Intriguing ‘Dionysus with Panther’ Chariot Applique Discovered in Bulgaria’s Skutare in ‘Multi-layer’ Settlement
A highly intriguing ancient artifact – a bronze applique depicting wine god Dionysus together with what is believed to be a panther, which was most likely decorating a chariot – has been discovered in Bulgaria’s Skutare, close to the city…

1st Century BC Traces of Earliest Roman Presence in Bulgaria on Danube Discovered Halfway between Major Antiquity Cities Bononia (Vidin) and Ratiaria (Archar)
A vast archaeological site, which was an Ancient Roman settlement with traces from the earliest Roman presence in today’s Bulgaria in the 1st century BC and was located halfway between the large Roman Empire cities of Bononia (today’s Vidin) and…

Ancient Thracian Horse Burial, ‘Half a Skeleton’ Human Burial from Early Iron Age Found near Bulgaria’s Polski Trambesh
An Ancient Thracian burial of a horse and a human burial containing only the upper half of a person’s body from the Early Iron Age (ca 1,000 – 500 BC) have been discovered by archaeologists near Orlovets and Polski Trambesh…

Iron Age Ancient Thracian Hamlet, ‘Cross-Shaped’ Ax Discovered in Highway Construction Excavations in Bulgaria’s Ugarchin
An Iron Age Ancient Thracian settlement, or, rather, a hamlet which was inhabited on and off over a period of about 1,000 years – from the 11th century BC until the 1st century BC, has been discovered by archaeologists during…

3,000-Year-Old Bird-Shaped Vessel Placed in Burial Urn Found in Bulgaria’s Baley in Crucial Thracian Bronze Age Necropolis
Archaeologists have discovered 15 new graves from the 2nd millennium BC, the Middle Bronze Age and the Late Bronze Age, near the town of Baley on the Danube, Vidin District, in Northwest Bulgaria, in a necropolis from the earliest Ancient…

Ancient Settlement Adjacent to Philipopolis Discovered in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv in Rescue Digs
A small settlement located outside the urban area of ancient Philipopolis, today’s Plovdiv in Central South Bulgaria, has been found by archaeologists conducting preliminary rescue excavations as part of a major railway rehabilitation project.

13th Century Woman Buried in Bulgaria’s Rahovets Fortress Had 12,000-Year-Old Gene Mutation of Europe’s Last Hunter-Gatherers
A 13th century woman, whose grave was discovered in 2017 in the Antiquity and medieval Rahovets Fortress in Central North Bulgaria, has turned to carry a 12,000-year-old gene mutation from Europe’s last nomads, hunter-gatherers who wandered through the continent as…

Archaeologists Find 3,000-Year-Old Likely Thracian Child Burial in Bulgaria’s Rahovets Fortress
A 3,000-year-old child burial, most likely Ancient Thracian, has been discovered at the Antiquity and medieval fortress of Rahovets near Gorna Oryahovitsa in Central North Bulgaria, providing more evidence the site had been inhabited earlier than originally thought.

Early Iron Age, Late Roman Settlement with Bi-ritual Necropolis Discovered in Rescue Digs in Southwest Bulgaria
A large settlement which was inhabited during the Early Iron Age (ca. 1,000 BC), possibly by Ancient Thracians, and then again in the Late Roman period (2nd-4th century AD), has been discovered and fully explored in rescue excavations near the…

Archaeologists Find Statue of Egyptian Goddess Isis, Satyr’s Head at Roman Villa, Nymphaeum in Bulgaria’s Kasnakovo
A 2nd century AD marble statue of the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, who was also worshipped in the wider Greco-Roman world, and a marble head of a satyr, a male companion of ancient wine god Dionysus, have been discovered by…

3,400-Year-Old Encrusted Ceramics Discovered in Bronze Age Necropolis at Bulgaria’s Danube Town of Baley
A large number of uniquely decorated ceramic vessels from ca 1400 BC have been described during archaeological excavations in the necropolis of a Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlement near the Danube town of Baley, Vidin District, in…

Archaeologists Find Structures, Artifacts from Iron Age to Late Middle Ages in Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis Preserve in Bulgaria’s Burgas
A wide range of archaeological structures and artifacts from the periods between the Early Iron Age until the Late Middle Ages have been discovered during the ongoing 2016 excavations of the ancient spa resort Aquae Calidae, known as Thermopolis in…

Unseen Prehistoric Arms, Ancient & Medieval Swords Made Public for the First Time in Special Exhibit in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv
A medieval sword depicting the Holy Mother of God (Virgin Mary) and hundreds of other samples of prehistoric, ancient, and medieval arms originating in Bulgaria, which have never been made public before, have been exhibited by the Museum of Archaeology…

Ancient Thracian Gold Laurel Wreath Which May Have Originated in Ancient Troy Turned In to Bulgaria’s National Museum of History
An authentic Ancient Thracian gold laurel wreath, which most probably had been dug up by treasure hunters somewhere in Southern Bulgaria and smuggled abroad, has been turned in to the National Museum of History in Sofia.

Archaeologists Discover 3,000-Year-Old Ancient Thracian Necropolis with Gold Finds during Rescue Digs near Bulgaria’s Dragoman
An Ancient Thracian necropolis which is more than 3,000 years old, and contains gold decorations has been discovered by archaeologists during rescue excavations in Western Bulgaria.

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Mosaics in Roman Villa Estate with Nymphaeum near Bulgaria’s Kasnakovo
Intact Ancient Roman decorative mosaics have been discovered for the first time in the Roman villa estate near the town of Kasnakovo in Southern Bulgaria, which is known for its nymphaeum, i.e. a shrine dedicated to the nymphs and Aphrodite…

Archaeologists Discover 10 Graves in Necropolis of Bronze Age Danube River Culture near Bulgaria’s Baley
A total of 10 graves from the necropolis of a Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlement located near the town of Baley, Vidin District, in Northwest Bulgaria, have been discovered and explored during the 2015 excavations of the…