Archaeologists Set Out to Resolve Mystery of 20,000 Waterloo Battle Bodies from Napoleonic Wars in 1815

Archaeologists Set Out to Resolve Mystery of 20,000 Waterloo Battle Bodies from Napoleonic Wars in 1815

Archaeologists are seeking to figure out the mystery of the missing humans remains at the field of the Battle of Waterloo in today’s Belgium. Image by Marco Federmann, Pixabay

An upcoming archaeological excavation aims to uncover the fate of the remains of 20,000 men who perished during one of the most important and famous battles in world history, the Battle of Waterloo during the Napoleonic Wars in 1815.

This significant historical battle occurred in June 1815 in the province of Walloon Brabant, Belgium.

Notably, a 2022 dig at the site of an old field hospital at Mont-Saint-Jean farm yielded the discovery of executed horses buried alongside a human skeleton.

This find was categorized as “rare” and marked only the second complete human skeleton ever unearthed at this Belgian battlefield site, alongside amputated limbs and the skeletons of three horses, The Independent explains in a report.

Waterloo Uncovered, a veteran support charity, is set to conduct a targeted excavation in September to delve deeper into the burial pit’s extent and the deceased’s fate.

Historical records indicate that many skeletons were exhumed and processed into fertilizer or used in sugar production, adding a grim layer to the battlefield’s story.

The unearthed skeletons represent “a highly unusual and historically significant occurrence,” according to archaeologists.

Professor Tony Pollard of the University of Glasgow, who is also the project’s archaeological director, expressed his excitement about the site’s uniqueness.

“It’s an incredibly exciting site – the presence of amputated limbs, a complete human burial, and remains of euthanized horses in one trench make the site at Mont-Saint-Jean truly unique. Finding horses, which had been put out of their misery by shots to the head, and humans buried alongside each other, especially with the care and separation evident in this trench, is extremely rare,” Pollard explains.

From September 3 to 13, a diverse team comprising military veterans, active personnel, archaeologists, and volunteers will continue the excavation work at Mont-Saint-Jean.

Past digs by Waterloo Uncovered at this location have already enhanced the understanding of the Battle of Waterloo, revealing everything from an unrecorded attack on the hospital to tangible signs of how the French almost clinched victory in the gardens of Hougoumont.

Abigail Boyle, CEO of Waterloo Uncovered, highlighted the project’s dual benefits.

“Waterloo Uncovered supports veterans with their recovery and transition into civilian life. On-site, veterans and serving beneficiaries will learn key transferable archaeological skills, which will provide pathways into education, employment, or simply enable them to enjoy archaeology as a hobby. Even professional archaeologists rarely get to work on a site of this caliber – it’s really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” Boyle says.

Anthony Martin, who manages a brewery, brasserie, and museum at Mont-Saint-Jean farm, expressed enthusiasm for the ongoing collaboration.

“Since we rescued the abandoned site of the Allied Field hospital in 2014, we have placed the farm’s fascinating heritage at the heart of everything we do. We are delighted to welcome Waterloo Uncovered back to Mont-Saint-Jean so that they can uncover even more of the site’s history while supporting modern-day veterans,” Martin points out.

This excavation not only seeks to resolve historical mysteries but also serves as a therapeutic and educational venture for those involved, blending historical inquiry with support for contemporary veterans.

The British army during the Battle of Waterloo was led by Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, who also served as a Conservative prime minister.


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