Bronze Horse Statuette Found in Bulgaria’s Rusocastro Fortress, Deemed Evidence of Roman Shrine
A rather well-preserved, beautiful 3rd century AD bronze statuette depicting a horse has been discovered in the largest medieval fortress in Southeast Bulgaria, the Rusocastro Fortress, and has immediately been interpreted as evidence that the place had a shrine in…

Ancient Thracian Kralevo Gold Treasure – Kralevo, Targovishte District, Bulgaria
The Kralevo Gold Treasure is an Ancient Thracian gold and silver treasure discovered in a Thracian burial mound near the town of Kralevo, Targovishte Municipality, Targovishte District, in Northeast Bulgaria.

Bulgarian Archaeologist Georgi Ginev, Discoverer of Ancient Thracian Kralevo Gold Treasure, Has Passed Away
Bulgarian archaeologist Georgi Ginev best known for discovering the Ancient Thracian Kralevo Gold Treasure back in 1979 passed away on January 11, 2019.

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in August 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of August 2018.