Hoard of Byzantine Gold Coins Showcased Where Found, in Ancient Spa Resort Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis in Bulgaria’s Black Sea City Burgas
A small hoard of Byzantine gold coins, which was discovered back in 2012 during the excavations of the ancient spa resort Aquae Calidae (called Thermopolis in the Middle Ages) in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Burgas, have now been showcased…
Flooding Damages Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis Archaeological Preserve in Bulgaria’s Burgas, Hinders Excavations
The Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Aquae Calidae, which was known as Thermopolis in medieval Byzantium and Bulgaria, has been damaged by a flooding, Burgas Municipality has alarmed.
Archaeologists Find Byzantine Coins, Roman Inscription in Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis Preserve in Bulgaria’s Burgas
A new batch of various ancient and medieval artifacts has been discovered during the excavations of the Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis Archaeological Preserve in the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Burgas, the Burgas Municipality has announced.
Archaeologists Discover Ancient, Medieval Coins, Ceramics at Aquae Calidae – Thermopolis Preserve in Bulgaria’s Burgas
A total of 25 coins from different time periods as well as early Byzantine ceramic vessels have been discovered during the excavations of the Ancient Thracian city of Aquae Calidae (known as Thermopolis and Therma in the Middle Ages) in…