Speleologist Warns against Turning Caves in Bulgaria’s Strandzha Mountain into Tourist Sites
It would be best not to turn the caves in the Strandzha Mountain in Southeast Bulgaria into tourist destinations because they are homes of numerous endangered biological species and a rich archaeological heritage, according to a speleologist.

Precious Caves in Northeast Bulgaria Get Destroyed by Car Thieves, Sheep Herders, Treasure Hunters
Numerous caves in the Ruse District in Northeast Bulgaria, which are valuable from an archaeological and environmental point of view, have been damaged by locals who have “utilized” them as car part hideouts, cattle and sheep barns, and camping places,…

The Bulgarian ‘Loch Ness Monster’: the Water Bull of the Rabisha Lake near the Prehistoric Magura Cave
Rabbie the Water Bull, a minotaur mermaid from mountainous Northwest Bulgaria, has had an exciting, awe-inspiring fate.
Top 20: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in May 2019
Following are the 20 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the month of May 2019.

Invaluable Magura Cave with Prehistoric Drawings Vandalized with Scrawls in Northwest Bulgaria
The Magura Cave in Northwest Bulgaria featuring invaluable prehistoric cave drawings from as early as 8,000 – 6,000 BC, a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, has been vandalized with scrawls by unknown persons.

Bulgaria Presents in Paris Prehistoric Drawings from Magura Cave with Photo Exhibit
The Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Paris, France, has opened a photo exhibition on the prehistoric paintings in the Magura Cave located near the town of Rabisha, Belogradchik Municipality, in Northwest Bulgaria.

Bulgaria Enlists Spanish Experts on Prehistoric Art from Altamira Museum to Assess Condition of Magura Cave Paintings
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture has enlisted the help of leading Spanish experts on prehistoric art for assessing the condition of the Late Paleolithic and Neolithic paintings in the Magura Cave near the town of Rabisha, Belogradchik Municipality, in Northwest Bulgaria.