Lucky Bingo Numbers from Films and TV
As with pretty much every single type of gambling game, bingo has had its fair share of representation on the big screen, often appearing in films and TV series.
And anyway, can you really be that surprised by this? Playing a bingo game at https://bingomummy.com/ is an incredibly intense and exciting experience, and after it is all over you could end up walking away with a small fortune.
But here’s the thing about bingo: just like gambling games like blackjack, poker and roulette it is hugely predicated on things like probability and chance.
As such there has always been an insistence on “lucky” numbers that you have to choose if you want to win, and this is something that is particularly prevalent in films and TV.
Let’s take a look at some lucky bingo numbers from films and TV, but be warned: these aren’t a sure-fire route to victory.
Lost earned an incredibly notorious reputation for being confusing and often nonsensical during its several years of presence on our TV screens, however for the most part it is well remembered as being a thrilling and perplexing piece of TV drama.
There is one particular riddle in the series that continues to puzzle fans, and that is why the set of bingo numbers that Hurley wins a fortune with continue to crop up.
He was lucky enough to be on the fortunate end of these numbers, however it seems as though everybody else has nothing but negative consequences from them. We might never find out why, however let’s hope that the bingo numbers of 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 prove as lucky for you as they did to Hurley.
It Could Happen To You!
It Could Happen To You! was the kind of box office smash hit motion picture that has come to define the 1990s, and in it we find a dashing policemen unable to tip the waitress that has served him with so much gusto during his time in a restaurant.
To make up for it he tells her that he will split the winnings if he ever hits the jackpot during a game of bingo.
And you don’t have to be a genius to figure out what happens next… He wins a huge jackpot, and then makes good on his promise to share the winnings with the waitress.
Next time you’re stuck for a tip why not try the bingo numbers 6, 8, 12, 16, 26 and 6?
In this classic thriller starring Hollywood sweet heart Ben Affleck the action doesn’t necessarily revolve around bingo, however it does centre on the importance of mathematics, probability and chance.
It is based on a novel by the esteemed Sci-Fi writer Philip K. Dick and was widely lauded as being an incredible piece of movie entertainment on its release.
In the film Ben Affleck’s character ends up scooping quite the fortune from a game of bingo, and the lucky numbers? 4, 17, 22, 26, 37, 44 and 70.