How to Spot Casino Cheaters

How to Spot Casino Cheaters

In Hollywood movies, people cheating at casino games are portrayed as glamorous con-artists, but the reality isn’t that pretty. There are a few ways to spot casino cheaters and various signs to look out for. But what exactly should you look for when you want to spot casino cheaters at Slotzo? It can be difficult to spot them, especially if they’re cheating with Card games, but it’s possible.

Maybe you already play card games with a friend and have an inkling that your pal is cheating. There’s a number of ways to spot casino cheaters and it can sometimes be quite fun. We all think we’d be able to spot a casino cheater, but sometimes it’s not so simple and in many cases casinos rely on technology.

Casino technology that reads licence plates

One way casinos are trying to spot and stop casino cheats is by using technology. Technology has served some fantastic purposes for the casino over recent years, with the Online casino reinvigorating the industry altogether. Here, it’s helping to spot casino cheaters. A lot of casino cheaters are known to the casino already, and so is their car’s licence plate.

Before they’ve even walked through the door, the casino cheater can be spotted by software that photographs the licence plate as the car arrives. The figures and letters on the plate are converted into text via optical software which will recognise the characters and translate them. The numbers are put into a database of gambling addicts and offenders, and if they’re on the list they aren’t allowed in.

Indeed, technology helps the casino industry in a variety of other ways. Another way technology is used to spot casino cheaters is through using cameras. Casino cameras are often place in all four corners and see and record everything. Which shouldn’t be an issue if you’re playing fair and square yourself, plus cameras are there to help punters as much as the casino.

Casino cheater or high roller?

You’ll always find a high roller in any casino. They’re not only prevalent in an Online casino but a land-based casino too, and there’s always at least one. They’ll be playing with all of the best high-stakes Card games, Roulette options, Baccarat, Jackpot games and other Casino Games. Find one and follow them.

Well, kind of – don’t be creepy about it. But do find one and keep an eye on them, observing from a safe distance. Some casino cheaters will pose as if they are high rollers, and if they’re posing to look like a high roller they’ll need to make a loss every so often. The casino cheater posing as a high roller has to make a loss here and there to make their eventual win look real and authentic.

As you’re watching them, keep an eye out for any high bets they’re making and winning, and whether they’re losing only with small amounts. If nothing else, you will know they’re someone to keep an eye on just in case, and simply being observant is a good non-tech way to spot casino cheaters.

Distracted dealer

A good casino cheater will know to distract a dealer. In gambling establishments like casinos, it’s a rule that you never touch a dealer. This is to avoid any appearances of foul play, and because it’s distracting, one of the cheater’s tactics. During casino Card games, there’s no need to touch the dealer, but players who cheat with Card games will in order to cause a distraction.

The Card games cheater might lean forward to touch the dealer’s arm or their hand, and anything can happen in that moment. Think about it – all eyes are on that action in the midst of stillness, and the dealer is distracted too. It’s an opportune time for a casino cheater, especially if they’re already a pro at cheating. In that split moment of physical contact with the dealer, the cheater can do what they please with the cards beneath.

After all, the cheater only needs one hand to touch the dealer. Card games cheaters are usually great at card tricks and touching’s all they need to cause a distraction. In that moment they might swap cards or pull another stunt that can help them win. If this happens when you’re in a casino, make staff aware of it immediately.

Card games cheaters and how casinos stop cheaters

This type of casino cheating is up there with the worst of them as it’s just so hard to spot. Card counting is a skill, and those who count cards are very sneaky about it. The only way that these casino cheaters are usually found out is by being filmed over time by security at the casino, but you can try.

Counting cards is banned from casinos, but of course that doesn’t stop cheaters from doing it. You wouldn’t necessarily know straight away if someone was counting cards and cheating in a casino, especially if they’re a high roller. One thing you can do though is watch out for those kinds of people.

When you observe people playing Card games, try and keep a mental note of how often they’re winning big. If you can, also see how they play Card games. You can do it fairly easily if you’re a regular at a casino, and the suspected cheater has been going a while. If you have a hunch, follow its lead.

When you just want to enjoy your time in a casino, it sucks that there are people there who are trying to stop it. Unfortunately, cheaters exist everywhere, in sports betting, basic games with friends and even casinos. A lot of casinos, in fact it’s likely all casinos, have measures in place to catch cheaters.

Advances in technology are stopping cheaters in their tracks, with new camera software and tighter security than there’s ever been, even with an Online casino. Keep your wits about you, and you can spot casino cheaters yourself.