Weird Medieval Funeral of Woman Buried Face Down, Hands Tied on Back, Discovered in Nebet Tepe Fortress in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A weird medieval funeral in which a woman was buried face down, with hands tied on her back, has been discovered by archaeologists in a necropolis in the Ancient Thracian and Ancient Roman Nebet Tepe Fortress in the southern Bulgarian…

Bulgarian Minister Invokes ‘Vampires’ Found in 2004 near Deultum Archaeological Preserve to Promote Cultural Tourism
In a statement referring to an otherwise noteworthy archaeological discovery made back in 2004 near Bulgaria’s Debelt and the Deultum – Debelt Archaeological Preserve, Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova has vowed to use 17 “vampires” whose skeletons were found there in…

Fully Renovated Archaeological Preserve of Ancient Roman Colony Deultum Opened near Debelt in Southeast Bulgaria
The fully renovated Archaeological Preserve of the Ancient Roman city of Deultum located near the town of Debelt, Sredets Municipality, Burgas District, in Southeast Bulgaria, has been formally inaugurated.