Archaeologists Find Huge Crypt with Early Christian Martyrs’ Bones in Roman, Byzantine City Zaldapa in Northeast Bulgaria
A second crypt, even larger than the one found in 2015, and human bones which probably belonged to Early Christian martyrs, have been discovered by archaeologists in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine city of Zaldapa in Northeast Bulgaria.

Archaeologists Find Large Stone Canal underneath 9th Century Great Basilica in Early Medieval Bulgarian Capital Pliska
A large underground drainage canal built of stone has been discovered during the latest rescue excavations of the 9th century AD Great Basilica in Pliska, the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018 AD) between 680 and 893 AD.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Reach Water in Holy Well in Great Basilica in Early Medieval Capital Pliska
Bulgarian archaeologists excavating the 9th century AD Great Basilica in Pliska, capital of the First Bulgarian Empire between 680 and 893 AD, have reached water inside the temple’s so called holy well, i.e. the sacred spring, also known with the…

Archaeologists Discover Grave of Bulgaria’s First Christian Martyr, Crown Prince St. Boyan Enravota
The archaeologists who have recently started the excavations of the Great Basilica in Pliska, capital of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680-1018) between 680 and 893 AD, have discovered the grave of St. Boyan Enravota, an heir to the throne who…