Ancient Thrace Was ‘Land of Gold and Silver’, French Newspaper ‘Le Figaro’ Writes on Bulgaria’s Louvre Exhibit
One of the leading French newspapers, Le Figaro, has dedicated a new feature story to the Bulgarian archaeological exhibition on Ancient Thrace, which will be on display in the Louvre in Paris until July 20th, 2015.

Bulgaria’s Black Sea Resort Primorsko Opens Brand New History Museum with Rich Archaeological Collections
Bulgaria’s Black Sea resort town of Primorsko has opened its own museum of history which features rich collections of archaeological finds including artifacts dating back to 5,000 BC, and items derived from underwater archaeology explorations along Bulgaria’s southern coast.

Bulgaria’s Kazanlak Starts Restoration of 2 Ancient Thracian Burial Mounds with EEA/Norway Grant
The municipal authorities in the Central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak have launched a project for the restoration of two Ancient Thracian tumuli (burial mounds) with funding from the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants.

Bulgaria’s Culture Ministry Awards Renowned Archaeologists on Day of Bulgarian Script and Culture
Bulgaria’s Minister of Culture Vezhdi Rashidov has awarded several renowned Bulgarian archaeologists, among other intellectuals, for their contribution to the nation’s spiritual development on the occasion of May 24, the Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, which is celebrated…
Bulgarian, Polish Archaeologists Set for Annual Excavations of Roman Military Camp Novae near Svishtov in July
Archaeologists from Bulgaria and Poland are planning to start their annual summer excavations of the Ancient Roman military camp and fortress Novae near the Danube town of Svishtov in mid July, 2015.

Bulgaria’s Svishtov to Host 10th Ancient Heritage Festival ‘Eagle on the Danube’ at Roman Military Camp Novae
Bulgaria’s Danube town of Svishtov is once again in exciting anticipation of the annual Ancient Heritage Festival “Eagle on the Danube”, a major international event designed to promote Antiquity history from the time of Ancient Rome and Ancient Thrace through…

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Roman Villa in Rescue Excavations near Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
An Ancient Roman villa dating back to the reign of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (r. 306-337 AD) has been discovered by Bulgarian archaeologists during rescue excavations along the projected route of the Struma Highway near the town of Mursalevo,…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Reveal Beautiful Early Christian Floor Mosaics amidst Unpleasant Present-Day ‘Finds’ in Plovdiv’s Great Basilica
Bulgarian archaeologists and restorers have revealed beautiful Early Christian floor mosaics in the 5th century AD Great Basilica whose re-excavation, restoration, and conservation started two weeks ago in the southern city of Plovdiv.

Bulgaria’s Ancient Thrace Exhibition in Paris Enjoying ‘Enormous Success’, Louvre Director Says
Bulgaria’s archaeological exhibition on Ancient Thrace, which is on display in the Louvre Museum in the French capital Paris, is enjoying “enormous success”, according to Jean-Luc Martinez, President-Director of the Louvre Museum, and head curator of the exhibit.
Lack of Magnifying Glass Box Puts Off Exhibit of Tube Reliquary with Ashes from John the Apostle’s Grave in Bulgaria’s Burgas
The Regional Museum of History in the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Burgas has postponed the exhibition of the recently found lead tube reliquary containing ashes from the grave of John the Apostle in Ephesus because it has failed to…

Museum in Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo Presents for the First Time Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Board, Gambling Games
A unique exhibition presenting for the first time prehistoric, ancient, and medieval board and gambling games found in archaeological excavations in Central Northern Bulgaria has been opened by the Regional Museum of History in the northern city of Veliko Tarnovo.

Veliko Tarnovo Archaeologists Seek EUR 90,000 in State Funding to Excavate 6 Sites in Northern Bulgaria
The archaeologists from the Regional Museum of History in the northern Bulgarian city of Veliko Tarnovo have requested a total of BGN 175,000 (app. EUR 90,000) in government funding in order to carry out excavations of 6 major archaeological sites…

Louvre Museum Extends Advertising Campaign in Paris Metro for Bulgaria’s Ancient Thracian Exhibit
The Louvre has extended by another two weeks its advertising campaign in the subway of the French capital Paris for its Bulgarian exhibition about Ancient Thrace which will be on display in one of the world’s top museums until July…

Bulgarian Institute, University of Southampton to Start Joint Exploration of Black Sea Underwater Archaeology
A large-scale Bulgarian-British project for exploring the underwater archaeology of Bulgaria’s exclusive zone in the Black Sea has been started by the Sozopol-based Center for Underwater Archaeology at the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and the Center for Maritime Archaeology of…

Ancient Thracian Settlement, Byzantine Fortress in Central Bulgaria Sold to Private Firms, Local Historian Alarms
Land properties in Central Bulgaria containing archaeological monuments from Ancient Thrace and Early Byzantium have been sold to private firms by Veliko Tarnovo Municipality, alarms Rusi Dimitrov, a local history researcher, who has alerted Bulgaria’s Chief Prosecutor, Presidency, and Council…

Bulgarian Archaeology Chief Grieves Over Looted Necropolis of Ancient Thracian, Greek, Roman City Heraclea Sintica
The Director of Bulgaria’s National Institute of Archaeology with Museum, Ass. Prof. Dr. Lyudmil Vagalinski, has expressed his grief over the fact that most of the necropolis of the Ancient Thracian, Greek, and Roman city of Heraclea Sintica near the…

Bulgarian Authorities to Grant ‘Monument of Culture’ Status to Late Antiquity Fortress, Ancient Bulgar Wall on Black Sea Coast
A special commission from Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture has decided to propose a “monument of culture” status for an archaeological complex near the town of Shkorpilovtsi on the Black Sea coast consisting of a Late Antiquity Early Byzantine fortress, an…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Start Excavations of Early Byzantine Fortress on Black Sea Cape Chervenka
Archaeologists from Bulgaria’s National Museum of History have started their 2015 excavations of the Late Antiquity Early Byzantine fortress Talaskara located on the Cape of Chervenka, also known as Chrisosotira, or “Golden Savior, Golden Christ”, near the Black Sea resort…

Plovdiv Archaeology Museum Shows for the First Time Rare Thracian Helmet with Trojan War Motifs from Bulgaria’s Brestovitsa
A very rare war helmet of a Thracian aristocrat from the 1st-2nd century AD found during emergency excavations of the Ancient Thracian tumulus (burial mound) known as Pamuk Mogila in Bulgaria’s Brestovitsa in 2013, has been shown to the public…

Archaeologists Find Huge Prehistoric Homes Burned Deliberately by Dwellers at Early Neolithic City in Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
Huge two-storey houses which were deliberately set on fire by their inhabitants have been unearthed at the 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic site excavated by Bulgarian archaeologists near the town of Mursalevo, Kocherinovo Municipality, in Southwest Bulgaria.

Bulgarian Archaeologist Discovers Ancient Spear Tip Cast in Plovdiv’s Old Town Rescue Excavations
The team of Bulgarian archaeologist Elena Bozhinova has discovered a stone cast for the casting of metal spear tips from the Antiquity period during rescue excavations in the Old Town of the southern city of Plovdiv.

International NGO on Cultural Monuments Criticizes Bulgaria over Archaeological Restorations
The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), a NGO working on the conservation and protection of cultural monuments, has expressed criticism and concern over the restorations of archaeological sites in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria’s Ancient Thracian Tombs ‘More Unique’ Than Egyptian Pyramids, Culture Minister Deems
Bulgaria’s Ancient Thracian tombs are “more unique” than the Egyptian pyramids but are unfortunately unknown to the global public, says the Bulgarian Minister of Culture Vezhdi Rashidov, who is a famous sculptor but a controversial political figure.

Bulgaria’s Kardzhali to Restore 11 Structures in Ancient, Medieval Rock City Perperikon with EEA/Norway Grant
A total of 11 structures inside the medieval Bulgarian fortress of Perperikon, which also harbors a prehistoric, Ancient Thracian and Roman rock city, will be restored by the southern Kardzhali Municipality under its project funded by the European Economic Area…

NGO Raises Funds to Rescue ‘Bulgaria’s Stonehenge’: Ancient Thracian Stone Circle (Cromlech) at Staro Zhelezhare
A Bulgarian NGO has managed to raise a considerable sum of money to fund the rescue excavations of the so called “Bulgarian Stonehenge” – an Ancient Thracian stone circle (cromlech) at the town of Staro Zhelezare near Hisarya in Southern…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Start Excavations, Restoration of Early Christian Great Basilica in Plovdiv
A team of archaeologists and restorers has started work on the concluding excavations, rehabilitation, and restoration of the Early Christian Great Basilica in the southern Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, focusing on the temple’s unique mosaics and their exhibition in situ.

Bulgaria’s Pernik to Rehabilitate Ancient Thracian Sanctuary Dedicated to Medicine God Asclepius
An Ancient Thracian asclepion, a sanctuary dedicated to Ancient Greek and Thracian god of medicine Asclepius, is to be rehabilitated and made accessible for visitors by the museum authorities in the western Bulgarian city of Pernik.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Stumble Upon ‘Oldest Children’s Toy in Europe’: Late Bronze Age Thracian Toy Stork
An Ancient Thracian bronze artifact in the shape of a stork’s head described as “the oldest children’s toy in Europe” has been identified by Bulgarian archaeologists among archaeological items found by local residents in the area of the southern town…

Bulgarian Archaeologists to Search for Roman Forum of Ancient Serdica in Sofia’s Downtown
A team of Bulgarian archaeologists is going to excavate the parking lot of a five-star hotel in downtown Sofia in search for the Roman forum of the Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Serdica.

Greek Man Testifies in Bulgarian Lawyers’ Trial over Treasure Hunting, Destruction of Thracian Tumulus
Greek citizen Nicolaos Uzunidis, 53, has testified before the District Court in the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Burgas in the trial of Zdravko Chepishev and Zhivko Chepishev, lawyers who are charged with treasure hunting and destruction of an Ancient…

Bulgarian Archaeologist Finds Ancient Roman Jacuzzi Heater at ‘Luxury’ Road Station near Sostra Fortress
Bulgarian archaeologist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Hristov has discovered a heater for an Ancient Roman Jacuzzi during the ongoing excavations of the Roman road station at the Sostra Fortress near the central town of Troyan.
Archaeologists Discover Late Neolithic Graves in Prehistoric Settlement in Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
Several graves from the Late Neolithic period have been discovered by the archaeologists conducting the rescue excavations of the 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic city near Mursalevo in Southwest Bulgaria.

Bulgaria’s Plovdiv Municipality Signs EEA/Norway Grant Contract for ‘Digitization’ of Archaeological Heritage
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture and the southern Plovdiv Municipality have signed a grant contract for the “digitization”, i.e. filming, photographing, 3D presentation, and web publication of Plovdiv’s archaeological and historical heritage with funding provided from the European Economic Area (EEA)…

Expedition Sets Out in Search of Archaeology Sites in Bulgaria’s General Toshevo Municipality
A special expedition of archaeologists from several institutions has set out to explore the archaeological heritage of one of Bulgaria’s most remote municipalities, General Toshevo Municipality, located in the very northeast of the country along the land border with Romania.

Archaeologists Discover Main Aqueduct of Ancient Odessos during Rescue Excavations in Bulgaria’s Varna
Bulgarian archaeologists have discovered the main aqueduct which brought water into the Ancient Thracian, Greek, and Roman city of Odessos (Odessus), the predecessor of today’s Black Sea city of Varna, during the Late Antiquity period.