Bulgarian Archaeologists Seeking Constantine the Great Statue, Roman Building from Ancient Serdica in Downtown Sofia
A statue of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (r. 306-337 AD), a massive Roman building, and Roman inscriptions are some of the finds that the Bulgarian archaeologists might come across in the recently started excavations of the St. Nedelya Square…
Bulgaria’s Yambol District Registers 87 Newly Found Archaeology Sites in Single Year
A total of 87 new archaeology sites of various size and age were discovered in 2014 in Yambol District in Southeast Bulgaria, the head of the Yambol Regional Museum of History, Stefan Bakarzhiev, has announced.
Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Roman Navy Veteran’s Diploma in Ancient Settlement
A fragment from a Roman Navy veteran’s diploma is one of the exciting finds uncovered by Bulgarian archaeologists during the 2014 excavations of ancient necropolises, Stefan Bakardzhiev, director of the Yambol Regional Museum of History, has announced.