Archaeologists Find 5 Archaeological Sites in Rescue Digs for Highway Construction near Bulgarian Capital Sofia
A total of five archaeological sites from all major time periods – the Prehistory, Antiquity, Late Antiquity, and Middle Ages – have been discovered during the construction of the so called Northern Tangent of the ring road of the Bulgarian…

Bulgarian Archaeologists Conduct Rescue Excavations of 8 Archaeological Sites along Maritsa Highway Route
A team of 92 archaeologists and workers have started rescue excavations of the planned route of Lot 1 of the Maritsa Highway in Southeast Bulgaria researching eight archaeological sites, Bulgaria’s Ministry of Regional Development has announced.

Bulgaria’s Cabinet Allows EU Funding for Rescue Archaeological Excavations in Road Construction Projects
Bulgaria’s Cabinet has adopted policy changes to allow EU funding from Operational Program “Regional Development” 2007-2013 to be used for rescue archaeological excavations as part of road construction projects.

Bulgaria’s Archaeology Institute Only Bidder in Tender for Rescue Excavations of Sofia Ring Road Section
The National Institute and Museum of Archaeology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has turned out to be the only organization bidding in a tender of the Road Infrastructure Agency to conduct the rescue excavations of a future section of…

Bulgaria’s Archaeology Institute Signs Deal with Road Agency for Rescue Excavations of 12 Archaeological Sites
The Bulgarian Road Infrastructure Agency and the National Institute and Museum of Archaeology have signed an agreement for the 2015 rescue excavations of 12 archaeological sites along the route of the Struma Highway in Southwest Bulgaria.
Bulgaria’s Road Agency Provides EUR 2.5 Million for Rescue Archaeological Excavations in 2015
Bulgaria’s Road Infrastructure Agency, a government body, will provide about BGN 5 million (app. EUR 2.55 million) for rescue excavations preceding the construction of the respective sections of the Struma Highway, the Maritsa Highway, and the Sofia Ring Road.