An international archaeological expedition is seeking EU funding in order to search for the grave of Trajan Decius, the first Emperor of the Roman Empire to die in battle, namely, the 251 AD Battle of Abritus near today’s city of…
Following are the 20 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the month of May 2019.

The world’s largest “Historical Park” for cultural tourism, education, and entertainment purposes, which is located in the town of Neofit Rilski, near the Black Sea city of Varna in Northeast Bulgaria, is going to be officially opened on June 22,…

Cannonballs from culverins – primitive early medieval cannons – most probably used in 1461 during the conquest of the Zishtova Fortress by Wallacian Voivode Vlad III Dracula, also known as Vlad the Impaler, from the Ottoman Turks have been discovered…

For the 60th year in a row, Bulgarian and Polish archaeologists are beginning their annual excavations of the Ancient Roman military camp and city of Novae located near today’s Danube town of Svishtov.

A 7,600-year-old grave, most probably of a mother buried with her child, from the Early Neolithic has been discovered by archaeologists excavating the prehistoric Slatina Settlement in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia.

Two treasure hunters have been arrested while digging near a chapel in Southern Bulgaria leading the archaeologists examining the site to discover that the looters had actually exposed a necropolis of ancient burial mounds.

An Antiquity tomb from what used to be the so called Eastern Necropolis of the Ancient Thracian and the Ancient Roman city of Serdica has been unearthed during rescue archaeological excavations in the downtown of Bulgaria’s capital Sofia.

A late medieval gunpowder magazine (storehouse) located near the medieval Bulgarian fortress Baba Vida in the Danube city of Vidin has been fully restored by the local authorities.

Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrated on May 24, 2019, the Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, i.e. the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet (more widely known internationally as the Cyrillic Alphabet) and Bulgarian Culture.

Archaeologists have discovered for the first time one of the fortress gates of the Ancient Thracian, Greek, and Roman city of Odessos (Odessus), namely, its southwestern gate, in Varna, the largest modern-day city on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast.

A settlement originally dating back to the Late Bronze Age, which was also subsequently inhabited in the Thracian and Roman Antiquity, and the Middle Age, has been discovered by archaeologists near Rasovo in Northwest Bulgaria during rescue excavation on the…

The Magura Cave in Northwest Bulgaria featuring invaluable prehistoric cave drawings from as early as 8,000 – 6,000 BC, a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, has been vandalized with scrawls by unknown persons.

The largest gold treasure from Ancient Thrace, the Valchitran Gold Treasure, which dates back to the end of the Late Bronze Age, is to be showcased for the first time in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Burgas.

The city of Sofia celebrates on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, the 140th anniversary since it was declared capital of modern-day Bulgaria.

A 162-year-old church with an original iconostasis built back when Bulgaria was still part of the Ottoman Empire has been completely renovated, and literally reborn, in the town of Plakovo, Veliko Tarnovo District, as a result of a 13-year-long effort,…

A “Historical Park” for cultural tourism, education, and entertainment purposes described as “the world’s largest and first of its kind” by its creators is going to open doors in the spring of 2019 in the town of Neofit Rilski, near…

An odd burial in which a very young child, or a baby, was buried inside a clay pot has been discovered together with over 50 other graves under the floor of a 14th century church in the Trapesitsa Fortress in…

An archaeological park with a total of five fishing settlements recreating fishermen’s in the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), Chalcolithic (Copper Age, Aeneolithic), the Bronze Age, the Roman Antiquity, and the Middle Ages will be built by the Danube town of…

The Middle Eastern style tower tomb from the 3rd century AD discovered unexpectedly underneath the Maltepe Burial Mound near Plovdiv in Southern Bulgaria, which could be the resting place of Roman Emperor Philip I the Arab, has already seen a…

Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia has extended by one month its exhibition showcasing for the first time artifacts discovered by its own archaeologists during the 2018 archaeological season.

The massive 3rd century AD Antiquity building exposed in July 2018 underneath the Maltepe Mound, Bulgaria’s largest Ancient Thracian burial mound ever, has turned out to be a tower tomb like the ones in ancient Middle East cities such as…

Teodor Rokov, an archeologist from the Varna Museum of Archaeology, will represent Bulgaria in the ABORA IV expedition exploring the prehistoric contacts of the civilizations in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean through an experimental voyage with a reed…

When a person from the “Old World” (Africa, Asia, Europe) goes to the United States, they invariably come across the term “Pre-Columbian” at some point, regardless of their profession or the reason for their visit.

Theriac is a legendary heal-all from the Antiquity and the Middle Ages, whose panacea effects seem doubtful, including because it was often forged, but which nonetheless made a supposedly “successful” appearance in 1323, in one of the last episodes of…

Bulgarian archaeologist Georgi Ginev best known for discovering the Ancient Thracian Kralevo Gold Treasure back in 1979 passed away on January 11, 2019.

The core, or “heart” of the ancient city of Philipopolis, today’s Plovdiv in Central South Bulgaria, during the time of the Roman Empire consisted of six luxury quarters with residential and public buildings, including a brothel similar to the famous…

The city of Burgas, the center of Bulgaria’s Southern Black Sea coast with its many resorts, is set to build a new cultural landmark – a park with scale models of European landmarks from all over the continent.

A hoard of 6,500-year-old Copper Age axes and ax hammers – Europe’s largest such find so far – has been discovered by accident near the town of Polkovnik Taslakovo, Dulovo Municipality, Silistra District, in Northeast Bulgaria.

The foundations of wooden buildings from Ancient Thrace dating to the 1st millennium BC and a colorful Ancient Roman building above them have been discovered by archaeologists excavating a private property at the Nebet Tepe Fortress, a prehistoric, ancient, and…

The number of foreign tourists who visited the Ivanovo Rock-Hewn Churches, a UNESCO World Heritage Site near the Danube city of Ruse in Northeast Bulgaria, doubled in 2018 compared with 2017.

2018 was the third and last year of the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (Black Sea M.A.P.), an international research endeavor which has made previously unimaginable underwater archaeology discoveries, in terms of ancient sunken ships and not only, in Bulgaria’s…

The archaeological, historical, and cultural tourism sites from the Antiquity, Middle Ages and the Modern Age in the city of Veliko Tarnovo, including Bulgaria’s most popular landmark, the Tsarevets Fortress, saw major increases in the numbers of foreign tourists from…

The ancient city of Philipopolis, today’s Plovdiv in Central South Bulgaria, was larger than known back in the 4th century BC, i.e. at the start of the Hellenistic Age, archaeologists have discovered during ongoing digs at the city’s Eastern Gate.