Mogilanska Mound Treasure – Vratsa, Bulgaria
The 2,500-year-old Mogilanska Mound Treasure, also known as the Vratsa Gold Treasure, was found during the excavations of an Ancient Thracian burial mound in the downtown of Vratsa back in 1965. In addition to the human and horse skeletons and…
Rogozen Silver Treasure – Rogozen, Bulgaria
The Rogozen Treasure, also known as the Rogozen Silver Treasure, was first discovered by accident in 1985 by Ivan Dimitrov, a tractor driver digging a ditch for water pipes in his own yard, and his wife Nadka Savova, in the…

Rogozen Treasure (Silver & Gold) – Vratsa, Bulgaria
The Rogozen Treasure, also known as the Rogozen Silver Treasure, is the largest (in terms of weight) treasure from Ancient Thrace to have ever been found in Bulgaria and beyond. It was first discovered by accident in 1985 by Ivan…

Rogozen Treasure Phiale with Auge and Heracles (Hercules) Shows Thracian Aristocracy Valued Art of Classical Greece, Bulgarian Archaeologist Says
One of the most interesting vessels from the Ancient Thracian Rogozen Treasure, a phiale depicting Auge and Heracles (Hercules) in a famous scene of ancient mythology, shows that the aristocracy of Ancient Thrace had appreciation for the classical art of…

Bulgaria’s Vratsa Celebrates 30th Anniversary since Discovery of Ancient Thracian Rogozen Silver Treasure
The city of Vratsa in Northwest Bulgaria has celebrated the 30th anniversary since the discovery of the largest and one of the most important treasures of Ancient Thrace, the Rogozen Treasure, also known as the Rogozen Silver Treasure, which is…

Bulgarian Archaeology Marks 50 Years since Discovery of Ancient Thracian Gold Treasure from Mogilanska Mound in Vratsa
A two-day scientific conference in the northwestern Bulgarian city of Vratsa is marking the 50th anniversary since the discovery of one of the most impressive treasures of Ancient Thrace – the Mogilanska Mound treasure.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Tall Medieval Man’s Skeleton in Vratitsa (Gradishte) Fortress near Vratsa
The skeleton of a tall medieval man has been found in a Christian grave in the necropolis of the Ancient Thracian, Roman, Early Byzantine and medieval Bulgarian fortress known as Gradishte or Vratitsa near the northwestern Bulgarian city Vratsa. The…

Bulgarian Archaeologist Start Excavations of Medieval Fortress Gradishte near Vratsa
Bulgarian archaeologists have launched excavations of the Ancient Thracian, Roman, Early Byzantine and medieval Bulgarian fortress known as Gradishte or Vratitsa near the northwestern city Vratsa.

French Magazine ‘Archaeological Files’ Dedicates Special Issue to Bulgaria’s Ancient Thracian Exhibit in The Louvre
The specialized French magazine for archaeology, “Dossiers d’Archéologie” (“Archaeological Files”) has dedicated a special issue to Bulgaria’s exhibition about Ancient Thrace which is on display in the Louvre Museum in Paris until July 20, 2015, reports the press service of…

Ancient Thracian and Roman City Ulpia Oescus in Bulgaria’s Gigen Deserves Greater Publicity, Archaeologist Says
The Ancient Thracian, Roman, and Byzantine city of Ulpia Oescus located near the town of Gigen in Northern Bulgaria warrants as much publicity as possible, says Assoc. Prof. Gergana Kabakchieva who has been a lead archaeologist in the excavations of…

Ancient Thrace Was ‘Land of Gold and Silver’, French Newspaper ‘Le Figaro’ Writes on Bulgaria’s Louvre Exhibit
One of the leading French newspapers, Le Figaro, has dedicated a new feature story to the Bulgarian archaeological exhibition on Ancient Thrace, which will be on display in the Louvre in Paris until July 20th, 2015.

Bulgaria’s Ancient Thrace Exhibition in Paris Enjoying ‘Enormous Success’, Louvre Director Says
Bulgaria’s archaeological exhibition on Ancient Thrace, which is on display in the Louvre Museum in the French capital Paris, is enjoying “enormous success”, according to Jean-Luc Martinez, President-Director of the Louvre Museum, and head curator of the exhibit.

Bulgaria’s Mezdra Hosts Medieval Crafts and Culture Festival in Ancient, Medieval Fortress Kaleto
The Archaeological Complex “Kaleto” in the northwestern Bulgarian town of Mezdra, which consists of the partially restored and conserved ruins of a prehistoric, ancient, and medieval fortress, has hosted a Medieval Crafts and Culture Festival dedicated to the life in…

Louvre Museum Extends Advertising Campaign in Paris Metro for Bulgaria’s Ancient Thracian Exhibit
The Louvre has extended by another two weeks its advertising campaign in the subway of the French capital Paris for its Bulgarian exhibition about Ancient Thrace which will be on display in one of the world’s top museums until July…
Bulgaria, France Open Long-Awaited Ancient Thrace Exhibit in Louvre Museum in Paris
The long-anticipated exhibition “Thracian Kings’ Epic. Archaeological Discoveries in Bulgaria” (also translated as “The Saga of the Thracian Kings”; in French: L’Épopée des rois thraces. Découvertes archéologiques en Bulgarie), dedicated to Ancient Thrace has been formally inaugurated in the Louvre…

Bulgaria Anticipates Opening of Ancient Thracian Treasures Exhibit in Louvre Museum in Paris
Bulgaria is looking forward to next week’s opening of its first ever exhibition in the Louvre Museum in France’s capital Paris which is going to showcase the most impressive treasures of Ancient Thrace, and the way of life of the…
Bulgaria’s Ancient Thracian Treasures Fly Off to Paris for Long Anticipated Archaeology Exhibit in Louvre Museum
Bulgaria’s most impressive treasures from the civilization of Ancient Thrace have been transported to Paris, France, where they will be displayed in the Louvre Museum in a long anticipated archaeology exhibit entitled “Ancient Thrace. The Odrysian Kingdom”.