Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology to Showcase Top Finds from 2017 in Major Annual Exhibition
Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia is set to open in February its 11th annual “Bulgarian Archaeology” exhibition which is to showcase some of the most exciting items discovered during the 2017 archaeological season.

ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com Registers One Million Visits
On Tuesday, January 25, 2018, ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com has registered its 1,000,000th visit!

Antiquity, Medieval Artifacts Exposed by Landslide Show Bulgaria’s Troyan Monastery May Be Much Older than Known
Archaeological artifacts from the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages have been exposed by a landslide near the Troyan Monastery meaning that Bulgaria’s third largest monastery might have been founded long before 1600, as presently thought.

Extinct Wild Cattle Aurochs Survived until 13th-14th Century in Today’s Bulgaria, Bones from Medieval Rusocastro Fortress Show
The aurochs, the large species of wild cattle which is the ancestor of today’s domestic cattle, survived in today’s Bulgaria well into the 13th-14th century when it was still hunted for meat, bones recently found in the large fortress Rusocastro…

Ivanovo Rock Churches, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Top List of Most Popular Archaeological Landmarks in Bulgaria’s Ruse District
The Ivanovo Rock–Hewn Churches were the most popular archaeological and historical landmark with tourists in Bulgaria’s northeastern Ruse District in 2017, the Ruse Regional Museum of History has announced.

Byzantine Amphora with Inscription Dedicated to Christ, Virgin Mary Found in Roman Fortress Trimammium in Northeast Bulgaria
Part of an Early Byzantine amphora with a fully preserved inscription in Ancient Greek dedicated to Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary has been discovered during the latest excavations of the Ancient Roman, medieval Byzantine and Bulgarian fortress of Trimammium near…

Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo Sees 26% More Foreign Tourists in 2017 Year-on-Year, Including Tsarevets Fortress
The various rich historical, archaeological, and cultural tourism sites from the Antiquity, Middle Ages and the Modern Age managed by the Regional Museum of History in the city of Veliko Tarnovo in Central North Bulgaria have seen 26% more foreign…

Record Number of Tourists Visit Tsarevets Fortress in Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo on January 1, 2018
A record number of visitors – 1,038 – have been registered on the first day of the new year, January 1, 2018, in Bulgaria’s most visited cultural tourism attraction – the Tsarevets Fortress in Veliko Tarnovo, the capital of the…

Archaeologists Find Medieval Grave with Skeleton with Arrow in Chest at Antiquity Odeon in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A medieval grave from the 11th-12th century with an arrow in or at the chest of the buried person has been discovered by archaeologists at the start of rescue excavations at the Antiquity Odeon, an ancient performance facility, in the…

Medieval Fortress Wall, Lady’s Ring with Crystal Discovered in Rescue Digs in Bulgaria’s Asenovgrad
A fortress wall from the medieval Byzantine and Bulgarian town of Stanimachos / Stanimaka has been discovered in the southern Bulgarian town of Asenovgrad, together with luxury sgraffito ceramics and lady’s ring with a crystal.

Large Medieval Gold Treasure Found by Accident by Police, Seized from Treasure Hunters in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A large medieval gold treasure consisting of adornments made of the precious metal and semi-precious stones has been discovered by accident by the police in the town of Kazanlak in Central Bulgaria inside the car of what appear to be…

Archaeologists Discover Pink-Plastered Water Cistern of Medieval Rusocastro Fortress in Southeast Bulgaria
Archaeologists have discovered a huge water cistern plastered on the inside with pink waterproof mortar in the fortress of Rusocastro, a major stronghold which changed hands many times between the Byzantine and Bulgarian Empires in the Middle Ages, and whose…

For Another’s Freedom: Bulgarian Rebel Leaders Who Fought to Liberate Greece
Bulgaria and Greece are (the) two European countries that are about as ancient as it gets. But possibly the first thing that comes to mind regarding their relations in historical terms are the horrific, back-stabbing Modern Era wars the two…

1,000-Year-Old Child’s Bracelet with Virgin Mary Stamp Found at Momchil’s Fortress in Southern Bulgaria
A metal child’s bracelet from the 11th-12th century with a stamp depicting the Virgin Mary – or the Holy Mother of God, as she is known in Eastern Orthodox Christianity – has been discovered by archaeologists during the excavations of…

Roman Woman’s Bronze Statuette, 300 More Artifacts Seized from Treasure Hunters Showcased in Exhibition in Bulgaria’s Pazardzhik
A total of 300 archaeological artifacts from different ages, including a 2nd-3rd century AD Ancient Roman bronze figurine of a woman, which have been seized from treasure hunters in Bulgaria’s southern Pazardzhik District, have been showcased in a special exhibition…

How Bulgarian Rebels ‘Determined’ the Prime Minister of Britain: William Gladstone and ‘the Question of the East’
April 20, 1876 – The Bulgarians are making history their largest rebellion so far (later to be known as the April Uprising) against the Ottoman Empire in their quest for freedom and an independent nation state; meanwhile, in Britain, former Prime…

Varna Museum of Archaeology Director Valentin Pletnyov Has Passed Away after Month in Coma
Prof. Valentin Pletnyov, Director of the Archaeology Museum in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Varna, and, respectively, of the Varna Regional Museum of History, has passed away at the age of 55 after a month in a medically induced coma…

Middle Ages vs. Antiquity: ‘Discrepancies’ in the Game of Thrones / Song of Ice and Fire Universe
Fantasy works, especially awesome ones such as Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire, could be deemed immune from criticism; however, comparisons with real history are in order.

Terrorism as It Once Was: The Miss Stone Affair, America, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire
The dramedy of the Miss Stone Affair is a stunning episode of history which teaches about courage and integrity in the struggle for freedom. And about Stockholm Syndrome.

Archaeologists Discover Perfectly Preserved 2000-Year-Old Roman Ship, 20 Other Shipwrecks in Black Sea Off Bulgaria’s Coast
A perfectly preserved almost 2,000-year-old Roman ship is the most intriguing discovery from the third and final research season of the international Black Sea MAP underwater archaeology project – among a total of 20 other previously unknown ancient and medieval…

Nephrite Amulet Buckle from China Discovered in Bulgaria’s Black Sea Kaliakra Cape Fortress
A medieval amulet buckle of white – green nephrite, most probably made in China but influenced by the Mongols, has been discovered by archaeologists excavating, among other things, a previously unknown necropolis in the Kaliakra Cape Fortress on Bulgaria’s Black…

Bulgaria’s Shumen Museum Dedicates Exhibition to 110th Birthday of Prominent Coin Collector, Numismatist Vasil Haralanov
The Regional Museum of History in the city of Shumen in Northeast Bulgaria has opened a special exhibition to celebrate the 110th anniversary since the birth of Dr. Vasil Haralanov, a prominent local figure who was also a major coin…

Medieval Castle’s ‘Monumental’ Staircase, More Byzantine Gold Found in Bulgaria’s Rusocastro Fortress
A large staircase leading up to a medieval castle has been discovered by archaeologists excavating the early Byzantine and major medieval Bulgarian fortress of Rusocastro in Burgas District in today’s Southeast Bulgaria.

Medieval Byzantine, Bulgarian Fortress Tuida in Bulgaria’s Sliven Generating Growing Interest among Tourists
The Tuida Fortress in the eastern Bulgarian city of Sliven, a major archaeological, historica, and cultural landmark, is gaining popularity as a destination for cultural tourism even though it was opened for visitors just three years ago, according to a…

10th Century Byzantine Imperial Ivory Icon Discovered in Rusocastro Fortress in Southeast Bulgaria
A rare 10th century ivory icon, which is believed to have belonged to Byzantine Emperor or a member of the Byzantine imperial family, and to have been made in Constantinople, has been discovered by archaeologists excavating the early Byzantine and…

Archaeologists Find Gold Coin of Early Byzantine Emperor Phocas in Bulgaria’s Rusocastro Fortress
An early Byzantine gold coin from the beginning of the 7th century AD has been discovered by archaeologists excavating the major medieval fortress of Rusocastro in today’s Southeast Bulgaria.

Construction of Huge ‘Historical Park’ Starts near Bulgaria’s Black Sea City Varna
A huge “Historical Park” that is going to feature replicas of archaeological and historical monuments and sites found in Bulgaria from the Prehistory until the Middle Ages is already under construction near the Black Sea city of Varna.

60th Anniversary since Start of Excavations of Shumen Fortress Celebrated in Bulgaria’s Shumen
The Regional Museum of History in the city of Shumen in Northeast Bulgaria has celebrated the 60th anniversary since the beginning of the regular archaeological excavations of the ancient and medieval Shumen Fortress.

Bulgaria Celebrates 139th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Friday, March 3, the 139th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

400-Year-Old Gospel Book in Bulgarian Printed in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Discovered in Church in Voynezha
A Gospel Book in Bulgarian which is almost 400 years old, and was printed in the Cyrillic alphabet in Vilnius, then in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, has been found among the belongings of a deceased priest who served in a church…

Archaeologists Find Huge Crypt with Early Christian Martyrs’ Bones in Roman, Byzantine City Zaldapa in Northeast Bulgaria
A second crypt, even larger than the one found in 2015, and human bones which probably belonged to Early Christian martyrs, have been discovered by archaeologists in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine city of Zaldapa in Northeast Bulgaria.

Bulgaria’s Best Preserved Medieval Castle, Baba Vida Fortress, to Be Managed by Vidin Municipality
Bulgaria’s Cabinet has granted the northwestern Danube city of Vidin 10-year management rights for the Baba Vida Fortress, the country’s best preserved medieval castle which was built on the spot of a large Ancient Roman fortress.

Bulgaria’s National Museum of History, Boyana Church Welcomed 20,000 More Tourists in 2016
Almost 300,000 tourists visited Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia and the sites that it manages, including the world-famous Boyana Church, in 2016.

Museum of Sofia History in Bulgaria’s Capital Attracted 60,000 Visitors in 2016
The Sofia Regional Museum of History, more widely known as the Museum of Sofia History, in the Bulgarian capital, welcomed a total of 60,000 visitors in 2016.

Ancient Bulgar Aul in Northeast Bulgaria Gets Status Upgrade from Culture Ministry
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture has upgraded the status of a 9th century AD Ancient Bulgar aul (a fortified settlement) whose ruins are located near the northeastern city of Shumen and Veliki Preslav, capital of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018) in…