Ancient Thracian Kralevo Gold Treasure - Kralevo, Targovishte District, Bulgaria

Ancient Thracian Kralevo Gold Treasure – Kralevo, Targovishte District, Bulgaria

The Kralevo Gold Treasure is an Ancient Thracian gold and silver treasure discovered in a Thracian burial mound near the town of Kralevo, Targovishte Municipality, Targovishte District, in Northeast Bulgaria.

Preslav Gold Treasure – First Bulgarian Empire – Veliki Preslav, Bulgaria

Preslav Gold Treasure – First Bulgarian Empire – Veliki Preslav, Bulgaria

The Preslav Gold Treasure was discovered by accident on April 11, 1978, in an area known as Kastana located right to the northwest of the ruins of the city of Veliki Preslav (“Great Preslav”) in today’s Northeast Bulgaria, which was…

Archaeology in Bulgaria. and Beyond