Intriguing ‘Dionysus with Panther’ Chariot Applique Discovered in Bulgaria’s Skutare in ‘Multi-layer’ Settlement
A highly intriguing ancient artifact – a bronze applique depicting wine god Dionysus together with what is believed to be a panther, which was most likely decorating a chariot – has been discovered in Bulgaria’s Skutare, close to the city…

Unseen 3rd Century BC Thracian Temple Discovered by Archaeologists beneath ‘Large Mound’ in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
An Ancient Thracian temple from the 3rd century BC, of a type that has never been seen before, has been unearthed by archaeologists in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv, underneath a massive man-made hill known as “the Large Mound” (“Golyamata Mogila”). The Large…

Striking Stake Burial with Gold Finds of Thracian – Roman Noble Warrior Discovered in Southeast Bulgaria
Archaeologists have just made a striking discovery – the burial of an Ancient Thracian aristocrat who was also a Roman warrior – and it is packed full of armaments and gold and precious stone finds, in a rare, previously untouched…

Highly Acclaimed ‘Armor of Thracian Warriors’ Exhibition Presented in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A poster presentation of the highly acclaimed exhibition entitled “The Panoply of the Thracian Warriors,” a project of Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology, has been opened in Kazanlak as part of the annual Celebrations at the Valley of…

Massive Hoard of 500 Antiquity Coins Found at Eastern Gate of Ancient Philipopolis in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A massive hoard of some 500 Antiquity coins from different time periods, some of them going back 2,500 years, has been discovered by archaeologists doing rescue excavations close to the eastern gate of the ancient city of Thracian and Roman…

Celebrated ‘Armor of Thracian Warriors’ Exhibition to Be Showcased at Valley of Odrysian Kings
А poster presentation of the celebrated exhibition entitled “The Panoply of the Thracian Warriors,” a project of Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology, is set to be showcased in Kazanlak as part of the annual Celebrations at the Valley…

‘The Mudbrick Swamp,’ First Book in ‘Rodiniya’s Reason’ Fantasy Series, Published by Writer Ivan Dikov
“The Mudbrick Swamp,” the first book in the “Rodiniya’s Reason” fantasy series, has been published by Bulgarian English-language writer and journalist Ivan Dikov on Amazon.com. “pThe Mudbrick Swam” is actually Volume 1 of what is conceived as a vast epic…

Top 20 Stories by ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in April 2021
Following are the 20 most popular stories with the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com from around the worold during the month of April 2021.

1st Century BC Traces of Earliest Roman Presence in Bulgaria on Danube Discovered Halfway between Major Antiquity Cities Bononia (Vidin) and Ratiaria (Archar)
A vast archaeological site, which was an Ancient Roman settlement with traces from the earliest Roman presence in today’s Bulgaria in the 1st century BC and was located halfway between the large Roman Empire cities of Bononia (today’s Vidin) and…

4th Century Bishop’s Basilica with Marvelous Early Christian Bird Mosaics Opened for Visitors Bulgaria’s Plovdiv in Big Restoration Project with US Funding
The partly restored ruins of the 4th century Bishop’s Basilica, or Great Basilica, of the Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Philipopolis, with its almost fully restored fabulous Early Christian flood mosaics with birds and other motifs, has been opened…

Ancient Thracian Horse Burial, ‘Half a Skeleton’ Human Burial from Early Iron Age Found near Bulgaria’s Polski Trambesh
An Ancient Thracian burial of a horse and a human burial containing only the upper half of a person’s body from the Early Iron Age (ca 1,000 – 500 BC) have been discovered by archaeologists near Orlovets and Polski Trambesh…

Ancient Bulgar Strap Decorations, Dugouts from Medieval Bulgarian Empire Found in Debnevo Fortress near Troyan
A wide range of archaeological structures and artifacts with a dating range from 5,000 BC until the 14th century AD – including Ancient Bulgar strap decorations and dugouts from the time of the medieval Bulgarian Empire – have been discovered…

Iron Age Ancient Thracian Hamlet, ‘Cross-Shaped’ Ax Discovered in Highway Construction Excavations in Bulgaria’s Ugarchin
An Iron Age Ancient Thracian settlement, or, rather, a hamlet which was inhabited on and off over a period of about 1,000 years – from the 11th century BC until the 1st century BC, has been discovered by archaeologists during…

3,000-Year-Old Bird-Shaped Vessel Placed in Burial Urn Found in Bulgaria’s Baley in Crucial Thracian Bronze Age Necropolis
Archaeologists have discovered 15 new graves from the 2nd millennium BC, the Middle Bronze Age and the Late Bronze Age, near the town of Baley on the Danube, Vidin District, in Northwest Bulgaria, in a necropolis from the earliest Ancient…

Top 25 Stories by ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in the First Quarter of 2021
Following are the 25 most read stories by ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, and, respectively, our most popular stories with our readers from around the world, during the first quarter of 2021.

Top 20 Stories by ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in March 2021
Following are the 20 most popular stories and site pages with the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com from around the worold during the month of March 2021.

Archaeologist Figures Out Thracian Name of Roman Danube City Sexaginta Prista, Bulgaria’s Ruse
The Ancient Thracian name and thus the earliest name of today’s Danube city of Ruse in Northeast Bulgaria, the successor of the Roman Empire city of Sexaginta Prista, was probably Plestrodava, a Bulgarian archaeologist hypothesizes.

3 Newly Found Gold Rings Reveal Antiquity, Middle Ages Life in Danube Region of Northeast Bulgaria
Archaeologists have discovered a total of three gold rings from the Antiquity, High Middle Ages, and Late Middle Ages in diverse archaeological sites in the Danube region of Ruse in today’s Northeast Bulgaria.

Top 20 Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in November 2020
Following are the 20 most popular stories with the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com from around the worold during the month of November 2020.

Early Thracian, Roman, Medieval Settlements, Athena Statuette Found in Rescue Digs by Bulgarian Coal Mining Company
Three different ancient settlements – an Early Thracian settlement, a town from the time of the Roman Empire, and an Early Byzantine and medieval Bulgarian settlement – have been discovered in rescue excavations in three locations near the town of…

8,000-Year-Old Structures, Medieval Christian Necropolis, Ottoman Slaughter Fire Traces Found in Bulgaria’s Stara Zagora
A wide range of archaeological structures and artifacts “slicing through history” have been discovered during rescue excavations on a construction plot within the Augusta Traiana – Vereia Archaeological Preserve in the Southern Bulgarian city of Stara Zagora – including 8,000-year-old…

Bulgaria to Turn Former Black Sea Island near Sozopol into Archaeology Museum with Aid from Louvre, France, OAE
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture is planning to use help from the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, and its affiliate in Abu Dhabi, OAE, in order to turn the St. Cyricus Island, formerly a small Black Sea island off the coast…

Vast Artifact Collection Seized from Exiled Oligarch to Be Appraised by German, Italian Experts, Bulgaria’s Prosecution Says
The very large and rich collection counting thousands of Antiquity archaeological artifacts, many of them gold and silver Ancient Thracian vessels, which has been seized from Bulgarian businessman Vasil Bozhkov, oftentimes described in media as an oligarch, is intact and…

Scandal Erupts as Roman Mosaics Get Trampled On in Villa Armira Mansion near Bulgaria’s Ivaylovgrad
A wedding ceremony involving guests trampling upon invaluable and protected Ancient Roman floor mosaics in Villa Armira, a famous 1st century AD mansion of a Thracian – Roman aristocratic family, near Ivaylovgrad in Southern Bulgaria, has caused a public outrage.

Thracian Pits, Roman, Byzantine Buildings Found in Rescue Digs in Sexaginta Prista Fortress in Bulgaria’s Danube City Ruse
Ancient Thracian ritual pits, an Ancient Roman building, and Early Byzantine masonry as well as Western European porcelain from the 19th century, among other items, have been found during partial rescue excavations on the territory of the Sexaginta Prista fortress…

Emergency Call for Donations to Save ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com amid the Pandemic Fallout
Dear Friends from around the World, We at the editorial team of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com are asking you for your help to save this website as fallout from the coronavirus pandemic continues to weigh on us all in full force!

Ancient Greek, Thracian Silver Treasure with Hercules and Nemean Lion, Apollo Becomes October 2020 ‘Exhibit of the Month’ in Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology
A collective find of 12 silver appliques from a horse ammunition featuring characters from Ancient Greek and Thracian mythology, including two scenes of Hercules (Heracles) and the Nemean Lion, and four heads of god Apollo, has been declared “Exhibit of…

Bulgaria’s Danube City Ruse to Hold Ancient Roman Market in Sexaginta Prista Fortress
Bulgaria’s Danube city of Ruse is set to hold the 9th edition of its annual Roman Market, a historical reenactment event traditionally held in the Ancient Roman fortress of Sexaginta Prista.

Ostrich Egg Vessel, Silver Thracian Horseman Found in Roman Era Burial Mound near Bulgaria’s Lyaskovets
A wide range of highly intriguing artifacts such as an ostrich egg turned into a vessel and a gold-plated silver fibula featuring the Thracian Horseman deity have been discovered in rescue excavations of a Thracian burial mound from the Roman…

Disc-Like Copper Ingots Found in Ancient Shipwreck at Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast Similar to Gelidonya, Uluburun Shipwrecks of Mediterranean Turkey
A set of ancient copper ingots shaped as discs have been found in a shipwreck near a Black Sea cape in Southeast Bulgaria shedding light on the maritime trade of the Ancient Thracians during the Late Bronze Age (second half…

Bulgaria’s Capital Sofia to Hold First Ever Antiquity Festival Named after Constantine’s Quote ‘Serdica Is My Rome’
The city of Sofia, which is celebrating its 140th anniversary as capital of Bulgaria in 2019, is going to hold its first ever Antiquity Festival dedicated to the heritage of its Ancient Roman predecessor, Serdica, which was known as Sredets…

10 Stunning Facts about the Archaeology and History Riches of Bulgaria
We at ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com have been on a mission for a while now to acquaint readers around the world the incredible archaeological, historical, and cultural heritage of Bulgaria (as well as other, global topics) in a journalistic fashion that is both…

3 Species of Treasure Hunters Are Destroying Archaeology in Bulgaria’s ‘Plunder Paradise’ worth up to USD 1 Billion a Year, New Book Reveals
Three “species” of treasure hunters dubbed “diggers”, “yuppies” and “super experts”, whose a total number is in the low six figures, are destroying the world archaeology and history heritage found in Bulgaria in a criminal industry worth up to 1…

Huge Roman Inscription of Dionysus Cult Secret Society after 251 Goth Invasion Found in Early Christian Great Basilica in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A gigantic Ancient Roman inscription left behind by a mystic secret society dedicated to the cult of god Dionysus in the middle of the 3rd century AD after the Roman Empire in today’s Bulgaria was invaded by the Goths has…

30-Year-Old Roman Woman’s Grave Found in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv near Discovery Site of Tomb with Jesus Christ Murals
Part of a Roman Era home from the 2nd – 4th century AD and the grave of an approximately 30-year-old woman have been discovered by accident in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv, the successor of ancient Philipopolis, near a site where a now…