Bulgarian Archaeologists Launch Rescue Excavations of Ancient Black Sea Port, Fortress Caria near Shabla
May 29, 2016 · by Ivan Dikov · in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome / Roman Empire, Ancient Thrace, Antiquity, Byzantine Empire, Middle Ages, Underwater Archaeology
A team of archaeologists from the Regional Museum of History in the northeastern Bulgarian city of Dobrich has launched rescue excavations of the Caria Fortress, an ancient Black Sea port near today’s town of Shabla, much of which is under…

Ancient Black Sea Port, Fortress Caria near Bulgaria’s Shabla ‘Sinking’ into the Sea, Report Alarms
April 16, 2014 · by Ivan Dikov · in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome / Roman Empire, Ancient Thrace, Antiquity, Byzantine Empire, Middle Ages, Underwater Archaeology
The Caria Fortress, a major ancient Black Sea port near today’s town of Shabla in Northeast Bulgaria, is sinking further into the sea, a news report alarms.