Slavs, Avars Burned Down Byzantine City Chrisosotira in Early 7th Century, Digs on Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast Reveal
The Early Byzantine city of Chrisosotira on Cape Chervenka on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast was most likely sacked by the Slavs and Avars during their invasions of the Byzantine Empire in the first half of the 7th century AD, archaeologists…

Archaeologists Find Ceramic Sarcophagus in Necropolis of Ancient Greek Polis Apollonia Pontica in Bulgaria’s Sozopol
A ceramic sarcophagus is one of the most interesting finds from the 2015 archaeological excavations of the necropolis of the Ancient Greek polis Apollonia Pontica, today’s Bulgarian town of Sozopol, on the Black Sea coast.

Bulgarian, French Archaeologists Find Unique Apollo Roof Tiles, Ancient Greek Funerals near Sozopol
Bulgarian and French archaeologists excavating an ancient suburban estate and necropolis, which were part of the Ancient Greek colony of Apollonia Pontica (today’s Sozopol) on the Black Sea coast, have discovered six ancient funerals as well as unique roof tiles…