Striking Stake Burial with Gold Finds of Thracian – Roman Noble Warrior Discovered in Southeast Bulgaria
Archaeologists have just made a striking discovery – the burial of an Ancient Thracian aristocrat who was also a Roman warrior – and it is packed full of armaments and gold and precious stone finds, in a rare, previously untouched…

Highly Acclaimed ‘Armor of Thracian Warriors’ Exhibition Presented in Bulgaria’s Kazanlak
A poster presentation of the highly acclaimed exhibition entitled “The Panoply of the Thracian Warriors,” a project of Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology, has been opened in Kazanlak as part of the annual Celebrations at the Valley of…

Celebrated ‘Armor of Thracian Warriors’ Exhibition to Be Showcased at Valley of Odrysian Kings
А poster presentation of the celebrated exhibition entitled “The Panoply of the Thracian Warriors,” a project of Bulgaria’s National Institute and Museum of Archaeology, is set to be showcased in Kazanlak as part of the annual Celebrations at the Valley…

Previously Unseen Ancient Thracian Weapons Showcased in Special Exhibition in Bulgaria’s Danube City of Ruse
Previously unseen Ancient Thracian weapons from the 1st millennium BC discovered in Thracian settlements and burial mounds in Northeast Bulgaria have been showcased for the first time in a special exhibition at the Regional Museum of History in the Danube…

‘Unusually Tall’ Skeleton, Severed Arm Found in 4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Burial Mound near Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast
The skeleton of a Bronze Age man who was untypically tall for his time has been discovered in a 4,000-year-old burial mound by archaeologists near Bulgaria’s Black Sea town of Primorsko, with the grave also containing the arm of another…