The excavations site in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK, was likely once the site of a defensive ditch built hundreds of years ago. Photo: Friends of Derry's Walls / BBC News

First Archaeological Excavations in Center of Northern Ireland’s Londonderry in over a Decade

The excavations site in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK, was likely once the site of a defensive ditch built hundreds of years ago. Photo: Friends of Derry's Walls / BBC News

The excavations site in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK, was likely once the site of a defensive ditch built hundreds of years ago. Photo: Friends of Derry’s Walls / BBC News

An archaeological excavation began on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, in the center of Londonderry, marking the city’s first such endeavor in over a decade.

The site is strategically positioned near Londonderry’s historic walls, areas steeped in cultural significance and history.

This project is spearheaded by the Friends of Derry’s Walls (FDW) and will be conducted by a specialized team from Queen’s University Belfast’s Centre for Community Archaeology (CCA), BBC News reports.

Over the course of the week, the CCA team plans to investigate a grass bank believed to be the location of a 17th-century defensive ditch.

This excavation will not only involve archaeology experts but also students from local schools and interested members of the public, creating a community-focused research environment.

Historical records suggest that the target area for the dig served as a defensive ditch centuries ago, a detail that underscores the site’s importance in Derry’s fortifications.

Niall McCaughan, a representative from FDW, expressed his enthusiasm about the project: “It is very exciting, there’s been interest locally, nationally, and internationally,” as reported by BBC News Northern Ireland.

He highlighted the potential of the dig to “add another layer to the story of one of the island of Ireland’s most historic cities.”

Derry holds the distinction of being the first planned city in Ireland and the last walled city constructed in Europe.

The city’s walls, erected between 1613 and 1619, have the historical honor of never being breached, famously withstanding multiple sieges, including the prolonged 105-day siege in 1689.

These walls are recognized as Northern Ireland’s largest state monument.

The focus of the current archaeological initiative, the grass bank, is located at the base of these formidable walls and offers a panoramic view of Derry’s Bogside.

In preparation for the dig, the area was recently scanned using ground-penetrating radar, which helped refine the focus areas for excavation.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund has provided financial support for this project, emphasizing the dig’s significance in uncovering Derry’s past.

McCaughan shared his insights into the potential findings: “You might think it’s just a ditch around the walls, but of course that was another defensive mechanism,” he explained.

He also relayed a conversation with Queen’s head archaeologist Colm Donnelly, who noted, “The great thing about ditches is that is where people threw all their rubbish. We are going to get all sorts of 17th, 18th, and 19th century debris—that’s a really exciting thing.”

Additionally, the area to be excavated includes the former site of Nailors Row, a central city street that was demolished in the 1970s.

This layer of more recent history will also be explored during the excavation.

McCaughan reflected on the passage of time since Nailors Row’s demolition, stating, “Fifty years have passed now since the time of Nailors Row, in that time this aspect too has become history.”

The last archaeological exploration within Derry’s city center occurred in 2013, where several skeletons dating back to the 17th Century were discovered.

The findings from this week’s dig are anticipated to feature in an upcoming series of BBC Two’s “Digging for Britain,” further highlighting the historical and educational value of this endeavor.


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