Happy Independence Day: Bulgaria Celebrates 116th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey in 1908
Bulgaria celebrates on Sunday, September 22, 2024, the 116th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was proclaimed on September 22, 1908.

Happy Unification Day: Bulgaria Celebrates 139th Anniversary since National Reunification of Principality of Bulgaria and ‘Eastern Rumelia’ in 1885
Bulgaria celebrates on Thursday, September 6, 2018, the 139th anniversary since the Unification of what is today North and South Bulgaria, back then the Principality of Bulgaria, a vassal of Ottoman Turkey, and Eastern Roumelia, an autonomous region of Ottoman…

Bulgaria Celebrates 143rd Anniversary since National Liberation from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Wednesday, March 3, the 143th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

Bulgaria Celebrates 111th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria celebrates on Saturday, September 22, 2019, the 111th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was proclaimed on September 22, 1908.

Bulgaria Celebrates 110th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria celebrates on Saturday, September 22, 2018, the 110th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was proclaimed on September 22, 1908.

Bulgaria Celebrates 133rd Anniversary since National Unification of Principality of Bulgaria and ‘Eastern Rumelia’
Bulgaria celebrates on Thursday, September 6, 2018, the 133rd anniversary since the Unification of what is today North and South Bulgaria, back then the Principality of Bulgaria, a vassal of Ottoman Turkey, and Eastern Roumelia, an autonomous region of Ottoman Turkey,…

Byzantine Coastal City Unearthed in Istanbul’s Asian Part during Restoration of Historic Train Station in Turkey
An unknown Byzantine coastal city located on the Asian side of Istanbul, the former Constantinople, has been discovered during the restoration of a historic train station in Turkey.

Bulgaria Celebrates 140th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Saturday, March 3, the 140th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

Bulgaria Celebrates 139th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Friday, March 3, the 139th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

Bulgaria’s National Museum of History, Boyana Church Welcomed 20,000 More Tourists in 2016
Almost 300,000 tourists visited Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia and the sites that it manages, including the world-famous Boyana Church, in 2016.

Bulgaria Celebrates 108th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria has celebrated the 108th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was made on September 22, 1908. The Team of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com wishes happy Independence Day (September 22) to its Bulgarian and Bulgaria-loving readers from around the…

Bulgaria Celebrates 131th Anniversary since National Unification of Principality of Bulgaria and ‘Eastern Rumelia’
Bulgaria has celebrated the 131th anniversary since the Unification of what is today North and South Bulgaria, back then the Principality of Bulgaria, a vassal of Ottoman Turkey, and Eastern Roumelia, an autonomous region of Ottoman Turkey, which was declared…

100th Anniversary of Bulgaria’s Submarine Force Celebrated with Special Exhibit in Naval History Museum in Black Sea City Varna
The 100th anniversary since the launched of the submarine force of the Bulgarian Navy has been celebrated with a special jubilee exhibition of the Naval Museum in the Black Sea city of Varna

Fathers of Bulgarian Archaeology, the Skorpil Brothers, to Be Honored in Exhibit Dedicated to ‘Bulgarian Czechs’
Karel Skorpil and Hermann Skorpil, also known as the Skorpil Brothers, who founded modern-day Bulgarian archaeology at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, will be honored in a special exhibition dedicated to the Czechs…

Bulgaria Celebrates 138th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria has celebrated the 138th anniversary since its National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.

Massive Ottoman Era Buildings Discovered Underneath ‘Baron Hirsch’s 140-Year-Old Railroad in Bulgaria’s Simeonovgrad
Massive buildings which are seemingly date back to the period when Bulgaria was part of the Ottoman Empire have been discovered by construction workers during the reconstruction of a railroad in the southern Bulgarian town of Simeonovgrad.

Archaeology Museum in Bulgaria’s Varna Boasts Historic 120-Year-Old Heaters Made in Austria-Hungary
The Museum of Archaeology in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Varna is famous for stunning archaeological artifacts such as the Varna Gold Treasure, the world’s oldest gold; however, it also boasts operational historic heaters (radiators).

Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo Renovating Historic Train Station to Make Trapesitsa Fortress Accessible for Tourists
The city of Veliko Tarnovo in Central North Bulgaria is about to complete the renovation of the Trapesitsa Train Station, a historic place which is also the key to making the Trapesitsa Fortress, one of the two citadels (together with…

Bulgaria Celebrates 107th Anniversary since Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria has celebrated the 107th anniversary since its Declaration of Independence from Ottoman Turkey which was made on September 22, 1908.

Bulgaria Celebrates 130th Anniversary since National Unification of Principality of Bulgaria and ‘Eastern Rumelia’
Bulgaria has celebrated the 130th anniversary since the Unification of what is today North and South Bulgaria, back then the Principality of Bulgaria, a vassal of Ottoman Turkey, and Eastern Roumelia, an autonomous region of Ottoman Turkey, which was declared…

Englishman Preserves Bulgaria’s Military History by Collecting Artifacts from World War I, World War II
Patrick John Brown, an Englishman living in the Bulgarian town of Avren near the Black Sea city of Varna, is helping preserve Bulgaria’s exciting military history from the first half of the 20th century, including the periods of World War…

Bulgaria Celebrates 137th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Tuesday, March 3, 2015, the 137th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878. The Team of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com wishes happy Liberation Day (March 3) to its…

Bulgaria Celebrates 136th Anniversary since National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the world celebrate on Monday, March 3, 2014, the 136th anniversary since the country’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire on March 3, 1878.