Constantine's Bridge on Danube River at Roman Cities Ulpia Oescus (Gigen, Bulgaria) - Sucidava (Corabia, Romania)

Constantine’s Bridge on Danube River at Roman Cities Ulpia Oescus (Gigen, Bulgaria) – Sucidava (Corabia, Romania)

Constantine’s Bridge on the Danube River, the largest river bridge in ancient times, was a bridge in the Roman Empire  which connected the major city of Ulpia Oescus (today’s Gigen in Northern Bulgaria) in the Moesia Superior province with Sucidava…

Ulpia Oescus – Gigen, Bulgaria

The Ancient Thracian, Roman, and Byzantine city and fortress Ulpia Oescus (also known as Palatiolon or Palatiolum) is located near the town of Gigen, Gulyantsi Municipality, Pleven District, in Northern Bulgaria, about 5 km south of the point where the…

Archaeology in Bulgaria. and Beyond