Mogilanska Mound Treasure – Vratsa, Bulgaria

The 2,500-year-old Mogilanska Mound Treasure, also known as the Vratsa Gold Treasure, was found during the excavations of an Ancient Thracian burial mound in the downtown of Vratsa back in 1965. In addition to the human and horse skeletons and…

Rogozen Silver Treasure – Rogozen, Bulgaria

The Rogozen Treasure, also known as the Rogozen Silver Treasure, was first discovered by accident in 1985 by Ivan Dimitrov, a tractor driver digging a ditch for water pipes in his own yard, and his wife Nadka Savova, in the…

Rogozen Treasure (Silver & Gold) - Vratsa, Bulgaria

Rogozen Treasure (Silver & Gold) – Vratsa, Bulgaria

The Rogozen Treasure, also known as the Rogozen Silver Treasure, is the largest (in terms of weight) treasure from Ancient Thrace to have ever been found in Bulgaria and beyond. It was first discovered by accident in 1985 by Ivan…

Archaeology in Bulgaria. and Beyond