Highly Acclaimed ‘Armor of Thracian Warriors’ Exhibition Presented in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A poster presentation of the highly acclaimed exhibition entitled “The Panoply of the Thracian Warriors,” a project of Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology, has been opened in Kazanlak as part of the annual Celebrations at the Valley of…

Celebrated ‘Armor of Thracian Warriors’ Exhibition to Be Showcased at Valley of Odrysian Kings
А poster presentation of the celebrated exhibition entitled “The Panoply of the Thracian Warriors,” a project of Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology, is set to be showcased in Kazanlak as part of the annual Celebrations at the Valley…

Ancient Thracian Bird Headed Warship to Be Launched in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak by May 2019, for ‘Rose Holidays’
The long-anticipated replica of a “bird headed” Ancient Thracian warship, whose construction began over the past summer in the Central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak, will be launched in the Koprinka Water Reservoir in time for the annual “Rose Holidays” there…

Smallest Ancient Thracian Brick Tomb Found near Bulgaria’s Rozovo, Thoroughly Looted by Treasure Hunters
The smallest Ancient Thracian brick tomb, out of a total of 14 Thracian tombs made of bricks that have been excavated so far in Bulgaria, has been found by archaeologists near the town of Rozovo near the town of Kazanlak,…

Ancient Thracian ‘Bird Headed’ Warship Already under Construction in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A replica of a “bird headed” Ancient Thracian warship in already under construction in the Central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak, and will be launched the Koprinka Water Reservoir, whose bottom harbors the ruins of Seuthopolis, the glorious capital of the…

Large Medieval Gold Treasure Found by Accident by Police, Seized from Treasure Hunters in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A large medieval gold treasure consisting of adornments made of the precious metal and semi-precious stones has been discovered by accident by the police in the town of Kazanlak in Central Bulgaria inside the car of what appear to be…

Catalog for ‘Silver of Ancient Thracians’ Exhibition Published by Bulgaria’s National Archaeology Museum
Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology has announced the publishing of the catalogue for the special exhibition entitled “The Silver of the Ancient Thracians”, which can be seen at the Iskra (“Spark”) History Museum in the central Bulgarian town…

Bird Headed Ancient Thracian Warship to Be Built near Submerged City of Seuthopolis in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A replica of a “bird headed” Ancient Thracian warship will be built in the Central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak, and launched in the Koprinka Water Reservoir, whose bottom harbors the ruins of Seuthopolis, the glorious capital of the Ancient Thracian…

Ancient Thracians’ Silver Showcased in Special Exhibition at History Museum in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A special exhibition entitled “The Silver of the Ancient Thracians” has been unveiled by the Iskra (“Spark”) History Museum in the central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak.

Archaeologist Discover Roman Era Ritual Pit Inventories in Bulgaria’s Largest Ancient Thracian Burial Mound ‘Maltepe’
A total of five ritual pits containing inventories from the 2nd-3rd century AD have been discovered in the periphery of the largest Ancient Thracian burial mound in Bulgaria, known as “Maltepe”, which has been excavated for the first time ever.

Archaeologists Start First Ever Excavations of Buzovo Kale Fortress near Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A team of archaeologists has started the first ever excavations of the Early Byzantine, and medieval Bulgarian fortress of Buzovo Kale near the towns of Buzovgrad and Kazanlak in Central Bulgaria.

History Museum in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak to ‘Digitize’ 9 Ancient Thracian Tombs with Norway / EEA Money
The “Iskra” Museum of History in the central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak has started a Norway/EEA-funded project for the “digitization”, i.e. filming, photographing, 3D presentation, and web publication of a total of nine Ancient Thracian tombs in the Valley of…

Archaeologists Discover Late Roman Graves at Ancient Thracian Tomb Ostrusha near Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
Three funerals from the Late Roman period have been discovered during recent excavations at the Ostrusha Tomb, one of the most famous Ancient Thracian burial mounds (tumuli) in the Valley of Thracian Kings near the town of Kazanlak in Central…

Museum in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak Gets Long-Awaited Government Permit to Excavate Medieval Fortress Buzovo Kale
The team of the “Iskra” (“Spark”) History Museum in the central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak has been granted a permit to carry out rescue excavations of the Early Byzantine, and medieval Bulgarian fortress of Buzovo Kale near the town of…

Archaeologists from Bulgaria’s Kazanlak Seek Excavation Permit for Late Antiquity, Medieval Fortress Buzovo Kale
The team of History Museum “Iskra” (“Spark”) in the central Bulgarian town of Kazanlak is expecting a permission to carry out excavations at the Late Roman, Early Byzantine, and medieval Bulgarian fortress of Buzovo Kale in the town of Buzovgrad.