Major Discovery in Ancient Green Literature as Papyrus Fragments of ‘Lost’ Euripides Tragedies Deciphered
In a landmark discovery for Ancient Greek literature, archaeologists have unearthed portions of two previously lost plays by the 5th-century B.C.E. dramatist Euripides. This revelation, which includes about 100 lines from “Ino” and “Polyidos,” marks one of the most important…

6th Century BC Corinthian Aryballos (Athlete’s Oil Flask) from Varna Becomes April 2021 ‘Exhibit of the Month’ of Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology
Another piece of Ancient Greek pottery, a 6th century AD Late Corinthian aryballos – a pottery flask for oil or perfume found in the Greek colony of Odessos, today’s city of Varna on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast – has been…

Slab with Marching Ancient Greek Warriors Discovered at Apollo Temples on Ancient Black Sea Island in Bulgaria’s Sozopol
A 2,500-year-old slab, a relief depicting marching Ancient Greek warriors, or hoplites, has been discovered among other finds in the recent archaeological excavations of two temples of ancient god Apollo on the St. Cyricus Island, today a peninsula, in the…

Archaeologists Find Holy Well of Early Christian Monastery on Top of 2,500-Year-Old Apollo Temple on Bulgaria’s St. Ivan Island
Archaeologists have discovered the 1,500-year-old holy well, or ayazmo, of the Early Christian monastery on the St. Ivan Island off the coast of Bulgaria’s Black Sea town of Sozopol, which was built on top of an Ancient Greek temple of…

Bulgaria to Turn Former Black Sea Island near Sozopol into Archaeology Museum with Aid from Louvre, France, OAE
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture is planning to use help from the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, and its affiliate in Abu Dhabi, OAE, in order to turn the St. Cyricus Island, formerly a small Black Sea island off the coast…

6,000-Year-Old Submerged Prehistoric Settlement Reveals Black Sea Level Was 5 Meters Lower 5,000 Years Ago
Underwater archaeologists have discovered that a submerged prehistoric settlement near the mouth of the Ropotamo River in Southeast Bulgaria previously thought to be from the Bronze Age was in fact 1,000 years old, going back to the Chalcolithic (Copper Age),…

Vast Artifact Collection Seized from Exiled Oligarch to Be Appraised by German, Italian Experts, Bulgaria’s Prosecution Says
The very large and rich collection counting thousands of Antiquity archaeological artifacts, many of them gold and silver Ancient Thracian vessels, which has been seized from Bulgarian businessman Vasil Bozhkov, oftentimes described in media as an oligarch, is intact and…

5th Century BC Ancient Greek Shrine Discovered in First Ever Excavations on Tiny St. Peter Island off Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast near Sozopol
An Antiquity shrine from the 5th century BC, the time of the Ancient Greek colonization of Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast, has been discovered during the first ever archaeological excavations on the tiny St. Petar / St. Peter Island off the…

Lekythos Featuring Ancient Greek Gods from Eleusinian Mysteries Becomes September 2020 ‘Exhibit of the Month’ of Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology
A 4th century BC Ancient Greek lekythos – a vessel for storing oil – featuring a scene of the gods from the Eleusinian Mysteries, which has been found in the Black Sea city of Sozopol, has been declared “Exhibit of…

Italy, Europol Bust 23 Suspects, Seize 10,000 Roman, Greek Artifacts Looted from Calabria in Operation ‘Achaeans’
A massive police operation codenamed “Achaeans” against treasure hunting and the trafficking of archaeological artifacts carried out in Italy, France, Germany, Serbia, and the UK, has led to the arrests of 23 suspects and the seizure of some 10,000 artifacts…

Traces of First Ancient Greek Colonists in 7th Century BC Found under Byzantine City at Bulgaria’s Chernomorets on Black Sea Coast
Archaeological layers with remains from the earliest Ancient Greek colonists, or settlers, on today’s Bulgarian Black Sea coast dating back to the Archaic period in the 7th – 6th century BC have been surprisingly found by archaeologists excavating an Early…

2nd Century BC Lion Statue from Hellenistic Era, Byzantine Oven Found in Ancient Assos in Turkey
A 2,200-year-old statue of a lion from the Hellenistic Age and an Early Byzantine oven have been discovered in Turkey during archaeological excavations in the Ancient Greek city of Assos on Anatolia’s Aegean coast.

10 Stunning Facts about the Archaeology and History Riches of Bulgaria
We at ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com have been on a mission for a while now to acquaint readers around the world the incredible archaeological, historical, and cultural heritage of Bulgaria (as well as other, global topics) in a journalistic fashion that is both…

3 Species of Treasure Hunters Are Destroying Archaeology in Bulgaria’s ‘Plunder Paradise’ worth up to USD 1 Billion a Year, New Book Reveals
Three “species” of treasure hunters dubbed “diggers”, “yuppies” and “super experts”, whose a total number is in the low six figures, are destroying the world archaeology and history heritage found in Bulgaria in a criminal industry worth up to 1…

Huge Roman Inscription of Dionysus Cult Secret Society after 251 Goth Invasion Found in Early Christian Great Basilica in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A gigantic Ancient Roman inscription left behind by a mystic secret society dedicated to the cult of god Dionysus in the middle of the 3rd century AD after the Roman Empire in today’s Bulgaria was invaded by the Goths has…
Top 20: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in May 2019
Following are the 20 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the month of May 2019.

Bulgarian Archaeologist Joins ‘Prehistoric’ Black Sea, Mediterranean Voyage with Reed Boat Built by Uru from Lake Titicaca
Teodor Rokov, an archeologist from the Varna Museum of Archaeology, will represent Bulgaria in the ABORA IV expedition exploring the prehistoric contacts of the civilizations in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean through an experimental voyage with a reed…

5 Incredible Underwater Discoveries by Black Sea MAP in Bulgaria’s Zone: From Ancient Sunken Ships to the Biblical Deluge
2018 was the third and last year of the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (Black Sea M.A.P.), an international research endeavor which has made previously unimaginable underwater archaeology discoveries, in terms of ancient sunken ships and not only, in Bulgaria’s…

Blond Roman Woman’s Statue Head Found in Ancient Heraclea Sintica in Southwest Bulgaria, Hints at Building Ritual
The marble Ancient Roman statue head of a blond Roman woman has been found by the archaeologists excavating the Ancient Greek, Thracian, and Roman city of Heraclea Sintica near Petrich in Southwest Bulgaria, with the discovery hinting at what may…

2,500-Year-Old ‘Metallurgical Plant’ at Ancient Copper Mine Discovered near Bulgaria’s Black Sea Town Sozopol
An ancient metallurgical plant from the 6th century BC located at an Antiquity copper mine has been discovered by archaeologists during rescue excavations near the Black Sea town of Sozopol in Southeast Bulgaria, the successor of the Ancient Greek colony…

3rd Century BC Decree Found on Black Sea Island Proves Ties between Ancient Greek Cities Apollonia Pontica in Bulgaria, Heraclea Pontica in Turkey
A rare ancient document, a decree of the assembly of the Ancient Greek colony of Apollonia Pontica, today’s Sozopol in Southeast Bulgaria, has been discovered during excavations on the Black Sea island of St. Ivan (St. John), providing a first-hand…

Treasure Hunters Found 5th Century BC Thracian King’s Burial worth USD 60 Million Back in 2002, Report Says
One of the largest hits ever of the numerous treasure hunters active across Bulgaria was the discovery back in 2002 of the burial of an Ancient Thracian King from the 5th century BC whose funeral inventory was sold of USD…

Roman Magistrate’s Statue from ca. 100 AD Found by Archaeologists in Ancient City Heraclea Sintica in Southwest Bulgaria
An Ancient Roman statue from the end of the 1rd – beginning of the 2nd century AD depicting a local Roman magistrate has been discovered by the archaeologists excavating the Ancient Greek, Thracian, and Roman city of Heraclea Sintica near…

2,500-Year-Old Sunken Ancient Greek Ship Used to Sail to Crimea Discovered in Ukraine’s Black Sea Waters
An approximately 2,500-year-old sunken Ancient Greek ship, likely the oldest known in the Northern Black Sea, and used by the Ancient Greeks to sail to the Crimean Peninsula, has been discovered by underwater archaeologists in the Black Sea near Ukraine’s…

Oldest Ancient Greek Relic in Slovakia, Bronze Breastplace from Italy’s Taranto, Discovered at Celtic Sacrificial Site
The oldest Ancient Greek art relic in Slovakia and its region has been discovered at a Celtic sacrificial site near the northwestern town of Slatina nad Bebravou, namely, bronze shoulder boards decorated with reliefs from what was the breastplate of…

Large Sunken Island Existed off Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast till Middle Ages, According to Roman Era Maps, Geomorphology Research
A sizable but now destroyed and/or sunken island – likely the size of Greece’s Aegean island of Thasos – existed in the Black Sea off the southern Black Sea coast of today’s Bulgaria but disappeared as a result of natural…

Ancient Thrace Was Gradually Taken Over by Ancient Greek, Greco-Roman Sports Culture, Reveals New Exhibition at Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology
Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia has unveiled a new large-scale exhibition presenting “Sports in Ancient Thrace” with a wide-range of archaeological artifacts dating from the Iron Age to the Late Antiquity.

Archaeologists Find 6th Century BC Home, Red-Figure Pottery Krater Depicting Oedipus and the Sphinx from Apollonia Pontica in Bulgaria’s Sozopol
The well-preserved ruins of a 6th century BC home from the Ancient Greek colony of Apollonia Pontica, today’s Sozopol on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast, have been discovered during rescue digs together with numerous artifacts, which include an Attica red-figure pottery…

Unseen Kantharos with Sacrifice of Golden Fleece Ram Features as Centerpiece in Jason and the Argonauts Exhibition in Bulgaria’s Sofia
A silver kantharos (ancient cup) showing the sacrifice of the sacred golden ram that transferred twin siblings Helle and Phrixus to Colchis is the centerpiece of the new exhibition in the Bulgarian capital Sofia presenting with unique archaeological artifacts the…

Unseen Silver Kantharos with Theseus, Rhyton with Silenus Shown for the First Time in Golden Fleece, Jason and the Argonauts Exhibition in Bulgaria’s Sofia
A number of previously unseen Ancient Thracian and/or Greek archaeological artifacts from a private collection – including a silver kantharos (ancient cup) with Thesius and a silver rhyton (ancient fluid container) with Silenus – have been showcased for the first…

Archaeologists Find Shrines in Ancient Heraclea Sintica in Southwest Bulgaria, Evidence of Row with Roman City Parthicopolis
Shrines located within the stores lining the main square of the Ancient Thracian, Greek, and Roman city of Heraclea Sintica near Petrich in Southwest Bulgaria have been discovered by archaeologists – alongside evidence of Heraclea Sintica’s Late Antiquity rivalry with…

Ancient Roman Gold Necklace Discovered by Archaeologists in Ancient City Heraclea Sintica in Southwest Bulgaria
A sophisticated Ancient Roman gold necklace from the 4th century AD has been discovered by the team of archaeologists excavating the Ancient Thracian, Greek, and Roman city of Heraclea Sintica, whose ruins are located near the town of Petrich in…

Silver Wreath from Ancient Thrace’s Roman Era Discovered near Bulgaria’s Prehistoric Dyadovo Settlement Mound
Archaeologists have found parts of a silver wreath dating back to the period after Ancient Thrace was conquered by the Roman Empire (1st-3rd century) during excavations of a burial mound located near the 8,000-year-old Dyadovo Settlement Mound in Southeast Bulgaria.

Maritime Archaeologists Find Bronze Age Settlement under Black Sea’s Seabed off Bulgaria’s Coast
The Black Sea MAP underwater archaeology project, which has discovered some 60 well-preserved ships from the past 2,500 year on the bottom of the Black Sea, has also found and explored an Early Bronze Age settlement off Bulgaria’s coast underneath…

Archaeologists Discover Perfectly Preserved 2000-Year-Old Roman Ship, 20 Other Shipwrecks in Black Sea Off Bulgaria’s Coast
A perfectly preserved almost 2,000-year-old Roman ship is the most intriguing discovery from the third and final research season of the international Black Sea MAP underwater archaeology project – among a total of 20 other previously unknown ancient and medieval…