Ancient Thracian Bird Headed Warship to Be Launched in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak by May 2019, for ‘Rose Holidays’
The long-anticipated replica of a “bird headed” Ancient Thracian warship, whose construction began over the past summer in the Central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak, will be launched in the Koprinka Water Reservoir in time for the annual “Rose Holidays” there…

Ancient Thracian ‘Bird Headed’ Warship Already under Construction in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A replica of a “bird headed” Ancient Thracian warship in already under construction in the Central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak, and will be launched the Koprinka Water Reservoir, whose bottom harbors the ruins of Seuthopolis, the glorious capital of the…

Bird Headed Ancient Thracian Warship to Be Built near Submerged City of Seuthopolis in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A replica of a “bird headed” Ancient Thracian warship will be built in the Central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak, and launched in the Koprinka Water Reservoir, whose bottom harbors the ruins of Seuthopolis, the glorious capital of the Ancient Thracian…