Previously Unseen Ancient Thracian Weapons Showcased in Special Exhibition in Bulgaria’s Danube City of Ruse
Previously unseen Ancient Thracian weapons from the 1st millennium BC discovered in Thracian settlements and burial mounds in Northeast Bulgaria have been showcased for the first time in a special exhibition at the Regional Museum of History in the Danube…

Celtic Shrine Discovered in Bulgaria’s Sboryanovo Showing Celts Mixed with Ancient Thracian Getae Tribes
An ancient Celtic shrine has been discovered during archaeological excavations in the Sboryanovo Archaeological Preserve known as the “Holy Land of the Getae”, a powerful group of Ancient Thracian tribes who inhabited today’s Northern Bulgaria and Southern Romania and were…

Archaeologists Find Votive Tablets of ‘Thracian Horseman’ Deity in Ancient Roman City Abritus
Two votive tablets with images of the Thracian Horseman, also known as Heros, the alleged supreme deity of the Ancient Thracians, have been found during the 2016 summer archaeological excavations of the Ancient Roman and Byzantine city of Abritus near…

Archaeologists to Resume Excavations of Half-Sunken Ancient Black Sea City Byzone near Bulgaria’s Kaliakra Cape after 10-Year Break
Bulgarian archaeologists are going to resume, after a ten-year pause, the excavations of the ancient and medieval Black Sea city Byzone, the predecessor of today’s town of Kavarna, also known as Karnava in the Middle Ages, part of which collapsed…

Bulgaria’s Razgrad Holds Antiquity Festival at Ancient Thracian, Roman City Abritus
An Antiquity Festival has been held by the northeastern Bulgarian city of Razgrad celebrating the archaeological, historical, and cultural heritage of the Ancient Roman city of Abritus with a wide range of events.

Roman Era Getae-Dacian Family Tomb Discovered in Bulgaria’s Velikovo in Rescue Excavations after Treasure Hunting Raid
A Roman Era family tomb with Getae-Dacian, i.e. Thracian features has been discovered near the town of Velikovo, General Toshevo Municipality, in Bulgaria’s northeastern Dobrich District.

‘Botched’ Restoration of Early Byzantine Fortress in Yailata Archaeological Preserve Brings More Tourists, Bulgaria’s Kavarna Municipality Says
The Early Byzantine fortress located on the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria’s Yailata Archaeological Preserve has seen a 21% increase in visitor numbers in the first 9 months of 2015 year-on-year as a result of its archaeological restoration completed in…