Hoard of 18th Century Ottoman, Western European Coins Found in Treasure Pot in Bulgaria’s Black Sea Town Ahtopol
A hoard of 854 silver and gold coins from the Ottoman Empire and Western Europe from the mid-18th century as well as jewelry have been discovered by archaeologists hidden in a treasure pot in late medieval ruins in the Bulgarian…

Discovery of Ancient Thracian Primorsko Gold Treasure Explained in New Paper in Bulgaria’s e-Journal of Archaeology
A paper publushed in the Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology reveals the story of the discovery of the most recently found Ancient Thracian gold treasure in Bulgaria – the Primorsko Gold Treasure, which was dug up in 2016 in a burial…

Bulgaria’s Most Recently Found Ancient Thracian Gold Treasure Returns Home to Black Sea Town Primorsko after Exhibition
Bulgaria’s most recently discovered Ancient Thracian gold treasure – the Primorsko Gold Treasure found in 2016 – has returned to its home, the Museum of History in the Black Sea town of Primorsko.

Bulgaria’s Primorsko to Build Special Vault to Exhibit Newly Found Ancient Thracian Gold Treasure
The Ancient Thracian gold treasure, which was discovered recently near Bulgaria’s Black Sea resort of Primorsko, is to be exhibited in a special safety vault to be built with local funding.

Ancient Thracian Gold Treasure Discovered in Rescue Digs of Burial Mound near Bulgaria’s Primorsko
An Ancient Thracian gold treasure “from the time of Alexander the Great” has been discovered by archaeologists during the rescue excavations of a Thracian burial mound near the Black Sea resort of Primorsko in Southeast Bulgaria.

Archaeologists Find Altars for Chthonic Deity Rituals in Fortresses of Ancient Thracian Tribe Asti in Southeast Bulgaria
Altars for religious rituals dedicated to the chthonic deities, i.e. the ancient gods and spirits of the underworld, have been discovered by Bulgarian archaeologists during the excavations of two fortified residences of rulers of the Ancient Thracian tribe Asti in…

Archaeologists Discover Silver Treasure in Ancient Thracian Ruler’s Residence near Bulgaria’s Brodilovo
A silver treasure of consisting of bracelets, earrings, and coins has been discovered by the archaeologists excavating the fortified residence of an Ancient Thracian ruler from the Asti tribe located near the town of Brodilovo, Tsarevo Municipality, Burgas District, in…

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Thracian Ruler’s Residence near Bulgaria’s Brodilovo
The residence of an Ancient Thracian ruler has been found during archaeological excavations near the town of Brodilovo, Tsarevo Municipality, Burgas District, located in Southeast Bulgaria near the Black Sea coast.