bulgaria is to be restored and promoted as a site for cultural tourism as part of a joint project of the Administration of Bulgaria’s Dobrich…

Great Basilica in Capital of First Bulgarian Empire Pliska Modeled after Old St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Bulgarian Scholars Conclude
The 9th century AD Great Basilica in Pliska, the Ancient Bulgar capital of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018 AD) between 680 and 893 AD, was modeled after the Old St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, the predecessor of today’s St. Peter’s…

Archaeologists Find Upsilon, Swastika Signs in Ancient Bulgar Aul in Northeast Bulgaria
Signs such as upsilons, swastikas, half-swastikas, and others have been found on bricks and tiles by the archaeologists excavating a 9th century AD Ancient Bulgar aul (a fortified settlement) near the northeastern Bulgarian city of Shumen which was a residence…

Shepherd Finds 8th Century AD Gold Coin of Byzantine Emperor Constantine V Copronymus near Medieval Bulgarian Capital Pliska
A gold coin of Byzantine Emperor Constantine V Corponymus (r. 741-775 AD) has been discovered by a shepherd near the northeastern Bulgarian town of Pliska which was the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018 AD) between 680 and 893…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Reach Water in Holy Well in Great Basilica in Early Medieval Capital Pliska
Bulgarian archaeologists excavating the 9th century AD Great Basilica in Pliska, capital of the First Bulgarian Empire between 680 and 893 AD, have reached water inside the temple’s so called holy well, i.e. the sacred spring, also known with the…

Bulgaria’s Karnobat Reenacts Victory over Byzantium in Markeli (Marcellae) Fortress Battle in 792 AD
About 3,000 visitors have seen the first historical reenactment of the Battle of Markeli (Marcellae) in 792 AD in which the forces of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018 AD) routed the troops of Byzantium at the Markeli (Marcellae) Fortress near…

Bulgaria’s Dobrichka Municipality Refuses Again Funding for Excavations of ‘Glorious Rock’ Fortress
The Town Council in Bulgaria’s northeastern Dobrichka Municipality has snubbed for the second time the request of the Regional Museum of History in the city of Dobrich to allocate funding for the archaeological excavations of the Slavnata Kanara (Glorious Rock)…

Archaeologists Discover Grave of Bulgaria’s First Christian Martyr, Crown Prince St. Boyan Enravota
The archaeologists who have recently started the excavations of the Great Basilica in Pliska, capital of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018) between 680 and 893 AD, have discovered the grave of St. Boyan Enravota, an heir to the throne who…

Bulgarian Cabinet Grants Dobrich History Museum Excavation Rights for ‘Glorious Rock’ Fortress
Bulgaria’s Council of Ministers has granted the Regional Museum of History in the northeastern city of Dobrich three-year usage rights for archaeological excavations for the property of the Slavnata Kanara (Glorious Rock) Fortress where in 2014 the local archaeologists found…

Bulgaria Celebrates Bulgarian (Cyrillic) Alphabet and Culture on Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world have celebrated on May 24, 2015, the Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, i.e. the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet (more widely known internationally as the Cyrillic) and Bulgarian Culture.

Silver Buckles of Ancient Bulgar Warrior Aristocrats Displayed for the First Time by Bulgaria’s National Museum of History
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia has opened an exhibition showing for the first time weapons, decorations, and treasures of Ancient Bulgar aristocrats and warriors from the early period of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018 AD).

Bulgaria’s Cabinet Provides Major Funding for Excavations, Restoration of 5 Sites in Early Medieval Capital Pliska
Bulgaria’s Cabinet has allocated BGN 500,000 (app. EUR 255,000) for the archaeological excavation and restorations of five sites within the archaeological preserve of Pliska, capital of the First Bulgarian Empire between 680 and 893 AD, which features unique Ancient Bulgar…
Bulgaria’s National History Museum Urges Excavation, Restoration of Great Basilica in Early Medieval Capital Pliska
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History has issued a statement urging and promoting the further archaeological excavations and restoration of the 9th century Great Basilica in Pliska, today a small northeastern town, which was the mighty capital of the First Bulgarian…

Bulgaria’s Govt to Pour Major Funding into Archaeological Excavations of Early Medieval Capital Pliska
Bulgaria’s government will allocate BGN 500,000 (app. EUR 255,000) for renewing the excavations of Pliska, capital of the First Bulgarian Empire in 680-893 AD, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has announced during the celebrations for the 1150th year since Bulgaria’s…

Bulgaria Celebrates 1,150 Years since Adoption of Christianity under St. Knyaz Boris I Mihail during First Bulgarian Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarian Orthodox Christians celebrated on May 2, 2015, the 1150th anniversary since the formal adoption of Christianity as the official and only state religion back in 865 AD under the leadership of St. Knyaz Boris I Mihail (r….
NGO Starts Fundraising to Rebuild Fortresses, Palaces, Cathedrals in Medieval Bulgarian Empire’s Capitals
A newly founded NGO has started a fundraising campaign in order to rebuild some of the most impressive monuments in the capitals of the medieval Bulgarian Empire, Bozhidar Dimitrov, Director of Bulgaria’s National Museum of History, has announced.
Ancient Fortresses near Medieval Bulgarian Capital Ransacked by Treasure Hunters, Archaeologist Alarms
Two ancient and medieval fortresses located right next to Veliki Preslav (“Great Preslav”), one of the capitals of the First Bulgarian Empire (680-1018 AD), are being ravaged by treasure hunters, an archaeologist alarms.
Bulgarian Archaeologists Display Stunning Ancient Finds Snatched from Treasure Hunters, Traffickers
The Regional Museum of History in the northeastern Bulgarian city of Shumen has put together an exhibition of stunning archaeological artifacts rescued from the hands of treasure hunters and antique traffickers from the Shumen District.

Roman Tomb Forgotten by Archaeologists (Re)discovered by Workers in Bulgaria’s Varna
An Ancient Roman tomb located in the very downtown of the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Varna has been discovered by accident during construction works by workers rehabilitating the water pipes and sewers of the central city square.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Bronze Belt Appliques of Ancient Bulgar Warrior at ‘Glorious Rock’ Fortress
Archaeologists have discovered bronze applications from the belt of an Ancient Bulgar warrior dating to the 9th-10th century AD, the height of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018 AD), during excavations of the Slavnata Kanara (Glorious Rock) Fortress near the towns…