6 Luxury Quarters with Brothel like Pompeii’s Lupanar Formed ‘Heart’ of Roman City Philipopolis in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv, Archaeologists Reveal
The core, or “heart” of the ancient city of Philipopolis, today’s Plovdiv in Central South Bulgaria, during the time of the Roman Empire consisted of six luxury quarters with residential and public buildings, including a brothel similar to the famous…

Archaeologist Discovers Ancient Mirrors in Roman Villa Estate with Ceramics Factory in Bulgaria’s Pavlikeni
A set of five Ancient Roman mirrors, or, rather, mirror frames, have been discovered in a square building in the ever more intriguing Ancient Roman villa estate which was also a ceramics production center, near the town of Pavlikeni in…

Archaeologists Discover Medieval Necropolis on Top of Late Antiquity Floor Mosaics of Great Basilica in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A necropolis containing a total of 18 burials from the Middle Ages has been discovered on top of the layers of floor mosaics of the Early Christian and Early Byzantine Great Basilica in the city of Plovdiv in Southern Bulgaria.

Archaeologists Discover 9 Large Marble Columns at 5th Century Great Basilica in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A total of nine large marble columns have been discovered during the ongoing excavations and restoration of the 5th century Early Christian Great Basilica with its stunning mosaics in the city of Plovdiv in Southern Bulgaria (also known as Europe’s…

Archaeologists Resume Excavations of Ancient Roman Colony Ratiaria in Bulgaria’s Archar with Limited Government Funding
The archaeological excavations of the Ancient Roman colony Colonia Ulpia Traiana Ratiaria in Bulgaria’s northwestern town of Archar on the Danube River have been resumed as of October 8, 2015, with limited funding from the Bulgarian government.

Archaeologists Discover Marble Gladiator Head, Decipher Newly Found Inscription from Ancient Roman City Augusta Traiana in Bulgaria’s Stara Zagora
A marble head of a gladiator is the latest find from the 2015 summer excavations of the Ancient Roman city of Augusta Traiana whose ruins are located in the downtown of today’s southern Bulgarian city of Stara Zagora.

Bulgarian Police Seize from Traffickers Ancient Roman Sacrificial Altar Dedicated to Jupiter Dolichenus
An Ancient Roman sacrificial altar with a well preserved inscription in Latin has been seized from antique traffickers by the Bulgarian police, and has been turned over to the National Museum of History in Sofia.

Archaeologist Finds Gladiator Relief, Inscription Mentioning Roman Caesars in Ancient City Augusta Traiana in Bulgaria’s Stara Zagora
A marble slab from the frieze of an ancient temple in the Roman city of Augusta Traiana depicting two fighting gladiators has been discovered together with herms and an inscription mentioning Roman Caesars during rescue archaeological excavations in the southern…

Archaeologist Discovers Gold Coin of Byzantine Emperor Basil II the Bulgar-Slayer in Bulgaria’s Perperikon
A gold coin of Byzantine Emperor Basil II also known as the Bulgar-slayer (r. 976-1025 AD) has been discovered by the team of Bulgarian archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov during the ongoing archaeological excavations of the ancient and medieval rock city…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Roman Temple, Apollo Statuette in Excavations of Ancient Rock City Perperikon
A Late Antiquity Roman temple and a bronze statuette of Ancient Greek god Apollo holding a bow have been discovered by the team of Bulgarian archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov on the second day of the 2015 summer excavations on the…

Archaeologists Find Altars Showing Ancient Roman Colony Ratiaria in Bulgaria’s Archar Had Temple of Goddess Diana
The Ancient Roman colony Colonia Ulpia Traiana Ratiaria, whose ruins are located near the town of Archar, Vidin District, in Northwest Bulgaria, had a temple of the ancient goddess Diana, show the latest discoveries of the archaeologists who are carrying…