Striking Stake Burial with Gold Finds of Thracian – Roman Noble Warrior Discovered in Southeast Bulgaria
Archaeologists have just made a striking discovery – the burial of an Ancient Thracian aristocrat who was also a Roman warrior – and it is packed full of armaments and gold and precious stone finds, in a rare, previously untouched…

1st Century BC Traces of Earliest Roman Presence in Bulgaria on Danube Discovered Halfway between Major Antiquity Cities Bononia (Vidin) and Ratiaria (Archar)
A vast archaeological site, which was an Ancient Roman settlement with traces from the earliest Roman presence in today’s Bulgaria in the 1st century BC and was located halfway between the large Roman Empire cities of Bononia (today’s Vidin) and…

6,500-Year-Old Full Set of Vessels, Including Zoomorphic One, Gold Bead from World’s Oldest Found in Prehistoric Settlement Mound near Bulgaria’s Pomorie
A full set of 21 prehistoric pottery vessels, including a remarkable zoomorphic vessel, and a gold bead which is among the oldest gold items in the world, have been discovered in a Chalcolithic (Aeneolithic, Copper Age) settlement mound from the…

Fine Marbles in 14 Different Colors from Constantine the Great’s Danube Bridge Opening in 328 AD Found in Roman City Ulpia Oescus in North Bulgaria
Archaeologists have discovered a total of 14 different kinds of highly sophisticated colorful marbles used in lavish wall decorations of a grand hall in the huge Roman city of Ulpia Oescus in North Bulgaria, and believe they most likely had…

Turkish Smuggler Caught with Dozens Byzantine, Persian Gold Coins at Bulgaria-Turkey Border
Dozens of gold and silver coins from the Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages minted by states such as the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Persian Empire have been seized from a Turkish man at the Bulgaria –…

Archaeologists Unearth Burgus (Tower Fort) in Lesser Known Roman Danube Fortress Bulldozed by Treasure Hunters in Northwest Bulgaria
Archaeologists have exposed what was a burgus, a Late Roman Era tower fort, or a centrally located tower inside Pomodiana, a little known but massive Late Roman and Early Byzantine Fortress on the Danube River in today’s Northwest Bulgaria, which,…

Ancient Greek, Thracian Silver Treasure with Hercules and Nemean Lion, Apollo Becomes October 2020 ‘Exhibit of the Month’ in Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology
A collective find of 12 silver appliques from a horse ammunition featuring characters from Ancient Greek and Thracian mythology, including two scenes of Hercules (Heracles) and the Nemean Lion, and four heads of god Apollo, has been declared “Exhibit of…

Italy, Europol Bust 23 Suspects, Seize 10,000 Roman, Greek Artifacts Looted from Calabria in Operation ‘Achaeans’
A massive police operation codenamed “Achaeans” against treasure hunting and the trafficking of archaeological artifacts carried out in Italy, France, Germany, Serbia, and the UK, has led to the arrests of 23 suspects and the seizure of some 10,000 artifacts…

3 Treasure Hunters Nabbed in North Bulgaria, 2 in South Bulgaria in Random Police Checks
A total of 5 treasure hunters have been arrested in two different regions of Bulgaria during random police checks.

3 Treasure Hunters Get Suspended Sentences for Raiding Archaeological Sites in Southwest Bulgaria
Three treasure hunters from Southwest Bulgaria have received minor suspended sentences for raiding archaeological sites in the region back in 2016.

Fundraising for ‘Rescue’ of 7 Stolen ‘Royal’ Icons under Way in Bulgaria’s Burgas
The Regional Museum of History in Bulgaria’s Burgas and the local bureau of the Bulgarian National Radio have launched a campaign to raise money for the restoration of a total of 7 large “royal” icons which were recovered from thieves…

Dozens of Icons Stolen in 4 Robberies of 3 Churches in Ruse District in Northeast Bulgaria
A total of three churches in small towns have been robbed in the Ruse District in Northeast Bulgaria, with the thieves stealing icons, among other religious artifacts.

Trafficking Channel from Bulgaria to UK, Western Europe Busted, 4,600 Plundered Artifacts Seized
The Bulgarian and the British police have arrested a total of 9 people for running a trafficking channel for the illegal exports of antiques and archaeological artifacts plundered by treasure hunters in Bulgaria.

3 Species of Treasure Hunters Are Destroying Archaeology in Bulgaria’s ‘Plunder Paradise’ worth up to USD 1 Billion a Year, New Book Reveals
Three “species” of treasure hunters dubbed “diggers”, “yuppies” and “super experts”, whose a total number is in the low six figures, are destroying the world archaeology and history heritage found in Bulgaria in a criminal industry worth up to 1…

Sealed 16th Century Ottoman Looting Tunnel for Draft Animals Found inside Tower Tomb beneath Bulgaria’s Largest Thracian Burial Mound
A huge tunnel for looting that fit large draft animals and was dug up in the 16th century, during the reign of Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1521 – 1566) has been discovered by archaeologists inside the 3rd century…

46-Year-Old Treasure Hunter Suffocates in Makeshift Shaft during Search Gold Treasure in Northeast Bulgaria
A treasure hunter who was part of a group of three looters has died of suffocation after descending into a 12-meter-deep makeshift shaft while searching for a mythical gold treasure near the town of Prolaz, Targovishte Municipality, in Northeast Bulgaria.

Precious Caves in Northeast Bulgaria Get Destroyed by Car Thieves, Sheep Herders, Treasure Hunters
Numerous caves in the Ruse District in Northeast Bulgaria, which are valuable from an archaeological and environmental point of view, have been damaged by locals who have “utilized” them as car part hideouts, cattle and sheep barns, and camping places,…

Treasure Hunters Expose Necropolis of Burial Mounds after Their Arrest in Southern Bulgaria
Two treasure hunters have been arrested while digging near a chapel in Southern Bulgaria leading the archaeologists examining the site to discover that the looters had actually exposed a necropolis of ancient burial mounds.

Late Bronze Age Settlement Discovered in Northwest Bulgaria in Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline Rescue Digs
A settlement originally dating back to the Late Bronze Age, which was also subsequently inhabited in the Thracian and Roman Antiquity, and the Middle Age, has been discovered by archaeologists near Rasovo in Northwest Bulgaria during rescue excavation on the…

Bulgaria’s Largest Thracian Mound Proves to Be Tower Tomb Like in Petra, Palmyra, Likely of Roman Emperor Philip I the Arab
The massive 3rd century AD Antiquity building exposed in July 2018 underneath the Maltepe Mound, Bulgaria’s largest Ancient Thracian burial mound ever, has turned out to be a tower tomb like the ones in ancient Middle East cities such as…

New Board Game Pits Archaeologists against Treasure Hunters in Archaeological Sites All across Bulgaria
A new board entitled “Archaeologists vs. Treasure Hunters”, which pits the two groups against one another on a map featuring some of Bulgaria’s most remarkable archaeological sites, has been developed and released by a group of archaeologists.

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in October 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of October 2018.

Discovery of 8,000-Year-Old Veiled Mother Goddess near Bulgaria’s Vidin ‘Pushes Back’ Neolithic Revolution in Europe
Part of a ceramic figurine depicting the head of the Mother Goddess, the earliest deity of Europe’s first agriculturalists, has been discovered by archaeologists in an 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic prehistoric settlement near the town of Mayor Uzunovo, Vidin District, close…

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in the Third Quarter of 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com from July 1 until September 30, 2018, i.e. during the third quarter of 2018.

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in September 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of September 2018.

Smallest Ancient Thracian Brick Tomb Found near Bulgaria’s Rozovo, Thoroughly Looted by Treasure Hunters
The smallest Ancient Thracian brick tomb, out of a total of 14 Thracian tombs made of bricks that have been excavated so far in Bulgaria, has been found by archaeologists near the town of Rozovo near the town of Kazanlak,…

Treasure Hunters Found 5th Century BC Thracian King’s Burial worth USD 60 Million Back in 2002, Report Says
One of the largest hits ever of the numerous treasure hunters active across Bulgaria was the discovery back in 2002 of the burial of an Ancient Thracian King from the 5th century BC whose funeral inventory was sold of USD…

Statue Head of Roman Emperor Aurelian, Unknown Colonnade Found in Ancient Rome’s Danube Colony Ulpia Oscus in North Bulgaria
The head of a statue which dates back to the 3rd century AD and is believed to be of Roman Emperor Aurelian (r. 250 – 275 AD) has been discovered by archaeologists in Ulpia Oescus, a colony of Ancient Rome,…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Tracking Treasure Hunters’ Raids Using Google Maps, Google Earth
Some Bulgarian archaeologists have found a novel way of tackling the damage done to the country’s tremendous archaeological heritage on a daily basis by ruthless treasure hunters by using Google Maps and Google Earth, an archaeologist reveals.

‘Unusually Tall’ Skeleton, Severed Arm Found in 4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Burial Mound near Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast
The skeleton of a Bronze Age man who was untypically tall for his time has been discovered in a 4,000-year-old burial mound by archaeologists near Bulgaria’s Black Sea town of Primorsko, with the grave also containing the arm of another…

Discovery of Ancient Thracian Primorsko Gold Treasure Explained in New Paper in Bulgaria’s e-Journal of Archaeology
A paper publushed in the Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology reveals the story of the discovery of the most recently found Ancient Thracian gold treasure in Bulgaria – the Primorsko Gold Treasure, which was dug up in 2016 in a burial…

Bulgaria’s Cabinet Reclaims Management of Ancient Roman Colony Ulpia Oescus from Pleven District Governor
Bulgaria’s Cabinet has reclaimed the management rights for Ulpia Oescus, a colony of Ancient Rome and one of the most important cities of the Roman Empire in today’s Bulgaria.

Archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov: Destruction of Europe’s Chalcolithic Civilization Shows the Stronger Triumps over the Smarter in World History (Interview Part 2)
Ventsislav (“Ventsi”) Gergov is a Bulgarian archaeologist. He was born in Iskar, Pleven District, in 1946. He majored in archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, and joined the team of the Pleven Regional Museum of History…

Archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov: Chalcolithic Civilization from 7,000 Years Ago Was the Height of Southeast Europe, Bulgaria (Interview, Part 1)
Ventsislav (“Ventsi”) Gergov is a Bulgarian archaeologist. He was born in Iskar, Pleven District, in 1946. He majored in archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, and joined the team of the Pleven Regional Museum of History…

Bulgaria’s Most Recently Found Ancient Thracian Gold Treasure Returns Home to Black Sea Town Primorsko after Exhibition
Bulgaria’s most recently discovered Ancient Thracian gold treasure – the Primorsko Gold Treasure found in 2016 – has returned to its home, the Museum of History in the Black Sea town of Primorsko.