Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Stone Inscription, Red Marble Pillar in Bishop’s Basilica in Roman and Byzantine Fortress Zaldapa
A stone inscription in Greek has been discovered by the archaeologists excavating the ruins of a Christian bishop’s basilica in the Roman and Byzantine fortress of Zaldapa, which is located in Krushari Municipality, Dobrich District, in Northeast Bulgaria.

Archaeological, Cultural Tourism Sites in Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo See More Foreign Visitors in First Half of 2015
A rising number of foreign tourists are visiting the archaeological monuments and cultural tourism sites in the city of Veliko Tarnovo in Northern Bulgaria, which include the ruins of one of the medieval Bulgarian capitals, Tarnovgrad, with its two citadels,…

French, Canadian Archaeologists Visit Bulgarian Colleagues for Excavations of Ancient Roman and Byzantine Fortress Zaldapa
Archaeologists from France and Canada have visited their colleagues from the Dobrich Regional Museum of History in the second annual excavations of the large Late Roman and Early Byzantine fortress Zaldapa built on top of an Ancient Thracian settlement near…

Bulgaria’s Ruse to Hold 4th Annual History Reenactment Festival in Roman Fortress Sexaginta Prista
An “Ancient Roman Market” event is to be held in the Roman fortress Sexaginta Prista in Bulgaria’s Danube city of Ruse for the 4th consecutive year as part of a Festival for Modern Urban Culture entitled “I, the City”.

Ancient Roman City Sexaginta Prista in Bulgaria’s Ruse Gets New Information Signs as Part of Roman Emperors & Wine Project
New information signs in Bulgarian, English, and German have been placed at the Roman fortress Sexaginta Prista in Bulgaria’s Danube city of Ruse as part of an international project entitled “The Roman Emperors’ Route and the Danube Wine Route”.

10th Ancient Heritage Festival ‘Eagle on the Danube’ Kicks Off at Roman Fortress Novae in Bulgaria’s Svishtov
The 10th edition of the Ancient Heritage Festival “Eagle on the Danube” taking place in the Ancient Roman military camp and fortress of Novae near Bulgaria’s Danube town of Svishtov kicked off on Friday, June 5, 2015.

Bulgaria’s Svishtov to Host 10th Ancient Heritage Festival ‘Eagle on the Danube’ at Roman Military Camp Novae
Bulgaria’s Danube town of Svishtov is once again in exciting anticipation of the annual Ancient Heritage Festival “Eagle on the Danube”, a major international event designed to promote Antiquity history from the time of Ancient Rome and Ancient Thrace through…

Danube City Silistra Showcases Bulgaria’s First Television Set: Soviet-Made ‘Record’
The Ethnographic Museum at the Regional Museum of History in the Danube city of Silistra has showcased one intriguing item from its collection – Bulgaria’s first ever television set, a Soviet-made TV set from the Communist Era.
Bulgaria’s National History Museum Urges Excavation, Restoration of Great Basilica in Early Medieval Capital Pliska
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History has issued a statement urging and promoting the further archaeological excavations and restoration of the 9th century Great Basilica in Pliska, today a small northeastern town, which was the mighty capital of the First Bulgarian…

Expedition Sets Out in Search of Archaeology Sites in Bulgaria’s General Toshevo Municipality
A special expedition of archaeologists from several institutions has set out to explore the archaeological heritage of one of Bulgaria’s most remote municipalities, General Toshevo Municipality, located in the very northeast of the country along the land border with Romania.

Bulgaria’s Vratsa Acquires Early Neolithic Archaeological Site near Ohoden to Build Open-Air Museum
Vratsa Municipality in Northwest Bulgaria has gained ownership over the archaeological site Valoga near the town of Ohoden, which harbors the remains of a unique Early Neolithic settlement said to represent Europe’s earliest agricultural civilization.

Black Sea Resort Shabla to Attract Tourists with Bulgaria’s First Paleolithic Open-Air Museum in Durankulak Lake
Bulgaria’s northeastern Black Sea resort town of Shabla has created the country’s first open-air Paleolithic museum at the site of a prehistoric settlement on the Big Island in the Durankulak Lake, near the town of Durankulak, Shabla Mayor Prof. Rayna…
Flooding Threatens Unique Early Neolithic Settlement in Ohoden in Northwest Bulgaria
The archaeological excavation site of the unique Early Neolithic settlement near the town of Ohoden in Northwest Bulgaria, which is seen as representing what might be Europe’s earliest civilization, is under threat of being flooded by the Skat River.
Archaeology Museum in Bulgaria’s Varna to Unveil Exhibit on Roman Civilization in Black Sea Region
The Varna Museum of Archaeology based in Bulgaria’s largest Black Sea city is set to present an exhibition on the role of Ancient Roman civilization in the Black Sea region during the Antiquity period.
Bulgarian, Romanian Archaeologists Find Sunken Wooden Ships, Soviet U-Boats in Underwater Explorations
Bulgarian and Romanian archaeologists have discovered a number of exciting objects off the Black Sea coast as a result of an underwater archaeology project.
Underwater Archaeology Harbors Great Tourism Potential for Bulgaria, Expert Says
Underwater archaeology and the respective cultural tourism that it inspires could be the next big thing for Bulgaria as far as alternative tourism is concerned, according to an expert.