Happy Independence Day: Bulgaria Celebrates 116th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey in 1908
Bulgaria celebrates on Sunday, September 22, 2024, the 116th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was proclaimed on September 22, 1908.

Happy Unification Day: Bulgaria Celebrates 139th Anniversary since National Reunification of Principality of Bulgaria and ‘Eastern Rumelia’ in 1885
Bulgaria celebrates on Thursday, September 6, 2018, the 139th anniversary since the Unification of what is today North and South Bulgaria, back then the Principality of Bulgaria, a vassal of Ottoman Turkey, and Eastern Roumelia, an autonomous region of Ottoman…

Bulgaria Celebrates 143rd Anniversary since National Liberation from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Wednesday, March 3, the 143th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

8,000-Year-Old Structures, Medieval Christian Necropolis, Ottoman Slaughter Fire Traces Found in Bulgaria’s Stara Zagora
A wide range of archaeological structures and artifacts “slicing through history” have been discovered during rescue excavations on a construction plot within the Augusta Traiana – Vereia Archaeological Preserve in the Southern Bulgarian city of Stara Zagora – including 8,000-year-old…

576th Year since Battle of Varna, ‘Battle of Peoples’ of European Christians against Ottoman Empire, Goes without Any Events in Bulgaria
The 576th year since the Battle of Varna in 1444, also known as the “Battle of Peoples” or the last medieval battle for Bulgaria, in which the Ottoman Empire routed the European Christian forces, was marked on Tuesday, November 10,…

Bulgaria Celebrates Day of National Awakeners
Bulgaria marks on November 1, 2020, its Day of National Awakeners, a holiday designed to honor the people who brought about the “awakening” or revival of the Bulgarian nation in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century.

Antique Weights, Scales from 19th Century Join Modernity Collection of History Museum in Bulgaria’s Ruse
A collection of a total of 58 antique scales, weighing machines, volume-measuring machines, and 16 sets of weights, some of them from the 19th century, is undergoing a procedure for identification and cataloging at the Regional Museum of History in…

Bulgaria Marks 575 Years since Battle of Varna in 1444, ‘Battle of Peoples’ in Which Ottoman Empire Defeated Christian Europeans
As they celebrate the 30th anniversary since the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the communist regimes, Bulgaria and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe also mark with remembrance events the 575th year since the Battle…

Bulgaria Celebrates 111th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria celebrates on Saturday, September 22, 2019, the 111th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was proclaimed on September 22, 1908.

Sofia Celebrates Holiday, 140th Anniversary since Becoming Capital of Bulgaria
The city of Sofia celebrates on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, its city holiday, the Day of St. Sophia and her three daughters, Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity, with this year’s events being marked by the continuing celebrations of the 140th…

Sealed 16th Century Ottoman Looting Tunnel for Draft Animals Found inside Tower Tomb beneath Bulgaria’s Largest Thracian Burial Mound
A huge tunnel for looting that fit large draft animals and was dug up in the 16th century, during the reign of Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1521 – 1566) has been discovered by archaeologists inside the 3rd century…

Precious Caves in Northeast Bulgaria Get Destroyed by Car Thieves, Sheep Herders, Treasure Hunters
Numerous caves in the Ruse District in Northeast Bulgaria, which are valuable from an archaeological and environmental point of view, have been damaged by locals who have “utilized” them as car part hideouts, cattle and sheep barns, and camping places,…

Sofia Celebrates 140th Anniversary since Becoming Capital of Modern-Day Bulgaria
The city of Sofia celebrates on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, the 140th anniversary since it was declared capital of modern-day Bulgaria.

162-Year-Old Church with Valuable Original Iconostasis Gets Fully Renovated in Bulgaria’s Plakovo
A 162-year-old church with an original iconostasis built back when Bulgaria was still part of the Ottoman Empire has been completely renovated, and literally reborn, in the town of Plakovo, Veliko Tarnovo District, as a result of a 13-year-long effort,…

Ancient Panacea Theriac Meddled ‘Successfully’ in One of the Last Wars of the Bulgarian and Byzantine Empires in 1323
Theriac is a legendary heal-all from the Antiquity and the Middle Ages, whose panacea effects seem doubtful, including because it was often forged, but which nonetheless made a supposedly “successful” appearance in 1323, in one of the last episodes of…

Ivanovo Rock Churches near Bulgaria’s Danube City Ruse Attract Double Number of Foreign Tourists in 2018
The number of foreign tourists who visited the Ivanovo Rock-Hewn Churches, a UNESCO World Heritage Site near the Danube city of Ruse in Northeast Bulgaria, doubled in 2018 compared with 2017.

Weird 15th Century Miners’ Burials, Venetian Theriac Cap Found in Bulgaria’s Kremikovtsi Monastery near Sofia
Dozens of weird Christian burials in which 15th and 16th century local miners were buried with bricks on their heads have been discovered in a late medieval necropolis at the Kremikovtsi Monastery right outside of Bulgaria’s capital Sofia.

Prison Inmates Find Hoard of 7,000 Ottoman Silver Coins Hidden in 2 Treasure Pots in Bulgaria’s Pleven
A hoard of over 7,000 silver coins minted by the Ottoman Empire and hidden in two treasure pots has been discovered by accident by inmates from the prison in the city of Pleven in Northern Bulgaria.

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in October 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of October 2018.

Hoard of 18th Century Ottoman, Western European Coins Found in Treasure Pot in Bulgaria’s Black Sea Town Ahtopol
A hoard of 854 silver and gold coins from the Ottoman Empire and Western Europe from the mid-18th century as well as jewelry have been discovered by archaeologists hidden in a treasure pot in late medieval ruins in the Bulgarian…

Bulgaria Celebrates 110th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria celebrates on Saturday, September 22, 2018, the 110th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was proclaimed on September 22, 1908.

Bulgaria Celebrates 133rd Anniversary since National Unification of Principality of Bulgaria and ‘Eastern Rumelia’
Bulgaria celebrates on Thursday, September 6, 2018, the 133rd anniversary since the Unification of what is today North and South Bulgaria, back then the Principality of Bulgaria, a vassal of Ottoman Turkey, and Eastern Roumelia, an autonomous region of Ottoman Turkey,…

Archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov: Destruction of Europe’s Chalcolithic Civilization Shows the Stronger Triumps over the Smarter in World History (Interview Part 2)
Ventsislav (“Ventsi”) Gergov is a Bulgarian archaeologist. He was born in Iskar, Pleven District, in 1946. He majored in archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, and joined the team of the Pleven Regional Museum of History…

Archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov: Chalcolithic Civilization from 7,000 Years Ago Was the Height of Southeast Europe, Bulgaria (Interview, Part 1)
Ventsislav (“Ventsi”) Gergov is a Bulgarian archaeologist. He was born in Iskar, Pleven District, in 1946. He majored in archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, and joined the team of the Pleven Regional Museum of History…

Exhibition of 16th – 19th Century Gold Jewelry from Bulgaria Extended by National Museum of History in Sofia till October 2018
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia has announced it is extending its exhibition (more photos here) showcasing gold jewels and the goldsmiths’ art from the Bulgarian lands from the 15th until the 19th century.

Exhibition Tells Story of Italian Revolutionary Garibaldi and His Influence on Bulgarian Freedom Fighters
A new exhibition entitled “Argonauts of Freedom – Garibaldi and the Bulgarians” tells the story of 19th century Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi and his influence on Bulgarians fighting for Bulgaria’s national liberation from the Ottoman Empire.

2 Treasure Hunters Rescued from Self-made Mine in Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains, Hospitalized in Critical Condition
Two treasure hunters who had dug up an entire underground gallery in Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains have been rescued and hospitalized in critical condition in the southern city of Plovdiv.

‘Seven Tales about Faith’ Exhibition Shows Unseen Orthodox Christian Treasures in Archaeology Museum in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
The Regional Museum of Archaeology in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv. has presented an exhibition entitled “Seven Tales about the Faith” featuring religious treasures from Bulgarian Orthodox Christianity which are shown to the public for the first time.

16th – 19th Century Gold Jewelry from Bulgaria Showcased in New Exhibition by National Museum of History in Sofia
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia has unveiled a new exhibition showcasing gold jewels and the goldsmiths’ art from the Bulgarian lands from the 15th until the 19th century.

Bulgaria Celebrates 140th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Saturday, March 3, the 140th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

New Exhibition Showcases Bulgaria’s 15th-19th Century Religious Culture and Folklore Art at National Museum of History in Sofia
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia is opening a new exhibition which is to showcase “The Sacred Space of Religious Culture and Folklore Art in the Bulgarian Lands, 15th-19th century.”

Ivanovo Rock Churches, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Top List of Most Popular Archaeological Landmarks in Bulgaria’s Ruse District
The Ivanovo Rock–Hewn Churches were the most popular archaeological and historical landmark with tourists in Bulgaria’s northeastern Ruse District in 2017, the Ruse Regional Museum of History has announced.

For Another’s Freedom: Bulgarian Rebel Leaders Who Fought to Liberate Greece
Bulgaria and Greece are (the) two European countries that are about as ancient as it gets. But possibly the first thing that comes to mind regarding their relations in historical terms are the horrific, back-stabbing Modern Era wars the two…

Bulgaria Celebrates 139th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Friday, March 3, the 139th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

400-Year-Old Gospel Book in Bulgarian Printed in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Discovered in Church in Voynezha
A Gospel Book in Bulgarian which is almost 400 years old, and was printed in the Cyrillic alphabet in Vilnius, then in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, has been found among the belongings of a deceased priest who served in a church…