Culverin Cannonballs from Vlad Dracula’s 1461 Victory over Ottoman Turks Found in Danube Fortress Zishtova in Bulgaria’s Svishtov
Cannonballs from culverins – primitive early medieval cannons – most probably used in 1461 during the conquest of the Zishtova Fortress by Wallacian Voivode Vlad III Dracula, also known as Vlad the Impaler, from the Ottoman Turks have been discovered…

Book on Bulgaria’s Roman Danube Cities Durostorum, Novae Honors Archaeologist Peti Donevski’s 70th Birthday
A book with a compilation of research papers by archaeologist Peti Donevski, a renowned Bulgarian researcher of the Roman Danube military camps and cities Durostorum (today’s Silistra) and Novae (today’s Svishtov) has been published on the occasion of his 70th…

Bulgaria’s Svishtov Starts Clean-up of Archaeological Preserve of Ancient Roman City Novae
The local authorities in the Danube town of Svishtov in Northern Bulgaria have staged a full-scale clean-up of the territory of the Archaeological Preserve of the Ancient Roman military camp and city of Novae.

Archaeologist Urges Promotion of Ancient Roman City Novae in Bulgaria’s Svishtov as Cultural Tourism Destination
Assoc. Prof. Pavlina Vladkova, an archaeologist from the Regional Museum of History in Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo, has urged the promotion of the Ancient Roman city of Novae, whose ruins are located in the Danube town of Svishtov, as a cultural…
Bulgarian, Polish Archaeologists Set for Annual Excavations of Roman Military Camp Novae near Svishtov in July
Archaeologists from Bulgaria and Poland are planning to start their annual summer excavations of the Ancient Roman military camp and fortress Novae near the Danube town of Svishtov in mid July, 2015.