Veliko Tarnovo Archaeologists to Get Meager Funding from Bulgarian Government for 2015 Summer Excavations
The archaeologists from the Regional Museum of History in the northern Bulgarian city of Veliko Tarnovo will receive only a small portion of the government funding that they had requested for their 2015 summer excavations of six major archaeological sites.

Bulgaria’s Black Sea Resort Primorsko Opens Brand New History Museum with Rich Archaeological Collections
Bulgaria’s Black Sea resort town of Primorsko has opened its own museum of history which features rich collections of archaeological finds including artifacts dating back to 5,000 BC, and items derived from underwater archaeology explorations along Bulgaria’s southern coast.

Bulgaria’s Culture Ministry Awards Renowned Archaeologists on Day of Bulgarian Script and Culture
Bulgaria’s Minister of Culture Vezhdi Rashidov has awarded several renowned Bulgarian archaeologists, among other intellectuals, for their contribution to the nation’s spiritual development on the occasion of May 24, the Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, which is celebrated…

Archaeology Museum in Bulgaria’s Silistra Presents Newly Found Bronze Age Tools Seized from Treasure Hunters
The Museum of Archaeology in Bulgaria’s Danube city of Silistra has shown to the public for the first time a newly discovered “prehistoric treasure” of 22 copper adzes from the Bronze Age that have been confiscated from local treasure hunters…

Museum in Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo Presents for the First Time Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Board, Gambling Games
A unique exhibition presenting for the first time prehistoric, ancient, and medieval board and gambling games found in archaeological excavations in Central Northern Bulgaria has been opened by the Regional Museum of History in the northern city of Veliko Tarnovo.

Prehistoric People in Bulgaria’s Yabalkovo Had Domesticated Chickens, ‘Ate Europe’s First Omelette’ 8,000 Years Ago, Archaeologist Reveals
The prehistoric people inhabiting the Early Neolithic settlement near today’s town of Yabalkovo, Dimitrovgrad Municipality, in Southern Bulgaria, had domesticated hens some 8,000 years ago, meaning that chickens were raised in Europe much earlier than previously thought, reveals Bulgarian archaeologist…

Veliko Tarnovo Archaeologists Seek EUR 90,000 in State Funding to Excavate 6 Sites in Northern Bulgaria
The archaeologists from the Regional Museum of History in the northern Bulgarian city of Veliko Tarnovo have requested a total of BGN 175,000 (app. EUR 90,000) in government funding in order to carry out excavations of 6 major archaeological sites…

Bulgarian Institute, University of Southampton to Start Joint Exploration of Black Sea Underwater Archaeology
A large-scale Bulgarian-British project for exploring the underwater archaeology of Bulgaria’s exclusive zone in the Black Sea has been started by the Sozopol-based Center for Underwater Archaeology at the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and the Center for Maritime Archaeology of…

Archaeologists Find Huge Prehistoric Homes Burned Deliberately by Dwellers at Early Neolithic City in Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
Huge two-storey houses which were deliberately set on fire by their inhabitants have been unearthed at the 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic site excavated by Bulgarian archaeologists near the town of Mursalevo, Kocherinovo Municipality, in Southwest Bulgaria.
Archaeologists Discover Late Neolithic Graves in Prehistoric Settlement in Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
Several graves from the Late Neolithic period have been discovered by the archaeologists conducting the rescue excavations of the 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic city near Mursalevo in Southwest Bulgaria.

Expedition Sets Out in Search of Archaeology Sites in Bulgaria’s General Toshevo Municipality
A special expedition of archaeologists from several institutions has set out to explore the archaeological heritage of one of Bulgaria’s most remote municipalities, General Toshevo Municipality, located in the very northeast of the country along the land border with Romania.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find 3rd Skeleton in Ancient Thracian Child Sacrifice Pit, Enlist Scottish Osteoarchaeologist for Research
The skeleton of a third child sacrificed by Ancient Thracians has been discovered by Bulgarian archaeologists in the same ritual pit at the prehistoric site near Bulgaria’s Mursalevo where last week they found the remains of two Thracian child skeletons.

Renowned Bulgarian Archaeologist Prof. Henrieta Todorova Has Passed Away at 82
Renowned Bulgarian archaeologist, Prof. Henrieta Todorova from the National Institute and Museum of Archaeology, famous for her research of some of Europe’s earliest sites with traces of civilized prehistoric life (found in Northeast Bulgaria), has passed away at the age…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Ancient Thracian Child Sacrifice during Excavations of Early Neolithic City at Mursalevo
Archaeologists conduct the rescue excavations at the the 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic city at Mursalevo in Southwest Bulgaria, which also contains ritual pits from the time of Ancient Thrace, have discovered the remains of two children sacrificed by the Ancient Thracians.

Bulgaria’s Vratsa Acquires Early Neolithic Archaeological Site near Ohoden to Build Open-Air Museum
Vratsa Municipality in Northwest Bulgaria has gained ownership over the archaeological site Valoga near the town of Ohoden, which harbors the remains of a unique Early Neolithic settlement said to represent Europe’s earliest agricultural civilization.

Black Sea Resort Shabla to Attract Tourists with Bulgaria’s First Paleolithic Open-Air Museum in Durankulak Lake
Bulgaria’s northeastern Black Sea resort town of Shabla has created the country’s first open-air Paleolithic museum at the site of a prehistoric settlement on the Big Island in the Durankulak Lake, near the town of Durankulak, Shabla Mayor Prof. Rayna…

Bulgaria’s Archaeology Institute Only Bidder in Tender for Rescue Excavations of Sofia Ring Road Section
The National Institute and Museum of Archaeology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has turned out to be the only organization bidding in a tender of the Road Infrastructure Agency to conduct the rescue excavations of a future section of…

Bulgaria’s Archaeological Excavations Underfunded by Culture Ministry, Archaeologist Says
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture will provide only BGN 500,000 (app. EUR 255,000) for the numerous archaeological excavations throughout the country in 2015, archaeologists Olya Milanova from the Regional Museum of History in the northwestern city of Vidin, has pointed out.
Archaeologists Resume Rescue Excavations of 8,000-Year-Old Prehistoric Settlement near Bulgaria’s Mursalevo
A team of Bulgarian archaeologists has resumed the rescue excavations of the unique Early Neolithic settlement near the southwestern town of Mursalevo, Kocherinovo Municipality, which they discovered in April-May 2015 as they were carrying out rescue digs along the route…
Flooding Threatens Unique Early Neolithic Settlement in Ohoden in Northwest Bulgaria
The archaeological excavation site of the unique Early Neolithic settlement near the town of Ohoden in Northwest Bulgaria, which is seen as representing what might be Europe’s earliest civilization, is under threat of being flooded by the Skat River.
Earliest Human Settlement at Medieval Asen’s Fortress Dating to 7th Millenium BC, Bulgarian Archaeologists Reveal
The area around the medieval Asen’s Fortress near the town of Asenovgrad in Southern Bulgaria has been inhabited since around the 7th-6th millennium BC, local archaeologists have revealed during a presentation of their finds from the 2014 summer excavations.
Bulgarian Archaeologists Unearth Neolithic Bone Needle, 100-Meter Fortress Wall at Medieval Asen’s Fortress
A bone needle from the Neolithic as well as the uncovering of 110-meter fortress wall are some of the latest discoveries made by archaeologists at the medieval Bulgarian fortress known as Asen’s Fortress (Asenova Krepost) in Southern Bulgaria.

Bulgaria’s Archaeology Institute Signs Deal with Road Agency for Rescue Excavations of 12 Archaeological Sites
The Bulgarian Road Infrastructure Agency and the National Institute and Museum of Archaeology have signed an agreement for the 2015 rescue excavations of 12 archaeological sites along the route of the Struma Highway in Southwest Bulgaria.
Bulgarian, Romanian Archaeologists Find Sunken Wooden Ships, Soviet U-Boats in Underwater Explorations
Bulgarian and Romanian archaeologists have discovered a number of exciting objects off the Black Sea coast as a result of an underwater archaeology project.
Underwater Archaeology Harbors Great Tourism Potential for Bulgaria, Expert Says
Underwater archaeology and the respective cultural tourism that it inspires could be the next big thing for Bulgaria as far as alternative tourism is concerned, according to an expert.
Bulgaria’s Road Agency Provides EUR 2.5 Million for Rescue Archaeological Excavations in 2015
Bulgaria’s Road Infrastructure Agency, a government body, will provide about BGN 5 million (app. EUR 2.55 million) for rescue excavations preceding the construction of the respective sections of the Struma Highway, the Maritsa Highway, and the Sofia Ring Road.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Freeze Rescue Excavations of Newly Found Early Neolithic Settlement near Mursalevo
The team of Bulgarian archaeologists conducting rescue digs at the Early Neolithic settlement near Mursalevo, which they found in May 2014, has frozen its excavations along the route of the Struma Highway for the winter period.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Discover Early Neolithic Settlement in Highway Construction Rescue Excavations
A unique Early Neothlithic settlement dating to about 5,800 BC has been discovered by a team of Bulgarian archaeologists led by Prof. Vasil Nikolov, who are conducting rescue excavations near the town of Mursalevo, Kocherinovo Municipality, in Southwest Bulgaria, along…

Archaeologists Find 6,500-Year-Old Skeleton in Chalcolithic Settlement near Bulgaria’s Suvorovo
A 6,500-year-old skeleton has been discovered in a burned home from a Chalcolithic (Aeneolithic, Copper Age) settlement dating to the 5th millennium BC near the town of Suvorovo in Northeast Bulgaria.