Intriguing 13th Century Church with Surviving Frescos of Jesus Christ Discovered in Trapesitsa Fortress in Medieval Bulgarian Capital Veliko Tarnovo
A previously unknown 13th century church has been discovered in the Trapesitsa Fortress, one of the citadels of medieval Tarnovgrad (today’s Veliko Tarnovo), capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396/1422), with the temple featuring surviving frescoes of Jesus Christ.

Newly Found 13th Century Ivory Cross Reveals Name of Senior Cleric from Second Bulgarian Empire
A 13th century bone cross with intricate engravings has been discovered in the city of Veliko Tarnovo in Central North Bulgaria, the modern-day successor of the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396/1422) Tarnovgrad, revealing the name of the senior…

14th Century Bishop’s Bone Crosier to Be Displayed at Restored Trapesitsa Fortress in Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo
A very rare find, a bone crosier, i.e. a staff, of a Bulgarian bishop from the 14th century is to be displayed in the museum exhibition of the soon to be opened newly restored Trapesitsa Fortress in the city of…

Over 200 Archaeological Research Projects Vying for Meager Funding from Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture in 2016
Over 200 archaeological projects are expected to compete for the meager excavation and conservation budget slated by Bulgaria’s Ministry of Culture for 2016.

Bulgaria’s President Approves of Archaeological Restoration of Trapesitsa Fortress as Part of Controversial Azerbaijan-Sponsored Project
Bulgaria’s President Rosen Plevneliev has expressed approval of the ongoing archaeological restoration of the Trapesitsa Fortress in the city Veliko Tarnovo, the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396 AD) in the Middle Ages.

Veliko Tarnovo Opens Restored Medieval Church ahead of Celebrations for 830th Anniversary of Founding of Second Bulgarian Empire
Ahead of the 830th anniversary of the founding of the Second Bulgarian Empire, the northern Bulgarian city of Veliko Tarnovo has opened for visitors and planned special events the restored St. Dimitar Solunksi (St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki) Church where 830…

Bulgaria’s Veliko Tarnovo Vows to Create ‘Authentic’ Restoration of Medieval Fortress Trapesitsa
The municipal administration of the northern Bulgarian city of Veliko Tarnovo, the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396 AD) in the Middle Ages, has vowed to achieve an “authentic” restoration of the Trapesitsa Fortress, which together with the Tsarevets…